the great reset

The Great Reset by the World Economic Forum is no longer hidden. It’s prevalent on advertisements, and likely to be highlighted through the mainstream media in the coming days, weeks and months. The globalists plant these messages subliminally so that it appears ‘normal’ when it finally manifests. If you were not aware of this great reset, here is its trailer video.  The ‘virus’ is the excuse to bring in a new cashless digital currency within its new normal, while the pope is working hard to bring religions together under the ecumenical church (void of Jesus Christ) and universalism.

This great reset is NOT a positive agenda. It’s all about global control under the disguise of this Coronavirus. I really wish people would see it, instead of trusting in the mainstream media.

Unless God Almighty shews us mercy and a miracle in the next weeks and months ahead, it will be steam ahead for the one world government ripe for their political leader, the beast or antichrist who will have all of the signs and lying wonders of Satan (Revelation 13). The cashless society will be in place, and the pope will be encouraging all religions to come together to usher in peace. This is a false peace and a false messiah. The Great Reset meeting of the World Economic Forum is in Davos in May 2021, which gives us at least six months of the current society where we can pay with paper cash.

The UK Governments are not letting up with its draconian legislations, which are all based on fraudulent science. Sound scientists continue to speak out, but the Government are not listening but continue with their agenda to purposely crash the economy and cause mass death through the lockdowns. I also wonder if most of these independent scientists are controlled opposition, as they never mention that these lockdowns have caused genocide. They don’t seem to focus on the underlying covid-19 agenda which is depopulation.

Video by This Problem, who has put some great short videos together. Well worth subscribing to.


The vast amount of taxpayers money that has been wasted by the UK Government is beyond belief! Instead of admitting that they have done wrong upon the UK people, including genocide, they charge ahead spouting more and more lies through the false statistics. The mainstream media are culpable. They want everyone vaccinated. I’m part way through emailing ALL of the MPs who voted for the second lockdown, then I’ll get back onto emailing the rest of the 600 members of the House of Lords (800 members).

This is an informative video shared by a sister in Christ. Shane‘s videos are biblical and full of discernment.

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