Dr Sherri Tenpenny on Covid-19 Vaccines and depopulation. Why a depopulation agenda, you may wonder, when the entire Governments and mainstream medias are promoting the Covid-19 vaccines like they are the saviours of mankind to return the world to normalcy? Put simply, it’s all been a lie to control and manipulate the masses.

If a certain keyword brought you to this website you might wonder if what you are reading is true. Perhaps you might want to start by reading some key documentary evidence papers, because the idea like lockdowns were devised over ten years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation. Think that the Governments are not applying applied and reverse psychology to the population? You might want to check out the Mindspace PDF. You can find both the Rockefeller Foundation papers and the Mindspace PDF, and many others, in this link.

Make no doubt about it, the entire population has been lied to over the past twelve months regarding Covid-19. If you watch the mainstream media like the BBC and Sky News, you have not been getting the fully story, but just ONE SIDE this entire time. Censorship of the truth is at an all time high. My entire medium.com channel was removed overnight after publishing a post linking Bill Gates’ money to Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci? Why was this so bothersome to them? Obviously, I was onto some truth. This was the post, if you were wondering, ‘Connecting the Dots of Covid-19 to Money‘. I had written on Medium.com for about a year and even had hundreds of writers writing for several of my channels, who have now lost all of their posts because I was suspended without warning.

There is so much fraud going on it is is startling. Firstly, the fact that Covid-19 was downgraded in MARCH 2020 before the first lockdown, yet SARS is still regarded as a high consequence infectious disease. Check it out for yourself in this link. The PCR test is not designed to test for infection, yet that is exactly what is being done and millions upon millions of taxpayers money is funding this. The PCR amplification cycle according to the NHS is 45-cycles, which could pick up any viral matter. guidance-and-sop-covid-19-virus-testing-in-nhs-laboratories-v1-16-march(1).

To use these statistics to lockdown people and stop business (then use police to police it) is criminal. It is purposely designed to cripple the economy in order to bring in the great reset talked of by the World Economic Forum. All that has happened throughout Covid is that the mainstream media promoted the deaths that take place every single year, and ramped this up through fear and applied and reverse psychology. It is a brainwashing operation on a mass scale. Let’s not forget how death rates are recorded. Using a PCR test at an amplification cycle rate of 45 will ensure that MOST people will test positive, therefore those who die and who tested positve for Covid-19 will go down on the death certificate as dying WITH Covid-19, not OF the Covid-19 infection. A co-morbidity disorder most likely was the reason why they died, and yet this not reported because of the fraudulent way in which deaths are now reported throughout this clear plandemic. We can blame this on the absolutely evil legislation brought in called The Coronavirus Act 2020.

Did you ever ask yourself where the ‘scientists’ got the 2m distance (6.56 feet) from for the social distancing? What about the rule of six? These are the numbers of man, and the number of the anti christ, that future leader of the one world government is 666. Do your own math? Do you think this is coincidence? Put it all together and you have a GIGANTIC satanic initiation going on in order to bring about a globalist world, cashless society, and of course a one world religion void of Biblical Christianity.

Now onto the vaccines. Did you know that if you are permanently DAMAGED, or you DIE from the vaccine, the manufacturer has full immunity from any liability, according to this Government document.

FRIENDS, THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. IF THEY DID, WHY WOULD THEY SUPPRESS A CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE TREATMENT CALLED HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE IN FAVOUR OF AN EXPENSIVE ‘EXPERIMENTAL’ VACCINE. Those of us trying to warn you all are not the conspiracy theorists or the anti-vaxxers? We have the common sense to think logically, having weighed up both sides of the evidence. The Government have been LYING to you for twelve months. Do you really think that the vaccine will return the world to normalcy? Get real. The UK is a wicked evil nation that has forgotten God. It has taken God out of everything and replaced it with atheism and other anti christ policies. Most churches have just sidelined with the Governments and its genocidal covid restrictions and it shows how they are failing to discern evil in these last days. Now they are after damaging and killing children. Still think this is about SAVING LIVES and PROTECTING THE NHS?


What the Governments and the mainstream medias are not telling you is that these Covid-19 vaccines are not traditional vaccines, in that they do not provide the body with antibodies to fight off Covid. These are messenger RNA vaccines, which work in a completely different way. Listen to expert Dr Sherri Tenpenny and why those who have the vaccine are likely to die within three to six months as the Covid-19 vaccines will cause part of the natural immune response to shut off, which will lead to tragedy and because Governments are giving complete immunity to the vaccine manufacturers, you can’t blame anyone. How sick and evil an agenda for a virus, if it exists, over 99.97 people recover from? The lockdowns have killed more people than saved.  See for yourself with the statistics shown in this fantastic video. Make no doubt about it, this is a depopulation agenda because the problem that the globalists have is HUMAN POPULATION. It is a satanic agenda.

The COVID Vaccines Part 1 – Dr Sherri Tenpenny

The COVID Vaccines Part 2 – Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Please pull your head out of the sand and realise that if you don’t take back control of your own mind and body TODAY then it may be too late to pull you away from the Covid cult spell, because the Government are sold out to the eugenists like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who believe that they are gods and are using the disguise of ‘climate emergency’ to reduce the population by various means, including the Covid-19 vaccines.

There is still a solution to this madness. It is in the Lord Jesus Christ. HOW TO GO TO HEAVEN.

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  1. Hi. I tried to register on your excellent site today, but some glitch stopped it

    I would like to register please. Thanks for your informative walkabout in the lovely Suffolk countryside. I agree about the Nuremberg Code, and hopefully this will be invoked by the
    Very competent German business lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich as he prepares a Court case
    against the Covid scam perpetrators.

    Your banner heading from Isaiah is exactly fitting for the current Godless generation!
    In Christ. Graham Wood

    1. Author

      Hello Graham. Thank you for your lovely comment. I am sorry that you had problems in subscribing, I have subscribed from my end, so I hope you get updates. I have another video to add from a interviewee by Dr Fuellmich later today. So much information, so little time. Yes, Dr Fuellmich has mentioned the Nuremberg Code, and it is especially fitting around these experimental vaccines. It is evil.

  2. Many thanks and look forward to seeing/ reading more info.

    Are you familiar with Christian blogger Rob Slane who runs The Blogmire? A few weeks ago
    he posted an excellent article on the greatest human experiment in history. Well worth a read.


  3. Really good information from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny! Thanks for interviewing her, Reinette. But unfortunately there is that “poison pill” in the second half of the interview, when you make comparisons with Hitler. Please learn true history. The deceptions did not begin just last year. They have been inverting the narrative for a long long time. “The Greatest Story Never Told” is a really good documentary about Hitler – it is the story you never learnt in school.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your comment, Monika. I never did pay much attention in school, especially history. Yes, I am guessing a lot of the history that education teaches is shrouded in lies. Thank you for your contribution.

    2. Yes I agree, the lies started a long long time ago. The more I research about WW2 the less I believe the history books.

      1. Author

        Thanks for your commment John. Yes, the indoctrination starts for school children who are already spun lies there, amd then the lie is told from them, until the lie is believed as fact. It’s easier for people to continue to believe a lie than to see that they were lied to. That lie today is dividing families and I can see the devil behind it all.

  4. The reason priests & ministers go along with the government BS is that their tax-exempt status will be taken away, Also, may be that their pedophile behavior will be exposed.

  5. The reason priests & ministers go along with the government BS is that their tax-exempt status will be taken away, Also, may be that their pedophile behavior will be exposed.

    1. Author

      It’s certainly not helping anyone by them keeping silent. How sad! Thanks for your comment, InAweOfAnimals

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