the ten steps of mind manipulation

Article Copyright: The Light Issue 9, page 3 and Dark Moon

The Ten Steps of Mind Manipulation

According to recent research into the ‘illusory truth effect’, it is relatively easy to brainwash people into believing a lie even after they know the truth. This is done simply by repeating the lie endless until it erases the truth formerly impressed on their minds.

Let’s take an example:

You happen to know what a ‘kilt’ is. It is a tartan skirt worn by men in Scotland. You also known what a ‘sari’ is. It is a long graceful dress worn by women in India. Now imagine you are told that men in Scotland don’t really wear kilts, that they actually wear saris. All this time you are told, you have been getting it wrong. You have been badly misinformed. Men in Scotland, you are told for the umpteenth time, actually wear saris.

Well, according to the latest research, quite a few people are going to start doubting that Scotsmen wear kilts and are going to end up believing that Scotsmen actually wear saris.

The important thing is to make sure the lie is repeated so often that repetition has the effect of a hypnotic suggestion on their minds. There is an old Latin proverb: Repetitio est mater studiorum (‘Repetition is the mother of studies’). The best way to learn anything is to hammer it into the mind through constant repetition.

Maybe the young and impressionable will be the first to fall for the lie that Scotsmen wear saris. A minority of stubborn diehards will continue to believe the truth – that Scotsmen wear kilts – but they will now have to contend with an increasing number of strident fanatics who keep telling them they’re ‘crazy’ for believing in the ‘canard’ that Scotsmen wear kilts. Believing Scotsmen wear saris has now become politically correct. If you don’t believe that Scotsmen wear saris you are now in trouble.

If you dare to go on suggesting that Scotsmen wear kilts, you will now face intense hostility: you will be ostracised, you will be dismissed from your job, you will be fined for insulting Scotsmen by using the hated k-word, you will be put in prison for ‘Sari Denial’, and you will finally be packed off to a mental institition for psychiatric treatment.

To force an entire population into accepting the Scotsmen wear saris requires a step-by-step approach. It requires media control and continuous propaganda on a monumental scale. The initiators of the Big Lie, the core propagandists, will of course be fully aware that they are promoting a Big Lie. But they will need to believe that the Big Lie is necessary and good and serves a noble end: that the end justifies the means. As time goes on, many of these original Lie promoters will come to believe passionately in the validity of their original Lie and see it as an alternative truth.

Organised Lie Promotion will now proceed in ten methodical stages which we may call the Ten Steps of Mind Manipulation:

  1. Repetition of the lie on a daily basis in thousands of differnet newspapers, books, magazines, academic journals, TV documentaries, movies, and internet forums. Exposed to this deluge of daily repeated lies, the human mind will eventually capitulate and come to believe the Lie.
  2. A parallel refusal to allow promoters of the Truth equal access to the media and provide them with a space for reasonable debate. The public must on no account be allowed to consider the possibility that the New Truth is actually the Big Lie dressed up in new clothes. All opportunities for considering the pros and cons, for evaulating evidence objectively, for deciding on the merits and demerits of conflicting hypothesis, will be flatly denied to the general public. For the Big Lie to take root in the collective mind, access to the Truth must be severely restricted, denied, and finally outlawed.
  3. To promote the lie and discredit the Truth, the Truth must henceforth be labelled a ‘conspiracy theory’ and its promoters dismissed as dangerous ‘nonviolent extremists’.
  4. The next step is to criminalise the Truth by labelling it ‘hate speech’, suggesting that any expression of this Truth will lead to public disorder and death. Truth telling now becomes ‘terrorism’.
  5. Parallel with this process of vilification of so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ is the systemic fabrication of false, far-fetched, and genuingly disreputable conspiracy theories by government agents themselves. The more prolific and absurb these fabricated theories, and the more people who can be persuaded to accept these theories, the better all round. The Truth is now murked and buried under a mound of deliberately invented lies. This is all part and parcel of the black propaganda process which depends heavily on organised disinformation.
  6. Since there is no way to prevent Thought Crime—i.e., political dissidence, ‘radicalisation’, and rejection of politically correct lies masquering as the truth—the next step is mockery, ridicule, and ad hominem attacks on those few valiant souls who persist in questioning the prevailing mendacity. The dissidents will be invited onto radio and TV programmes or interviewed in the press, only to find themselves pillorised, ganged up on and made into laughing stocks.
  7. The Truth tellers will now find themselves being misquoted, or quoted out of context, with entirely false stories fabricated about them, amounting to character assassination. They will become objects of state surveillance and everything seedy or unwholesome about them, from old compromising emails to explicit photographs taken in their youth, will be presented to the public and used to destroy their reputations.
  8. Organised outrage is the next step. All politically incorrect statements made by the freethinkers—statements that would have been universally approved of by our ancestors or in no way disconcerted them unduly—will now be met by a wall of organised outrage. We have now passed from ridicule to intimidation. The political dissident is no longer a laughing stock, he is now a threat to public order. He must be silenced, he must apologise, he must grovel at the feet of his New Masters and beg for forgiveness.
  9. Punishment is the next step for those who question the prevailing wisdom: ostracism, loss of employment, banning of their books, stiff fines for expressing their views, death threats, physical violence, and imprisonment. Heretics were once burnt at the stake. We are more civilised. We now ban people from social media and exclude them from normal activities – they become ‘unpersoned’. Others of darker complexion we pack off to torture camps to endure sleep deprivation, sexual humilitation at the hands of female degenerates in our employment, or waterboarding them 183 times in order to extract information they already know. It does not occur to us for a moment that our ‘civilised’ torturers are infinitely more evil than the tragic victims they torture.
  10. The use of bribery and blackmail in enforcing the new lie and silencing all Truth tellers.

In regard to kilts and saris and their connection to the Holocaust denial, the number one heresy of our day, here is an instructive quote from Wikipedia.

“At first, the truth effect was believed to occur only when individuals are highly uncertain about a given statement.”

This assumption was challenged by the results of a 2015 study by Lisa K Fazio, Nadia M Brasier, B Keith Payne, and Elizabeth J Marsh. Published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, the study suggested that the ‘truth effect’ can have an impact on participants who actually knew the correct answer to begin with, but who were swayed to believe otherwise through the repetition of a falsehood.

For example, when participants encountered on multiple occasions the statement ‘A sari is the name of the short plaid skirt work by Scots,’ some of them were likely to come to believe it was true, even though these same people were able to correctly answer the question ‘What is the name of the short pleated skirt worn by Scots?’

Like Orwell’s Winston Smith after he was thoroughly brainwashed, you can eventually be duped into believing that two plus two equals five—and that men in Scotland wear saris.

All it needs is constant repetition—day after day after day—and the threat of severe punishment for rejecting the New Lie.

The Ten Steps of Mind Manipulation – Summary

These ten priniciples ought to be kept in mind at all times by truth seekers who might otherwise be sucked into the all-enveloping network of Systematic Lies.

  1. Repetition of the lie ad infinitum.
  2. Maximum media exposure to the lie and minimum media exposure to the truth.
  3. Implanting the suggestion that the truth is an elaborate lie by labelling it a ‘conspiracy theory’
  4. At the same time, suggesting that the truth is obnoxious by calling it ‘hate speech’. Truth telling allegedly leads to public disorder and the death of certain targeted individuals, and so the expression of unpopular truths must be classified as ‘terrorism’.
  5. The systematic fabrication of false conspiracy theories by paid agents, in order to create maximum obfuscation and bring the truth into disrepute by associating it with a plethora of discredited ideas and far-fetched, ludicrous lies.
  6. Subjection of the truth to mockery and contempt.
  7. Character assassination of truth tellers by a variety of underhand means, including misquoting, telling lies, and digging up their irrelevant past.
  8. Organised outrage at any expression of the truth by a public figure, i.e., systematic intimidation.
  9. Severe punishment for telling the truth.
  10. The use of bribery and blackmail, the carrot and the stick, to reward the promoters of the lie and deter potential truth tellers from speaking out.

My comments:

The Behavioural Insights Team has used applied psychology upon the population to change behaviour similar to the above ten steps of mind manipulation. You have been made to fear a virus when it’s the REAL virus has been the lies of the Governments helped by the mainstream media, and over £1 billion of public money has been funding this terrorism, and still is now with the constant NHS vaccine rollout propaganda in long TV adverts, newspapers adverts, and online coverage. Continue to resist. You are NOT crazy to refuse to wear a mask and refuse to take an experimental biotechnological medicines that they call the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’. You still have common sense to think for yourself.

We see the brainwashing around us over the past twelve months. It is cultish behaviour and mind manipulation, as the above article indicates, and the study Knowledge Does not Protect Against Illusory Truth proves it. See this document by the Behavioural Insights Team entitled Mindspace. MINDSPACE – INFLUENCING BEHAVIOUR THROUGH PUBLIC POLICY – Institute for Government Cabinet Office

Trust Jesus TODAY because the devil is a liar and a deceiver and he wants to take as many with him to hell as possible. A worse time is coming upon humanity during the tribulation period, yet future. Look at all those who have been deceived by the lie of a virus? Can you imagine what will happen when the beast world leader will declare that he is the messiah and a mark will have to be taken in the forehead or the right hand in order to buy and sell. The ultimate truth is that all of us need a saviour, because all of us have broken God’s holy laws and heaven is a perfect place.  No sin can dwell there. We must be born again into God’s Kingdom and no amount of reformation or good works can take away sin. The wages of sin is death Romans 6:23. The Lord Jesus Christ,who is God in the flesh, died in our place, paying for the sins of all of mankind. He died and rose again proving it was done (John 19:30) and eternal life is available through him through simple faith. Religion tells you to DO to get to God. Jesus says IT IS DONE. Satan hates the truth of the gospel and deceives people through false gospels that add to the finished work of Christ, yet the truth of how to go to heaven is that it is a gift that we receive through simple faith in the perfect God-Man Jesus Christ.





  1. You are of course correct, but I think the 1st stage, especially for common people, like myself, is that the message has to come from someone I believe in, or admire, and respect
    What sort of people, prior to the “Repetition of the lie ad infinitum” are able to create and control MPs, Media, TV celebs, even Royalty to the point where they “Repeat the lie ad infinitum” to influence me??…

    1. Author

      Thanks for your comment, Derek. Non Governmental organisations influence the governments, very wealthy people and organisations, including the United Nations, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum, and others. Check out the interview of Dr Reiner Fuellmich with Leslie Manookian, which is also transcribed, from minutes 1:19:21

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