police and military forces

Police oath of office:

I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

Coronavirus has created such tyranny within the Governments, including the UK police and military forces, but it is important that these people within the law are upholding their oath of office.

These are the currrent restrictions regarding coronavirus in place on the Police UK website. ‘Just doing my job’ does not suffice and withholding the oath of office and allows the true criminals – our UK Government ministers – to continue these lockdowns based on PCR testing fraud.

Many many health experts worldwide are taking their Governments to court, and the numbers are rising every day. Soon, it will be the CEOs of the NHS and other Government agencies who will be held personally responsible. There is no science for the lockdown, yet the fraud continues with thousands of staff continuing to perpetuate this fraud upon the UK population without even questioning what they are being told to do, without even questioning the science. What will it take for these staff to realise that it’s no longer about a virus, but it’s all about politics and a communist takeover under the disguise of a virus called Covid-19. Why are these terrorist pictures everywhere telling you to ‘act like you’ve got it’. Police and military forces, do you not think that the NHS should be arrested alone for this fear based propaganda?

The mainstream media are culpable with the UK Governments for spreading the lie by encouraging healthy people to get tested because of the weak theory that people can spread Covid-19 through asyptomatic spread. They too are being held accountable.

Here is a study showing the weak theory of asymptomatic spread, and yet the fear and propaganda continues. This is criminal.

Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China PDF

Clearly there is a lot of wrong (the law of tort) being done to UK citizens. Let’s look at malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance in the public office. Taken from website, Grammarist.com

Malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance are terms that have legal implications. We will examine the difference between the words malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences.

Malfeasance is a wrongful or criminal act perpetrated by a public official or other person of authority. An act of malfeasance is done intentionally, disregarding the fact that the action is morally or legally wrong and will cause someone harm. The adjective form is malfeasant. The word malfeasance is derived from the French word malfaisance, which means wrongdoing.

Misfeasance is a an act that lawful, but performed in an unlawful, illegal or injurious manner. Generally, misfeasance is different from malfeasance in that the actor does not have the intent to harm, but the harm comes through the actor’s irresponsibility or negligence. The adjective form is misfeasant.  The word misfeasance is derived from the French word mesfaisance, meaning to mis-do.

Nonfeasance is the failure to do something that one is legally responsible to do. Nonfeasance is an intentional failure to live up to one’s legal or moral duty in a given situation, a refusal to fulfill one’s obligation. The adjective form is nonfeasant. The word nonfeasance is derived from the French word faisance meaning an action, and the prefix non– which means not.

Malfeasance in the public office

All of the science for lockdown, social distancing, mandatory face masks, hand sanitising OCD is questionable, because there never has been a pandemic, as was used in the traditional terms. The World Health Organisation changed that term in the early 2000s. Many many health experts in their field have been censored who are questioning the mainstream narrative. This is dangerous because if free speech is no longer allowed, then are we living in a dictatorship? Why do big tech and the mainstream media need to play God in saying what is right and what is wrong? Lockdowns have killed hundreds of thousands of people worldwide through the refusal of life saving treatment, suicide caused through poverty and despair, and family breakdowns. THIS IS GENOCIDE and people must NOT be afraid of telling the truth of what is happening to people. The policies are clearly anti-christ and are not protecting anyone, but those who have monetary shares in the enforcement of these rulings.

If the police and the military through the Government advice are enforcing fines and more on those who are imposing their human rights to life and liberty, then they are committing the wrong of nonfeasance in the public office. It is not a criminal act to open a business and earn a living. It is not a criminal act to visit a hairdressers. It is not a criminal act to see your family and to hug and kiss family members, yet according to the false science stemming from the PCR testing, these normal ways of life have become illegal, according to their legislations. So police and military forces – YOU ARE committing nonfeasance in giving fine after fine, and arresting those who are peacefully protesting, but you allow Extinction Rebellion and BLM protests without policing these dangerous terrorists. This is hypocrisy and an absolute waste of taxpayers monies.

Has it now become politically incorrect to question these terrible acts because of the colour of someone’s skin? Do your job, for goodness sake. God is watching! Uphold your oath of public office. The people are not the enemy. It is YOUR GOVERNMENT. Please know that when you carry out these orders, you are causing injury to people, and can be held personally accountable for your actions. I hope that these people that you wrong take your number and put in a personal complaint, which will go down on your record. This is what you deserve.

When the police know to do something intentional and cause wrongs to people, this comes under the tort of malfeasance and is very serious. Giving protestors fines under the excuse of the Coronavirus Act 2020 shows ignorance, because the police are acting wilfully ignorant in carrying out these orders, when the entire science behind Covid is fraudulent.

Misfeasance in the public office

Misfeasnce in the public office takes place when public officers are carrying out orders without questioning their authority. Instead, they are told to enforce the rrestrictions, without knowing that the science behind the restrictions is based on a bias narrative with the scientists like Imperial College London and London School of Economics tied to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is well known that Bill Gates largely funds the vaccine industry and wants all of the population to be vaccinated. Who do these lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions benefit? They benefit the Non Governmental Organisations who are influencing Government policy.

The UK Government have clearly shown over the past twelve months that they do not care for the UK citizens whom they are in place to protect as public servants, nor are you as police and military forces punishing evil, as you should  in your powers. Genocide is occuring every day through these policies, especially through these biotechnology medicines, also known as the Covid-19 vaccines, families being divided and ripped apart, elderly people imprisoned in their own home and dying of a broken spirit. God did not design us to be isolated, but to love and care and be self-sacrificing toward one another. There is an evil benevolent spirit behind our Government policies, which YOU as police and military forces must question.

Dr Marc Van Ranst, at a meeting at Chatham House in January 2021, Influenza Preparedness Stakeholder Conference on the 1918 Pandemic says: promote the deaths…the numbers are absolutely normal of course but promote them as if they are not.

This is terrorist activity upon the UK population and you are in full agreement to it and may be committing misfeasance in the public office in carrying out orders, but not upholding your duty to investigate accurately.  You can be held personally liable for this due to your negligence in not upholding your oath of office to protect people and punish evil. A wage and pension is not worth it if you are hurting people. Surely, your conscience must be waging a war inside yourself?

Nonfeasance in the public office

The police and military forces should be holding Government accountable for the genocide, which they are failing to do. Instead, it’s become a dictatorship. Anyone who speaks out against vaccines is labelled an anti-vaxxer, those who are mask exempt (which everyone should be as masks are harmful) are seen as disease spreaders, and yet the police and military forces are enforcing these ridiculous policies and not questioning the fraud that is happening right before their very eyes.

The wearing of masks has damaged brain tissue permanently and stopped common sense and logic. The Government can create the bias reports and scientists to say what they need to say, and then there are the fact checkers and the 77th brigade who slander those who speaks against the narrative a conspiray theorist. These are intentional  wrongs being done to people daily through these unlawful legislations.

Unfortunately, police and military forces, in allowing our Government to carry out their genocidal activities through these ridiculous satanic rituals and legislations, are committing nonfeasance in the public office and failing to uphold their oath of office in failing to listen to people and actually investigate the science behind these Covid restrictions and lockdowns.

I plead with you, as many millions of people will also, why did you enter your job? If it is for a power trip and to hurt people? What happened to the good old days when bobbies walked the streets and were known by name? When there were communities that helped children who were unruly and needed help to stay on the straight and narrow. We should be looking upon the police as protectors, but instead the opposite is occuring and it really should not be this way.

As one human to another, I appeal to you to  have a change of heart. Who are the real perpetrators of crime, because it is not the UK citizens who may stray outside of these satanic rituals. Yes, I point to satanic rituals because God is not the author of confusion, and yet our UK  Government are laughing at people with the more and more lockdowns and restrictions placed upon the population.

As a Christian, I am not to stand for evil, but to call it what it is. The coronavirus measures are evil because I know the enemy of God is satan, and he is currently the god of this world system. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalies, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high placesEphesians 6:12. Obviously Satan receives more power when people are ignorant of the true forces of evil upon this present world and seeping in every area of our society.

You might want to look into our current prime minister,  Boris Johnson, who has clearly published online his need to discuss global population control. He is achieving his wish through these uncaring cruel restrictions, which are not saving lives, but killing and injuring millions. Matt Hancock has met with Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, who wants a great reset.

The truth about the vaccines and their vaccine adverse events are not even being disclosed by the UK’s MHRA’s yellow card system, yet they are visible on the US VAERS system. What is the MHRA trying to hide? Fortunately, the truth is now out on the Covid-19 vaccine drug adverse reactions.

To lie to the general public is to commit nonfeasance in the public office, because the general public are trusting that the advice given by the UK Governments, the NHS and the mainstream media is the truth. It is deeply sinister.

Here is a veteran military officer who is pleading for police and military forces to stand up the do the right thing. I plead with you. We are the minority, yet we are being smeared and ridiculed by the general public and the mainstream media. We care about you. We care about the future that you are helping to create for yourselves and your children. It is a deeply dark satanic future without hope, except the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch the gospel message.

Copyright: UK Column

Lockdown – A Police Constables Perspective

The UK Column received the following letter from a serving police officer. His name must remain confidential, for, by speaking up for the law, and for the rights of the British people, he places his job in jeopardy. Such is the nature of our institutions today.

We reproduce this letter in full and thank the officer who had the courage and firmness to write it.

I am a serving police officer and I am writing this to give my perspective on what is happening to UK policing in the context of this so-called “Covid crisis”.

I have been a police officer for 14 years and have seen a lot of change in the service, even in that relatively short time. I have seen the gradual, but very deliberate drift towards political correctness, a concerted drive for diversity and equality at the expense of a robust, protective and impartial policing function, and the degradation and dismantling of the world-renowned policing model by the government, the mainstream press and a small minority of woke pressure groups.

Despite this, I think the public at large have maintained a healthy respect and gratitude for the difficult and vital job that we do in maintaining law and order as a “thin blue line”. However, I fear that the public trust in the UK police service is now circling the drain. In the structure of the force, the cracks that have been covered over in recent years are starting to show. The events of this year have exposed how political policing has become, and how entrenched the training and values of the last decade now are. This has manifested in the deteriorating behaviour and conduct of many officers and of the police service as a whole. I have watched in disbelief and dismay at the way in which some of my colleagues across the UK have resorted to extreme force and heavy-handed tactics against people who are simply exercising their basic human rights to freedom of speech, freedom to protest, freedom to work and gather with family and friends, freedom to worship, and freedom over their own bodies and health.

I understand that there was a pandemic of sorts at the beginning of the year, and there was an element of the unknown, for which some action had to be taken. I am mindful of the loss and grief of those who have lost someone due to this virus, but all the evidence I have seen says that there is no longer a risk to the general public and that the figures have been grossly inflated and misrepresented. Some of our more vulnerable and elderly people need to be protected, but no more so than any other year during flu season, and there is absolutely no justification for wholesale lockdown and arbitrary regulations to strangle the life out of the economy, which will inevitably lead to a “cure” that is immeasurably worse than the disease. The police service will end up dealing with fall-out from lockdowns for decades to come — mental health, suicides, increased crime of all types, drug and alcohol addictions, domestic abuse, public unrest and so on.

How an organisation that depends on thorough investigation and collation of evidence, and whose founding idea is the protection of the public, cannot see this is astounding. Senior officers and chief constables across the country are simply following the government diktats without question, or at least so it seems. Certainly, from my position within the police service, I have seen nothing to suggest that we are properly upholding the oath we all make, and carrying out the duty we have to uphold human rights with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, according equal respect to all.

This has been most obvious to me in the policing of different protests over the past six months. I have been directly involved in policing protests by Black Lives Matter, Extinction Rebellion and anti-lockdown groups, and the contrast between them has been stark and alarming. There is undoubtedly a lack of impartiality and fairness in the way that these different groups have been treated. I have seen first-hand the way in which police have facilitated and “taken the knee” to BLM protesters for fear of any appearance of institutional racism (which doesn’t exist, in my experience), and to the detriment of the safety of the public and officers on the ground. In a similar vein, Extinction Rebellion are given the freedom to protest, block roads, bring major city centres to a standstill, damage property and intimidate with their presence for weeks on end, without any robust and decisive police action. Contrast this with the anti-lockdown protesters, who are made up of a diverse cross-section of the general law-abiding public and are not “anti-vax conspiracy theorists”, as the mainstream press would have you believe. These protests have been met with almost immediate and disproportionate aggression and violence from the police. It is what is now commonly being referred to as “two–tier policing”, which I’m sorry to say is fairly accurate and not something I ever thought I’d see.

From working within the organisation, I can see how Covid enforcement is absorbing a disproportionate amount of time and resources. High-level meetings are held, strategies and policies are devised and filtered down the ranks, all at the expense of dealing with the usual workload of crime and the other vast responsibilities that the police service has. This is all done in the name of “public health and protection”, which in turn is based on misleading or fraudulent statistics and one-sided propaganda, pushed by the government through the mainstream media. Officers on the front line are confused by the constantly changing guidelines and legislation, and even they don’t know what they are supposed to be enforcing from day to day. Most rely on briefing documents for their direction and guidance, rather than studying the legislation for themselves.

Ironically, where I work is the only place I feel as though life is normal, because despite the plethora of posters, emails and reminders about being “Covid secure” in the police station, most officers take no notice when out of the public eye. It is very interesting that not one police officer has died from Covid-19 across the whole of the UK (to the best of my knowledge), despite the fact that we have worked in a very public facing role since this “pandemic” began and with very limited PPE for the first few weeks.

I also find the over-policing of Covid regulations utterly astonishing. For many years I have worked on different teams across various departments that have been stretched to breaking point due to lack of resources, carrying huge workloads, working enforced overtime, and below minimum staffing. I have dealt with violent offenders and all manner of challenging and complex incidents on my own, managed crime scenes and serious road traffic collisions with a couple of other colleagues, and put my life and health on the line to protect the public. Now, and seemingly from nowhere, it is amazing how hundreds of officers are suddenly available to attend peaceful protests, vanloads can turn up to close gyms, shops and churches, and extra patrols be implemented to ensure Covid compliance. I actually find it insulting to the thousands of officers who turn up to work every day to do a difficult job and for genuine policing purposes.

I have always been proud of wearing the uniform and holding the office of constable, but much of what I have seen in the past few months has made me ashamed of the police service. A police officer has a unique and privileged position in society, with incredible power to intervene in the life of a member of the public, to both preserve and remove freedom. With this power comes great responsibility, and every officer must be held to account for their actions, but I fear that a constable’s autonomy, independence and discretion has been eroded beyond recognition. It is almost becoming a case of “I’m just following orders”, which didn’t stand as a defence in the Nuremberg trials and isn’t an acceptable justification for action or inaction by a British police officer.

I have worked with the most exceptional people in my service, many of whom are close and lifelong friends, and I know they didn’t join up to enforce draconian laws against law-abiding people. We all joined up to make a small difference, to keep people safe and maintain the peace and freedom that we enjoy in this country. What dismays me is the way in which many of these incredible people are unquestioningly following the orders and instructions from higher ranks, without investigating or understanding what the real motivation and agenda is behind all of this.

I think there are a few elements that combine to prevent officers asking questions or challenging these changes. Being a disciplined and ranked service, there is a reluctance to disobey orders or raise objections, officers have a secure income and pension which they don’t want to jeopardise, and there is also a prevailing cynical culture of “us versus them” in regards to the public, which is fostered over years of dealing with desperate situations and difficult people. There is always a rapid pace of change and re-inventing of the wheel in policing, and I think many officers get fatigued at new initiatives, schemes and law-changes. It’s far easier to do what you’re told than to fight against the system and stick your head above the parapet.

This all leads me to question of whether or not I want to remain part of a police service that is increasingly becoming an enforcement arm of the state, rather than an independent establishment that is accountable to the public and charged with upholding their safety and security. The police service should keep the government in check and prevent oppression, tyranny and political overreach into the lives of its citizens. The office of constable should be one that upholds laws that safeguard against arbitrary governance and legislation that infringes on the freedom that previous generations fought and died to secure for us.

I can foresee see a time, in the not-too-distant future, where I will have to make a stand and refuse to follow orders because they conflict with my principles, my Christian faith, my belief in the sanctity of human life, and the oath I swore when I joined the police. So far, I have managed to avoid directly enforcing any of these totalitarian measures, but I cannot and will not be acting upon or enforcing any of the legislation under the Coronavirus Act 2020, even if it costs my job.

For the time being, I will do my best to resist the rapid and destructive changes to “The Job” that I felt called to do to make the world a safer and more peaceful place and to serve the public without fear or favour. I do not know how long this resistance can last.

Here we have a statement by a police constable of the type that we would wish to encounter should we find ourselves in danger or distress: the type of police constable who may soon be a distant and nostalgic memory, in the monochrome hues of Dixon of Dock Green.

To the law-abiding and peaceful land of our memories we may soon have to bid “Goodnight all“, and thereafter view every police officer as a dangerous operative of the state machine. For the moment, however, let us remember that such men as this constable still exist, still bring credit to the uniform, and help to our people.

Please uphold your oath of office police and military officers. Hold those who do wrong, the real criminals, accountable, and not the UK citizens. I also adjure you to look at the ten stages of genocide, as this is real and is occuring amongst the general public.



  1. Hello
    I have read so much over many years and fully realize the evil and satanic forces that are now manifest. I have compiled an extensive electronic dossier that traces the origins of this menace to mankind all the way back through history. The findings are categorical. The level of sustained deception, theft, bribery, murder and theft that pales into comparison to that of Hitler and Stalin combined. This force has collectively caused the genocide of tens of millions of lives collectively and they are not finished yet. If you wish to meet I am here in Plymouth and would be more than willing to go over my research. Your work is also very well put together and easily digested by most people. We are however, nearing a critical point where the public must be made aware of the danger they face. Only a crayons type approach I believe will work to finally get them to wake up from this omnipresent disconnect with their social media matrix of fake news and disinformation. This is asymmetrical psychological warfare manipulation straight out of a military handbook being perpetrated on the British public – tyranny in other words from an out of control globalist/cabal controlled Government.
    I can spare as many hours as you want and I am hopeful my information will be of use.

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