NHS vaccine specialist whistleblower

NHS vaccine specialist whistleblower reveals about the ‘vaccine’ genocide to the UK Column. Nazi Twitter deems the following video to be dangerous. See for yourself. I don’t think that telling the truth is dangerous, do you? Perhaps it just scares the jammy dodgers out of these evil psycho liars.

This NHS vaccine specialist whistleblower confirms that patients are only given the patient information leaflet (PIL) if it is reqeusted, but every patient receiving the poison (my word) MUST receive the PIL. The patients are also not informed that the vaccine has only an emergency authorisation use, which makes them therefore part of a clinical trial. The possible side effects of the poison are not given to the recipients either, so it’s all in violation of the Nuremberg Code.



  1. Why is no one challenging the government over these things, including lockdowns, brainwashing, bankruptcies, mental health, alternative medications and masks. None of this was needed and the country has been ruined, this is still a flu that kills mainly elderly with underlying illnesses. There was no need to shut everyone up, you only have to see Sweden, who are fine now as they have normal herd immunity. The vaccine doesn’t even work as such and has killed or maimed a lot of people, for what reason ?????

    1. Author

      Thanks for your comment, Angela. I think there is a lot of pushback from the UK public toward the Government, but the court systems can be a slow process. It’s not information that is reported by the mainstream media either. They don’t even report the vaccine adverse reactions. It is obviously a darker agenda, one of control and suppression of truth. However, we must keep going, keep trying to shine our lights in this world of liars.

  2. Wow, that is sad that the NHS nurse feels such despair and loathing at what she is being coerced to do against her good judgment and right knowledge, and because the NHS has a “job to do” there is no help for her from them or from her government! I will pray for her and her family that she will be comforted in this life and the next.

    It’s chilling how simply discussing disagreement and disapproval is cause for this nurse to lose her job. I think that shows who is in the wrong when the government won’t allow debate and simply name calls like a middle school bully, anti-vax. This is anti-Christ behavior.

    Then she says something else important: if the NHS workers administering these injections aren’t fully aware how can the public be? Then they will also be misled. If anything it shows that people will do what is comfortable to them. The conclusion is that we have a need to educate ourselves and to find the truth.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your commennt, Victor. I know. It must be horrendous place to work being inside such oppression. More people need to stand because if they are doing it just to keep their job then that’s clearly wrong. I know that fear is a huge driver in people, but when people know that it’s wrong and yet continue, I just cannot fathom that behaviour. I could not do it. What is saddening is how that family are not listening to their family member who is only trying to educate them on the truth, yet do not even consider the truth, but instead trust everything that Govs and the mainstream media say.

  3. It is certainly a very stressful time and I believe that fear is preventing many people from even listening to the alternative narrative. ‘The truth will set you free’ has never been more true.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your comment, Carmela – what a lovely name! I agree. When the fight or flight is occuring in the amygdala it turns off logical thinking. This is what has happened to people. The fear has set in and turned off common sense, and when the light of the truth comes forth the people who have listened to the garbage lies cannot comprehend that they have been lied to and just dismiss it as ‘conspiracy theory’. The evil one is behind it all. It’s a deception with thousands culpable of helping this genocide agenda.

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