
Streamed live on 30 April 2021


Antonios Papantoniou, Pastor Dr John Mosepele, Rotem Brown, Viviane Fischer, Jean-Pierre Joseph, King Lemuel, Werner Gertz, Tamir Turgal, Tom Renz, Maria Adavani, Reiner Fuellmich, Uriel Cohen, Nikolaos Karavelos

Viviane Fischer  00:28

Hello, and welcome to the second international legal offence session of the German Corona Investigative Committee. The Corona Investigative Committee was founded in June of last year and ever since then we’ve been investigating and analysing the corona virus and lockdown crisis. And in the meantime, we’ve been expanding our connection with the legal activities from outside of German, so we’ve been talking to lawyers from the US and England and other places in the world in order to find out what’s going on the legal side in all these countries and what the status of the legal system is. And we’ve been rather shocked last time. Last week we had the first session, how devastated the legal system is in the meantime, or has become in the meantime in quite a few other places. And today we’re back to talk to lawyers and activists from other places in the world. And just a short notice about the Investive Committee. It’s been founded by four Attorneys at Law last year, and one of them is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who’s here in the zoom today, he cannot be here in Berlin with us at the moment because there was a train problem, but he’s joining us via zoom and the two other members are currently unavailable because they’re working on legal suits. And my name is Vivianne Fischer and I’m also an attorney at law. This session will be, I think, only in English. We have a few lawyers from other places from Greece, and this will be translated into English, but everything else will be in English. And we will have German subtitles soon. So people who are not so familiar with English can then read what we’re talking about today in the English subtitles. So maybe Reiner do you want to say something? What’s the agenda today?

Reiner Fuellmich  02:53

Well, we’ve been in touch with Greece, but only because Wolfgang Wodarg is currently there. We don’t know anything about the legal situation in Greece. That’s why we’re so happy to have you Antonio Papantoniou and Nikolaos Karavelos with us today. And we’re also happy to have someone who translates for us but I don’t see, oh, that’s you Maria Adavani. Correct?

Maria Adavani  03:21

Yes hello that’s perfect. If I could take a moment to tell you how honoured and proud I feel to be finally meeting you even through zoom because I’ve heard so much about you and about all your work and it’s a real privilege for me to be able to speak to you, even just by translating, it’s a very big honour for me. Here is Mr. Papantoniou who will be speaking today for whom I will be translating.

Reiner Fuellmich  03:52


Antonios Papantoniou  03:56

We’re very glad to discuss with you, it’s an honour for me. I will try our best to help (inaudible). We must do many things because we are in charge to do or wish, the world is crying, the world is in very big danger and we must be anything we can to save the people over the world. For my presentation I am already retired and show support and I would like to share us better (inaudible).

Viviane Fischer  04:48


Maria Adavani  04:55

Antonios will start speaking Greek and I’ll be trying to translate as accurately as possible, okay. We are in international war, an international war is being waged here, which is taking place with different arms than usual. The main weapon here is, you know from [a] scientific and medical point of view, fear, and the ultimate goal, let’s say the ultimate victim here are people and their rights throughout the world. Therefore, Antonios believes that this is mostly a political problem not a medical problem, not a legal problem, but a political one and will be solved by political means.  Right now all human rights are being abolished the facto, and their abolition is being attempted, even the (inaudible) so that people will be used as objects just for use in the near future. These conditions, under these conditions what I’m suggesting is the creation of international organisations more like an instrument for the people’s resistance as a response to the international attack, which they suffer mostly on behalf of the governments who have taken action for its annihilation, more like a frame of the New World Order as advertised. This international organisations instruments in order for it to be functional and flexible will need to have a secretary or more like an administrative function for immediate actions supporting societies along with interventions international organisations. This will offer the advantage that all moves or actions towards any direction either in a level of legal measures on a level of declarations will have a collective a massive presence from an organisation who will receive admiration and acceptance from society from people all over the world. Therefore, it will be very very difficult for these interventions to be ignored. I’m quoting from the science of power throughout the world, I’m sorry but these are the exact terms.  We will have to consider trying to find a means of global information, press, radio, TV, every possible means everything in their power in order for us to be able to address people all over the world in the best possible way. Furthermore will have to consider if there’s a possibility in which way we will have the financial means for the necessary costs. In a few words all I wanted to say I tried to be as short as I could, but in any case we could discuss this another time or with more time and more and more possibilities to to expand our thoughts. But before before closing this conversation I would like to inform you for another very very important movement happening here with the creation of the global organisation of life with Mr. Georgianni as president and Greece as a founding member and this organisation was baptised here in Greece, the convention where Mr. Georgianni gave its name as a global organisation of life. After my suggestion in the convention and right now the founding text the declaration I suppose that Mr. Fuellmich is already in contact with him and is aware of this?  I would like to inform you that right now I am a participating member all the members of Latin America and from Europe, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, [Czech], Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Serbia, Italy, Spain, Albania, Greece, [Cyprus], Sweden, and the Republic of Southern Africa and so on and so on. I think it will be very interesting for these efforts initiated by Mr Fuellmich with the global organisation of life, which is in full development aiming at gaining the possibility of massive interventions, in order for us to get rid of suppressing oppressive regimes and be able to transcend a democracy as taught by a very important, great philosopher, Socrates, with three words, (inaudible) regarding law, (inaudible) means having the same right in speech. Thank you very much for your invitation. And thank you very much, myself.

Reiner Fuellmich  16:33

Yes, thank you. We, of course, we have spoken to Angelo Giorgianni twice on our Corona Committee and of course, we’re aware of his global organisation for life. I don’t know any of the details yet, but I’ll be most interested in learning about the details. What we have been concentrating on thus far, because all of the founding members of the Corona Committee are lawyers, is the legal efforts that we can engage and we have spoken to a number of lawyers from pretty much all over the world trying to connect with each other. We believe that we need an international legal effort, we need to file as many complaints as possible that attack the foundation of all this, because we’ve spoken we know that a lot of people are wasting their time discussing whether or not the measures make any sense, whether they’re proportionate. That is not, I believe that is not the right way to attack, the right way to attack is go for the foundation and the foundation are those two lies that were invented to the false statements of facts that were invented by Drosten here in Germany, on behalf of the WHO which then recommended it to the rest of the world meaning there is asymptomatic infections we know there aren’t, and that his test the Drosten test, which started everything that these Drosten tests can tell us something about infections. Now, that is very concrete. And we believe we can handle this we can use these two avenues of attack in any court in this world and that’s because all of the measures, no matter where they have been taken in Namibia, in South Africa, in China everywhere were based on these two false statements of fact. Attack these false statements of fact, plus the personality, the person who invented this and this whole house of cards will collapse. As far as the global effort is concerned, do we have any details,  do we have anything that can make this palpable? Or is this thus far a plan which hasn’t really come into effect yet?

Maria Adavani  19:38

It depends on us to draw a plan and follow it, but we need a structure, we need a mechanism in order for it to work. I think that a lot of things will be answered by the next speaker, I’ll also be translating for him it’s Mr Calasparra regarding the legal background of this plan and you will get answers. In Mr. Papantoniou’s opinion both these avenues both these ways have to be combined and they are considered to be very very effective in the fight against Coronavirus, not only its consequences in society, economy and of course, human rights because that’s the ultimate victim here. But he believes that both [of] these these aspects should be combined because each aspect serves the other and they have to be addressed in common and combined.

Viviane Fischer  21:16

And can you give us a little bit of an overview what’s the situation like in Greece at the moment? I mean, are you in a lockdown? Do you have a lot of virus activity going on or like simulated or I don’t know like what is the status? Are you locked in your houses or what’s the situation?

Maria Adavani  21:44

The situation is tragic. There is a brutal treatment of people here in Greece. They have to declare their every move for a certain distance from their their (inaudible) cell. They prevent children from being educated from having access to the school department,  unless they obey the orders, which translates into wearing the mask and being tested at least two times a week, and going through self testing as if they were doctors or medicals. There’s a prohibition of movement between municipalities. In general there’s a there’s a climate of destruction of ultimate destruction here. This suppression, which is even worse, even the suppression our fathers had to endure during the previous nazi and fascist occupations we could learn fully, that’s about it. Furthermore, we are considered to be under the regime of occupation since 2015, official occupation because we can’t make any decisions. We don’t have Imperium, but we have to carry out orders which come from decisions of international financial the Central European Bank. And since 2010, we were under a regime of dictatorship because without any reservation there had been a handout of every immunity because of national Imperium under the pretext of economy, something that had never happened anywhere in the world. Of course, that hadn’t happened also in other countries that were under memorandums. And in general, every freedom was (inaudible), freedom of movement, freedom of demonstrations.

Reiner Fuellmich  26:22

Let us not veer off too far into the past, we are well aware of what happened and I agree with you that that was probably the first takeover of a country by private institutions. That was the precursor of what we are seeing right now. And I agree absolutely that this should never have happened. Maybe what’s happening now is the wake up call which the entire world needs in order to turn their attention to what happened then and what is about to happen now. That’s why we have to fight this in a very, very strong manner. Let us get back to the current, I agree with you. 100%, but let us get back to the corona situation. There’s another colleague from Greece, Nikolaos Karavelos, who wanted to say something you said.

Maria Adavani  27:12

Yes, he’s actually the next speaker, and he’s actually waiting. I don’t know how we could do it, maybe we’ll have to sign out and then sign in with his profile so that [he] could take on and continue the conversation with you.

Viviane Fischer  27:30

Is he is he in the meeting now?

Maria Adavani  27:33

Actually, he’s in the office right next to me.

Viviane Fischer  27:38

Okay, then do.

Maria Adavani  27:40

We just come over? Right.

Viviane Fischer  27:43

Or he can just come over? Yeah.

Maria Adavani  27:45

Yeah. Okay. Let’s do that.

Antonios Papantoniou  27:46

Okay. Thanks a lot for –

Viviane Fischer  27:48

– thanks so much –

Reiner Fuellmich  27:49

– thank you very much.

Antonios Papantoniou  27:52

Thanks a lot.

Viviane Fischer  27:55

In the meantime, can I ask you like is there a lot of testing on the children as well going on? Or like you said, like, so everyone has to test themselves?

Maria Adavani  28:06

Can I answer this on my own. I have to tell you I am also an attorney at law. Actually I’m an associate with Mr. Karavelos,  we’re in the same office, and I could tell you that there has been a lot of testing, a lot of people are coming in, they have problems in the school with their children, their children are prevented from going to school from having access to education just with the pretext that they haven’t undergone the tests or the self testing.

Reiner Fuellmich  28:42

We are a little behind so I don’t want to cut anything off. You have to concentrate on what’s at hand.

Maria Adavani  28:52

Yes. We’re gonna try to be as compact as possible.

Reiner Fuellmich  28:57


Nikolaos Karavelos  28:58

Good evening Mr Fuellmich.

Reiner Fuellmich  29:00


Nikolaos Karavelos  29:02

I’m very glad to to know you. I want to say that my English is not very good because I was lazy when I was young.

Reiner Fuellmich  29:21

You have a good translator.

Nikolaos Karavelos  29:23

Now I must learn English better and so I speak in (inaudible).

Maria Adavani  29:35

My name is Nikolaos Karavelos. I’m an attorney at law and head of the legal department of the municipalities (inaudible). My main field of practice for the last 39 years around 39 years, my practice was criminal and civil mostly. It gives me great pleasure for the past few years by my side my colleague associate and Miss Maria Adavani, that’s me, also turning at law specialising in private international law to support me in our common effort regarding the legal handling of the pandemic. I’ll try to be as compact as possible so that I don’t tire you and don’t take much from your time. Our office becomes witness and accepts most of people’s problems in Greece. Parents whose children are passed out from schools and employees for denied access to their work because they don’t have the results of the test. Right now the test and in short time the vaccine. in Greece and I believe elsewhere there’s the phenomenon that a ministerial decree is treated as superior to the country’s constitution to international conventions and the legislation in general. I have to tell you that, in my case, when I asked the principal, my child’s [at] my son’s school to prevent people from being suppressed into having their children tested in order to attend school, he replied that I am funny and I say funny things. Furthermore, we’ve become witnesses that services threaten to cast out children and employees [for] refusing to issue the necessary administrative decision regarding each separate case, which is the basic foundation of the application of this decree. Therefore, this is a direct violation of children’s rights both to education and also to the right of employment as foreseen in the National Constitutions [in] national conventions. I have to add also that a few days ago in the northern part of Greece in Ceras, there has been a conviction an incarceration of an individual who was not wearing his mask, because it was the second time that he was found not wearing it. In other words, we see that justice becomes more severe, more strict, with decisions that cause fear and create terror. As far as Mr. Drosten’s case, as asked in your email, I strongly believe that each country has their own Drosten. We also have our own Drosten’s, our local (inaudible) Drosten’s, And our government has issued a law where all Mr. Drosten’s have no civil or criminal responsibility, mostly. And it has been noted that they cannot even be summoned as witnesses if someone wants to file a lawsuit against the political, it’s Mr Drosten, he’s sorry that he’s using the name but he wants to, he has the right not to testify as a witness. As far as I’m concerned, this shows that they’re afraid. And they’re not just trying to cover doctors and such medical committees, but probably themselves from testimonies that could cause them a lot of trouble. It’s obvious that this information, that these things going on constitute crimes against humanity. My legal opinions that these people don’t just give their opinion or their vote to some matters, but their indirect collaboration of the governments without whom governments cannot impose those measures. This is also verified by the declarations of the political personalities here in Greece police that they follow the opinions of doctors. Therefore, I believe that these people should be judged and should endure a trial and be tested and checked for their deeds. And I have to say that in order for this legal argument, this opinion to be full and complete, it would be useful that everyone collaborates no matter where a lawsuit is filed or a legal action.

Reiner Fuellmich  39:13

If you file a lawsuit, if you go for example into a civil court of law what do you do, what what do you base your legal argumentation on, what facts do you attack?

Maria Adavani  39:37

Our basic fundamental legal argument is that these decrees and everything imposed and applied as legislation is unconstitutional. We have a direct violation of both our, let’s say, internal legislation and international conventions. Apart from typical mishaps, let’s say, because these students and these employees being cast out, being expelled from their work, being fired, take place without the necessary issuing of the administrative decision which is necessary for them to be in full legal effect of loss. They are just prevented from accessing schools and their work, nothing else, no other decision. This is illegal violence. This is a breach of duty, another very serious offence. We have a deception, deceit and neglect.

Reiner Fuellmich  41:43

Okay, I understand the legal ramifications of this, you’re attacking on a very broad base, which is of course crimes against humanity, you’re attacking that it’s all unconstitutional. And that is probably what everybody agrees upon. I think the rest of the world all the lawyers who are now listening are probably in agreement as far as this is concerned. And that’s good. My personal conviction is that we have to attack at the basis of this, we have to attack the foundation, we have to go after the PCR test, and after Mr. Drosten, but of course, it makes sense to go and attack on a much broader case. But if you want to win these cases, I don’t think that’s good enough. I think we have to go and attack at the very basis because it’s so obvious from so many lawyers who we talked to, and from so many other people who we talked to that there’s a lot of people out there who are trying to divert our attention from this. And off we go in a general direction, which is not leading us anywhere. That’s why I’m saying that’s why I asked Is there a concrete fact on which you attack, but I can see how you believe that we have to attack on a broader scale, attacking on the notion that these are crimes against humanity, which they certainly are.

Maria Adavani  43:10

If I could just ask for just one second because Mr Karavelos understands very little and I would like to translate –

Reiner Fuellmich  43:17

– another thing though, we’re 15 minutes behind right now and there’s other lawyers who are waiting from France, for example, if you can just make it a short statement.

Maria Adavani  43:27

A few seconds. Mr. Karavelos totally agrees with you that PCR test should be the basis of this fight. And I would like to conclude that we would like to be of assistance to you and at your disposal for all for your actions in The Hague international Criminal in any possible way that we could and you think it would be useful.

Reiner Fuellmich  44:13

Thank you very much thank. This is an idea [but] that’s not correct, I don’t have anything to do with the criminal court. I know that a number of people have filed criminal complaints there, but I don’t have anything to do with that. I think it’s good to do that, but it’s too much credit for me. It’s someone else who’s doing this.

Maria Adavani  44:41

Yes that was the information he had.

Reiner Fuellmich  44:46

All right, that’s all right. Okay.

Viviane Fischer  44:51

Reiner, let’s stay in touch and then we can exchange all the information and I think it’s good to join forces with Greece. So that’s a very positive effect and we can also exchange ideas in detail. You know, it’s like, there’s a lot of things going on. And I think it’s really important to look at the factual basis, Yyou know, that’s what you said, Reiner the PCR test and like, for instance, the incidence, like what we have here, how many infections because that a lot of these things can be attacked really on the factual basis that there’s no evidence. Okay, let’s stay in touch and we can then talk about the details, you know, later on.

Maria Adavani  45:34

Of course and for everything that we do, we’ll keep you posted, like for everything going on here, and that could be of use to you.

Viviane Fischer  45:41


Maria Adavani  45:43

Thank you very much.

Viviane Fischer  45:44

So let’s turn to France. The colleague, Mr. John Pierre Joseph, are you there?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  45:52

Yeah. Very pleased to meet you.

Viviane Fischer  46:02

So what’s the what’s the situation in France?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  46:10

So we have, we are going to raise many actions. First, the class action against abusive confinement. On the basis of (inaudible) PCR test, the hearing will take place on the 6th of May at the court of Paris, the civil court of Paris. It’s Virginie who takes care of it. We have about 1300 applicants?

Viviane Fischer  46:42

Oh, wow.

Reiner Fuellmich  46:43


Jean-Pierre Joseph  46:45

And with Zurich, we have prepared a national procedure to attack the order of medical doctors, which threatened to withdraw the authorization to practice. The doctors wanted to treat the COVID. We knew since the beginning that there were at least three (inaudible) that everybody knew – Chloroquine, C Vitamin (inaudible) and Ivermectin. Many doctors inform the government of this therapy, and the government refuses to authorise, and all was forbidden.

Reiner Fuellmich  47:46

That’s very interesting. That’s very interesting. Jean-Pierre. Yes, that is precisely the same story that we’re hearing from the United States and from other countries too, that all of these alternative medications were basically banned more or less.

Jean-Pierre Joseph  48:01

I know that, yes. And so the order of the doctors, especially the president, each time a doctor wanted to prescribe one of these therapy, it was forbidden, and he told them, we don’t have the right of giving this prescription. So if you do it you will be pursued before the Special Court of the doctors. So we have prepared some complaints from criminal complaints. The first one is the normal complaint for [a] patient who [has] survived, but [who] considers that they have been poorly treated. This is a normal complaint. And [a] doctor who has been threatened, it’s a criminal complaint because these doctors will say, due to that many patient were dead. And the third one for families who have lost a person, a loved one, a husband, a wife, a son, a father, a grandfather and so on. It is also a criminal complaint against the president of national doctor’s order. And this will be launched next week.

Viviane Fischer  49:52


Jean-Pierre Joseph  49:54

And we hope that many, many, many people will join us doctors, patients, families, we we were waiting for hundreds or thousand persons.

Reiner Fuellmich  50:11

That’s excellent. You are cooperating with Jean-Luc, is that correct?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  50:17

Yeah. Okay. Everybody knows Jean-Luc. Myself, I have another idea in my town, Now I live in Grenoble since a long time when I was young I was in (inaudible).

Reiner Fuellmich  50:37

That’s why you speak German.

Jean-Pierre Joseph  50:42

(Inaudible) vacation.

Reiner Fuellmich  50:44

Really? So I didn’t know that France has class actions. Is that really a class action or is it –

Jean-Pierre Joseph  50:53

– yeah, yeah. And in my town, I am going to raise an action in which I will grant the president of the civil court to authorise about 100 persons not to wear the mask on the street. This action has no precedent so I don’t know how he will react. But I hope that on the neighbour court, a lot of colleagues will do the same. I contact some colleagues, our neighbour courts, of Valence, Shawbury in Sabo, Avignon and Leon. And so the purpose is to raise an action before all the civil courts of France.

Reiner Fuellmich  52:01

That makes a lot of sense. That is precisely what we’re trying to do here too. Do you have enough colleagues who will cooperate with you? Or how many lawyers are there in France?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  52:12

For the moment I don’t know exactly. I have some colleagues who are interested. But most of them, for the moment, are afraid of the virus.

Reiner Fuellmich  52:26

Yeah same story all over the world,

Jean-Pierre Joseph  52:28

They believe that the virus will kill them. And so they wear the mask up to the eyes.

Viviane Fischer  52:38

And can I ask, just a quick overview what is the situation there in France? Do you have a lockdown? Is there a lot of like incidents of the virus?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  52:50

We have lockdown until next Monday.

Viviane Fischer  52:54

And then continue again?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  52:57

Next Monday we’ll have to go to bed at seven o’clock.

Reiner Fuellmich  53:03

Oh my God. Is that so?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  53:07

I don’t respect that.

Reiner Fuellmich  53:10

Do people respect that, and if they don’t, is the police are they, you may have seen pictures of the German police who in some instances or in Brussels or in the Netherlands, some members of the police, not many, but some members of the police are extremely brutal when it comes to going after the people who in their view violate these rules and regulations. Do you have that in France as well?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  53:41

Yeah yeah it depends on towns in Grenoble they control just a bit, not very much. Myself, I go home at about 10 o’clock, sometimes 11 o’clock. I don’t meet any control.

Reiner Fuellmich  54:02

Yeah well the reality is that if we all of us stood up and decided we’re not going to follow these orders anymore, of course, there’s not enough police, there’s not enough soldiers, there’s not enough of the other side to control us. But people have to understand this first. How do people in France feel? Is it the same as in Germany, where most people keep quiet? And a very –

Jean-Pierre Joseph  54:31

yes –

Reiner Fuellmich  54:31

– small but very vocal?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  54:33

Yeah, who are sheep.

Reiner Fuellmich  54:37

Okay. How many? What’s the percentage of the population? What do you estimate how many people in the population are not really in agreement with what is going on?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  54:51

[It’s] difficult to estimate, but for the moment I think that a lot of people are still afraid of the virus, because I don’t wear the mask in the street, and when I meet people I see them walking, looking at the pavement, not verticals, and they are afraid. Sometimes they change [the] pavement, they cross the street, which is funny that sometimes a police car stops to let me cross the street, (inaudible) and I say thank you.

Viviane Fischer  55:42

So maybe it’s their their secret form of resistance as well, by the police. You know, maybe they’re quite aware of what the situation is like. Yeah, interesting.

Jean-Pierre Joseph  55:52

I think it’s like in Germany, the same situation.

Reiner Fuellmich  55:58

But you know –

Viviane Fischer  55:58

– but we have a lot of people without masks, you know, like, in Berlin, there’s really a lot of people who don’t wear masks and like who populate the playgrounds? And, you know, just a huge amount of people who don’t care anymore.

Jean-Pierre Joseph  56:15

But I think the greatest risk the big responsible are the newspapers.

Reiner Fuellmich  56:21

Yeah, of course. Yeah, so that is the same story all over the world. It’s the media, through which they try to control the narrative. And the narrative then creates fear. And that’s why most people are still in fear. I’m not sure. I’m not sure Jean-Pierre if here in Germany really so many people are in agreement with the government. Many just don’t say anything and many just wear their masks because they don’t want any trouble. But that doesn’t mean that they agree with what’s going on.

Jean-Pierre Joseph  56:52

But sometimes I have a discussion with somebody [who] will say, “ahh wear your mask, hide your nose” and I answer I have a long nose, I don’t have a child’s nose. And they become angry. But I don’t care because I practised forty years [of] martial arts.

Reiner Fuellmich  57:27

That’s good to hear. Okay well, Jean-Pierre, thank you so much for giving us these insights into what’s going on in France. I’ve heard a lot about what’s going on in France. I know there are a lot of legal efforts underway, from talking to Jean-Luc. And I believe that if we keep our forces combined, the Germans, the French, the Italians, the Austrians who are making very good progress. And if we exchange our decisions, our legal decisions, plus, of course, the expert opinions on which these legal opinions are rest, then I think we’re on track. And we will eventually of course, this may happen much sooner than many people believe, eventually, we will get the public interested in what’s really going on. And once that happens, the tide will turn. If people begin to ask questions, the tide will turn.

Viviane Fischer  58:35

Reiner, maybe we should also for this group talk a little bit about the Weimar situation, you know, I don’t know if they’re aware of it. Because I think that’s very important. We had this, you know, really, very very important ruling from [a] Weimar family judge and he ruled that basically the masks, the testing and the general social distancing in, you know, the 1.5 metre distance between the children in the school, were unlawful and he based his opinion on like three experts statements, you know, really long extended expert statements that we can also provide you with. So he based this on basically, first time maybe worldwide that [a] judge looked at the expert side of it and came to the conclusion that this is all really like unlawful. And interestingly, it’a a political agenda as we found out today that they attack the, you go on Reiner –

Reiner Fuellmich  59:52

– Yeah, you probably, I’m not sure Jean-Pierre but I think since I told Jean-Luc that you’re aware of the fact that they went after this judge, they searched him, they searched his home, his office, his car, they seized his cell phone, and I think his computer, He’s got it all back in the meantime, but I think that was a very strong gesture to show the public, not just the German public, but the international public, and as a warning sign to show the the International judicial community, the judges in particular, don’t do this because if you do it this is what’s going to happen to you. This is also meant to show all the people all the parents [who] want to protect their children, because they are in the focus of what the other side is doing right now, the children, it’s all about the children, to show these parents of children don’t do this, don’t go to a court of law in order to protect your children because we’re going to go after you next. I think that’s what this is meant to tell us. But at the same time, this of course is waking up many more people who may have been on the side of the government more or less, but who are now realising that there’s something really strange is going on, because this has never really happened before. And Viviane is right this is the first such decision, the first PCR test decision which was based on the actual hearing of evidence of expert opinions. The other two from Portugal and from Vienna were also excellent decisions. But this is the first one that’s based on real evidence. And that’s why it’s so dangerous because the rest of the world can use it and the rest of the world is using it. Okay, well, thank you again, Jean-Pierre. I don’t know if Tom Rennes is with us yet. Um, because he’s next in line, or is there something that you wanted to tell us that I didn’t, that you need some more time for Jean-Pierre?

Jean-Pierre Joseph  1:01:58

No, I don’t need some some more time.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:02:02


Jean-Pierre Joseph  1:02:03

Like the song of the Beatles, it won’t be long.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:02:07

Okay, good. Okay. Well, thank you very much again. Tom. Are you with us? Tom Moran?

Viviane Fischer  1:02:17

Not yet, it seems,

Viviane Fischer  1:02:20

Huh. Um, if Tom isn’t with us, um, maybe he’s on a different time schedule. Maybe we can talk to Pastor John from South Africa. Oh, that’s good to see you. Hi John.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:02:45

Hello, everybody. How are you?

Reiner Fuellmich  1:02:50

Oh, we’re under the circumstances were in pretty good shape. I know that there are a lot of people out there who are in much worse shape than we are, even though the pressure that is being applied on us and the pressure that they’re trying to use in order to stifle the German courts of law is pretty extraordinary. I think when we last spoke in our last zoom conference, I think I told you about how the judge who made this very important decision was searched. His office, his home, and his car they were all searched and his cell phone and his computer were seized. I think I told you about this, right?

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:03:33

Yes, I remember that.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:03:35

Yeah. But what it also tells us is that the other side is extremely worried about these things. Because if you get many more such decisions that tell you, courts of law that tell the people that the PCR tests cannot tell you anything about infections, and that there are no asymptomatic infections. The more decisions you get like these, the more people will understand that they have been fooled. Can you tell because, of course we spoke I know a little bit because you told me a little about what’s going on in South Africa and in the rest of the continent. But can you tell our viewers what the situation is like and what kinds of legal efforts are being taken in order to counter this?

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:04:22

Thank you very much, Reiner and greetings to everybody. And thank you for standing up for justice, for righteousness, for the good of men all around the world. We are in the Christian cycle what is called the last days and from the scriptures we learn that wickedness will increase in these last days. That means people will be more wicked more evil. We are looking, we are expecting it, but we also know that we can restrain some of these things which these people are planning. In South Africa they have used that PCR test to 10,625,000 people, they have tested 10 million. We are a county of around 60 million people and according to the government statistics 10,625,000 were tested with those tests, and then out of the 10 million, [1,000], 1,580,000 became positive. But the interesting thing is, we have 1.5 million recovery. 54,000 people died. And then the current active cases in the Republic of South Africa is plus minus 30,000. And since January, they have vaccinated over 307,000 people. And we are now in what we call a lockdown level three. What happens is, gatherings are not allowed to be indoors, not more than 250. Outdoors, not more than 500. And then we have a curfew, midnight. From midnight to 4am, nobody must be on the streets. And it keeps changing. It keeps changing, as it [suits] them. So these actions or this illegality. unlawfulness acts on behalf of our government led us into forming an institution called Watchers and Gatekeepers, because right now we have a constitutional democracy, but since this Corona thing started last March the country is under what is known to be disaster management national state of disaster. And then they are using Disaster Management Act. So the Constitution is a little bit suspended. And this and what’s happening is they’re using this Disaster Management Act, which gives them power to lock down the country and do all these illegal things that they are doing. So as watchers and gatekeepers we started election, there have been over 300 cases, fighting with one regulation against the other by tobacco companies, because they at some point, they bent tobacco smoking, they bent the selling of liquor. So these organisations have been going now and then to court, the organisations that runs restuarants, small businesses coming together and challenging and majority of these cases were lost. And then we we discover that in the mind of our justices in the whole country, the government is doing its best, in their mind the judges in the country, the government is doing their best, there is a pandemic in their mind. And even if they’re making mistakes there and then, but generally it’s for the well being of the citizen to be shut down when necessary, according to how they, so we felt like you were saying now that until we present the case in court that challenges the value {inaudible] of the beliefs of even the judges, things like what we took up to ask them if this Corona itself is isolated, is purified or is in any lab, these are the things that we want them to answer in the court. And then we [are] also challenging the very act itself, the Disaster Management Act because you see, we go to malls, children are back to school, and those [that] want to go to the beach are going to the beach. There’s a lot of freedom. The government is not supporting any funeral, ff there’s a funeral they’re not paying for it. So we were questioning what is the definition of disaster, when [they] say we are under disaster, and then you evoke the Disaster Management Act. What disaster is it? So these are the fields that we are going to be taking to the Constitutional Court, because here’s the deal.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:10:20

In them in one of the consultation with the senior lawyers, some of them advise us, and they are working for government in the military intelligence. They said, in our briefings, as lawyers acting on behalf of the government, they said any high court obligation against any regulation, or challenging the very Disaster Management Act itself, they would keep appealing to exhaust to get us tired, you know, to where we have to keep appealing, so he suggested that go directly to the Apex court, the Constitutional Court seek audience with the court, because this is a constitutional crisis, the freedoms of religion, the freedoms of Association, the freedoms of gathering, and the Bill of Rights, all these {inaudible) are Council, so we can approach the Constitutional Court. And the good thing about going straight to the Constitutional Court in the Republic of South Africa is that once the decision has been made there, there’s no appeal. Because there was a judgement by another group here where some of the regulations were found to be invalid, and unconstitutional [and] they just ignored the judgement. And then the same group lodged another court application, holding the minister in contempt, what they did is, instead of rectifying those unlawful, they changed to another level, they move from level four to level three and draft new regulations. They don’t know, they don’t comply with the court orders. They can move to level two, and then they claim there’s a peak, everybody will be [inaudible], and then they go back to level four and strengthen. So one will go to the court to challenge the regulations of level four. On the day of the case, they announced they are moving from level four to level two, and now it’s new regulation, it makes the case irrelevant now in the court because the levels has changed the regulations has changed. They’ve been playing that kind of a game. But what do we have done? Because also we know about the politics in Africa, we will require the masses. We are churches, so we are mobilising and educating our own churches all around the country on these matters, on the mask, as we get the information we make it known to our people, the danger of the mask, you know, continual sanitation, what it does, you know, so for us getting proper scientific evidence from within our teams in these groups will be imperative in that we can pass, not things that we pick up from, you know, Google, but real things that are researched that can be tested, that you have the jar the scientists baking them, like the case that we have a group of lawyers who are representing us, but for them to apply the law, like we said to you the other day, they said we need facts. Can you identify some scientists who are supporting what you’re alleging against government? Because they will say, government will come with their own experts, they will come with their own scientists, and then each will present their case before the justices before the bench of the Constitutional Court. Who do you have? And then that’s when we started looking for you, for everybody, because in South Africa [the] majority of the doctors and the little scientists that we have are at the employment of government, like Mr. Ginpa was saying they are afraid they have signed some confidential agreement and from there [have] be made to sign papers after papers, you know, confidentiality, they have been threatened. So, down this side is challenging to get expert who can come and say we will draft up the [inaudible]. They talk to us, but they talk to us secretly behind the scenes, they don’t want to come to the fall, when they realise that we want to really take up this matter, they disappear. So that’s what is happening. That is why as soon as we are connected with people who are ready to support the things that we want to present, that we want to challenge our government before the Constitutional Court to prove that we are under a disaster, because we don’t think we are under the disaster. There’s no military on the street. No everybody is capable of taking care of themselves. And also we need clarity as to whether Corona is a pandemic seeing that in South Africa alone, it has [a] recovery of 95 percent. I mean, without anybody getting medication, 95 percent recovery. So does it qualify? These are the things that they have to come before the courts. But we need people who are best positioned as scientists to say this doesn’t qualify because we believe that, Is it purified, and we heard that it looks like Corona is not anywhere in any lab in the world, it’s not isolated it’s not purified? So the PCR test, what are they for?

Reiner Fuellmich  1:16:41

That is the most, John I think that is very encouraging to hear that from you. Because I get the idea that in South Africa, and probably I think you hinted at that in much of the rest of Africa as well, much of the information that the people get they get through the churches, is that correct?

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:17:03


Reiner Fuellmich  1:17:04

Yes that is –

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:17:04

–  any other information that the people are getting in Africa and South Africa, especially from the television is pro government, pro Corona, comply, comply, sanitise, you go anywhere, like the gentleman was saying, there are people when they see without the mask, they say, “hey where’s your mask?” They will even fight. So we are the only ones who brings a different narrative. And we have the platforms, we have the platforms because we have thousands of churches that we oversee so we can talk. As long as we get the right information, you know, we can begin to educate the people on the ground, and we are working on establishing, you know, communication channels, we will use some {inaudible] YouTube or whatever, even though you know what they are doing, they put down what they don’t agree, but word of mouth is working in our churches for us. So it’s positive. What we need to go forward with our litigation, as soon as possible, is to get at least three judges or three scientists who can say we will write the Abu Dhabi expert the adivatit and then our senior counsel will be able to apply the law based on the information that we get, as soon as we do that. And I told you that South Africa is key in Southern Africa and Africa, because South Africa is in alliance with other 16 countries. They call them South African Development Community. Whatever South Africa does, these countries they follow without even questioning. So once we begin this lawsuit in the Republic of South Africa, we will go to Mozambique, we will go to (inaudible), we will go to Angola, we will go to Bhutan, we will go to Seychelles to Mauritius, to all of them and the rest of Africa. This is what we want to do and we want to do it speedily. We have to move with speed because these people also they are not slowing down until, I’m told that at the end of of June, in South Africa, we will be receiving Pfizer’s 88 million vaccines of Pfizer. We want to move to the Constitutional Court before that, we want to stop it. We want to move fast. So if we can be helped, even if the cost of the scientists whether to come or just to send the avidavit we can get sponsors to pay for costs.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:17:21


Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:18:33

Reiner, do they have our expert opinions already?

Reiner Fuellmich  1:20:06

I don’t know, John I think I sent you or Corbin may have sent you the expert opinions, which are all included in this one decision made by the court by the family court in Weimar. If you don’t have it yet, we will send it to you right after this session. Plus, I will put you in touch with all of the major experts so that you can move very fast because we understand, we understand that South Africa and probably the entire continent of Africa is going to be key to what is going on, I think it’s going to be key to what is going on, because unlike in any other country, where the churches are a complete disaster, in South Africa the churches are still capable of talking to the people and giving them the real information.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:20:58

That is the positive, not only in South Africa, but also in Africa. We have [the] majority of the white churches and, you know, your mainstream churches, you know, agreeing with government, turning  churches into vaccination centres, training for vaccinations, but those who agree with us are more than those with them. So we need to move quickly with proof and go before the courts, like I said, challenging regulations is [a] waste of time. They keep changing them. We have to go to the core of the issues, we have to attack the real issues, where is Corona, why the PCR testing? What is in the vaccines? What are the contents of the vaccines that you’re vaccinating? Because we are told that it’s not even a vaccination against Corona? Its trials. So we want to take them to court to explain why are they vaccinating people? Is it for prevention or they are still try, we want those things to be spoken of in the highest court in the country, so that they can be held responsible. When they make their press conferences and announce the distances, the journalists are not challenging them, they get away with it. So we want to take them before the High Court so that they answer these things in the courts, in the courts with proof they must not come with [an excuse to] wait, and the other time they came with a letter. You know, when they were asking one of their lawsuit why the mask they put out a letter from WHO and the magistrate was even [disgusted?], but we are a sovereign country. Why you receiving instruction from WHO to put the mask and you don’t ask them for what because their lawyer could not say if the mask is preventing, he says no the Minister acted on the letter from WHO and the judge was asking him, so you don’t know whether the mask helps or not. You just want people to put [on] their mask. So all those things they have no basis. But we want the science to back us, we want experts to support what we already know [and] what we already believe. We don’t qualify to talk on these things because we are not scientists, but we are feeling strong about this thing, so we want to be connected with these people so that we can move fast.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:23:49

Okay, John, we thank you the decision by the court of Weimar, we will send it again. And we will put you in touch with all of the scientists. One is the lead scientist who is in touch with everyone else. And she will be the one who will get you in touch with everyone else. We’re going to move fast because it looks as though Africa may be key to this.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:24:13


Viviane Fischer  1:24:13

Okay. Perfect. That’s really fantastic. I think it’s really good news that you have this analogue connection with, you know, all the the members of the community that I think that’s a really, that’s a great opportunity that we should really look at. We also have additional expert opinions, Reiner, on for instance, the, you know, the dangerousness of the testing kits, you know, like this, these little things that you put into your nose and these are even also toxic and we have, we have the swab sample.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:24:47

The swabs on the chemical.

Viviane Fischer  1:24:47

Yeah, it’s toxic because of the chemicals they used and all that we have more information about that as well.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:24:54

We were travelling to a programme in Dubai and they did this test on two of our colleagues when we were travelling with. Fifteen minutes down, those people could not walk. You know, they became dizzy and it lasted for eight hours before they recover. People who are normal after this thing was put in their nose, suddenly they lost control of their body. I don’t know what happened. And I think you’re right, we have to go against those things.

Viviane Fischer  1:25:31

Yeah. So we’ll keep you posted. We’ll send out all that. And then you can use it and get in touch with the experts, and they [are] also like English speaking experts, and we can also provide them. I think that’s really like a good outlook on this kind of thing. Maybe should we because I don’t know what the time, what we’re at timewise, maybe we should now turn to –

Reiner Fuellmich  1:25:54

– no we’re a little behind. We’re a little behind schedule. But this was really important. Because it looks as though really, John, it looks as though Africa will be key to all of this, and –

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:26:07

– especially South Africa. South Africa should be supported because it controls everything in Africa. It’s the gateway to Africa. We win this lawsuit in South Africa, we finish the lie in the whole continent. And then we lay a base for the whole world to rise up. Yes.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:26:28

That’s the point, I will put you in touch with my friend and our colleague, Michael Swinwood as well because it’s important. He knows he has much of the background information about the history of the power structures behind the pharmaceutical and the tech and the financial industry, which is driving this. He knows who is really in charge of this, just as extra information. You can’t use it in the courts of law yet, but it’s important to know it. So I’ll put you in touch with him and with some of the other colleagues, some of the Anglo American colleagues, but I think it’s extremely important that we provide you, in South Africa with everything that we have. We’ll do that John.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  1:27:13

That’s very important.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:27:14


Viviane Fischer  1:27:15

Super, thanks ever so much. Reiner can you see if Tom is now here?

Reiner Fuellmich  1:27:21

Tom, are you with us? Tom Rence? No, I think he’s still at the airport. I think he’s on a delayed plane or something. So, again, thank you, John. This is very, very important for all of us what you told us.

Viviane Fischer  1:27:40

Thanks so much. So let’s turn to Israel.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:27:43


Uriel Cohen  1:27:45

Yeah. Hi. Hello. So my name is Uriel. I’m from Israel. And I’m representing a group, an NGO if you will, called the Israel People Committee. I’m joined by Drotten Brown. She’s one of our lead attorneys, and she’s also in the meeting. So I thought about starting to describing the situation in Israel a little bit.

Viviane Fischer  1:28:14


Uriel Cohen  1:28:14

And then one of our projects that’s not so legal related, and then we will turn to Rotem and she will explain our legal situation. Yeah, okay. So, you know, Israel is a little small country, and around 9 million people. And it’s very important, because everything that’s going to happen everywhere in the world, it’s happening right now in Israel. So the government claims that we have around 5 million people already vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which is the vaccine that’s currently being used in Israel. We have around two and a half million children under the age of 16 that cannot be currently vaccinated. And around one and a half million people, the rest of the people that are not vaccinated and probably doesn’t want to be vaccinated, though, they know we’ve reached a point of stagnation where they know that they cannot force the one and a half million people to vaccinate no matter the green passport on whatever measures they [are] taking. So the next step is to vaccinate the children. So one of the projects that we are doing is to try to make people realise how dangerous is the vaccine and to give the people informed consent, so real informed concern that’s not being given by the government so that parents can decide whether they actually want to vaccinate their children or not. So because, you know, the government has been given propaganda that the vaccination is FDA approved, which it’s not. It has an emergency approval only. And they don’t, or they are not given the information at the point of vaccination when, for example, in the US, you go to get your vaccine, you get several pages of information, that it’s an emergency use only, it’s not approved, et cetera, et cetera. So in Israel, you don’t in Israel, they just jab you with the needle, and then you go home. So the government makes like, there’s a system to inform after vaccination, about side effects and adverse events, but there is no transparency system working there. And our group has been collecting from Facebook, social media, all kinds of reports of adverse effects, and collecting them in a document, which we have already published in Hebrew. And we are in the process of translating [it] into English, I sent to Korovin our summary in English. And once we get the full report, we are going to send it. We see very serious side effects like cardiac problems in very young people, and problems among pregnant women, very serious problems. And we want people to know that probably the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease. So once this got into social media, the report and starting making some noise, the government came out with like leaked, the Minister of Health leaked their own report, in which they downplayed the numbers by far. And they started claiming that all problems were treatable, and they were not serious, which is, of course, a lie. So, one of the main aspects of work is trying to make the public aware. The other problem we are trying to attack is to somehow try to stop the vaccinations upon children because the government is talking now about starting vaccinations for children during May or maybe June. And they are starting massive propaganda campaigns to cause parents to want to vaccinate their children’s, like they’re claiming that some child from non vaccinated parents spread the disease in the entire school. And they want to introduce PCR, massive PCR testing in the schools, to cause everyone to be afraid, of course, and try to vaccinate their children. So from a non legal standoff point of view, this is our work what we’re trying to do. And I think I will let Rotem continue and explain our legal work. And then if you have questions, we can try to address them.

Viviane Fischer  1:33:16

Can I just ask quickly I have a question. So the vaccine, this is only the Pfizer, the biontech Pfizer that you’re using still?

Uriel Cohen  1:33:24

Yes, the Prime Minister has an agreement with Pfizer, which has been published but redacted with major parts redacted. We know even the date of the agreement is redacted. We know that he has compromises well to something and we don’t know what he has made promises of vaccinating, I think 90 percent of the people or more. So the pressure upon the government to try to vaccinate the people is very high, and probably to his pocket as well. So, yeah, only the Pfizer. And the Prime Minister has already bought like 30 million additional doses because they’re saying that two doses will not be enough, the antibodies will fade within a few months, and you will have to have a third dose of the vaccination.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:34:20

There is a rumour Uriel, I don’t know if you’ve heard about this that kickbacks are being paid to your prime minister for every for every, quote on quote, vaccination, have you heard this?

Uriel Cohen  1:34:38

I don’t know if it’s true. I’m sure it might be true. I’m sure that there are other government officials that they might be getting paybacks also, and I’m sure that many of the doctors working, those that want to vaccinate people, they’re also getting some sort of payback. But I think that there’s an important issue that I think that. We believe that probably he has, he has put something as collateral to the agreement. And it might be very dangerous not to fulfil it because, you know, deficit and stuff. But let Drotten speak a little bit about our legal situation might be important also. Rotem please.

Rotem Brown  1:35:38

Okay. So good evening everybody. My name is Rotem Brown. Thank you so much for this platform I find this conversation fascinating. And I also I can tell you that the people of my country are very curious to know, and to listen and to hear from firsthand from people around the world because the media, mainstream media is so deceitful that you cannot even fathom the real situation. I would go so far to say that our entire reality is being fabricated by those who have the power and the interest to do so. And that they gain so much from this plandemia. There is not a,  I don’t see any point in elaborating about things that we all know and grasp. Just to say that our situation in Israel is very unique, in the sense that most of the population or the people who actually have a voice that are grown up and are vaccinated if you have any, any way to avoid. I have heard pastor John’s speech, and I think that if they have, if we can help in any way to prevent vaccination and actually, in all truth, I cannot call this thing a vaccine because it is not a vaccine. It’s a gene therapy. And, as Uriel stated our people committee are investigating the adverse side effects of this Pfizer I don’t even know liquid or gene therapy. We are witnessing horrible, horrible side effects and nobody will ever compensate these people since this thing is called a vaccine and it’s not called a medication, so there are different rules about liability. For myself, I can say I used to be a very peaceful lawyer. I have an office in Tel Aviv but one year ago, I woke up to realise that I’m an activist. And since then, I work day and night and I have another colleague working with me her name is Garrett. And we are filing more and more applications for the high court also was stated before me that is trying to to go to lower tribunals it can be devastating. We’ve seen it in our country, also because the media is so into strengthening the deceitful narrative of the plandemia then we are fighting giants. That’s at least the way we feel so as David and Goliath in this biblical myth, we are David and we are fighting Goliath and I don’t and we needed to act quickly and with wisdom. And this is what we’re trying to do. Also don’t if we’ll (inaudible) we have green passport in Israel, which is probably the most fascist, horrible thing that happened in our country ever. It’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable that such a thing has happened in the state of Israel, where we have Holocaust survivors. We had the Holocaust day a month ago and the ceremonies did not allow Holocaust survivors to come if they don’t have green passport. Can you imagine? A thing like that, a person who went through camps and was experimented on is now going through the whole trauma again, in their own state. It’s just astonishing.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:40:21

Rotem we had, we had one of the Holocaust survivors. [We] interviewed one of them on our Corona Committee, her name is Vera Sharaf.

Uriel Cohen  1:40:32

Yes, I met her. I had happened to talk to her on the phone. And she was very nice. And she told me the story. And she enlightened me about Klaus Schwab. And the whole clique and she pointed me like in the right direction to read and learn a little more of what’s actually happening. Yes.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:40:56

The thing is, the most important thing she said is that she never in her lifetime would have expected to have to fight the very same people again, that she has to fight against 70 or 80 years ago, and I don’t what I don’t understand, well, I do understand because of the mainstream media’s propaganda. But it’s very hard to understand how those people who survived this do not get a voice in your country, because they must make themselves heard. Everybody should hear their stories. So that would be a very stark warning, I think. But –

Uriel Cohen  1:41:33

– well, historically, there has been a problem with the Holocaust survivors, they’re like –

Rotem Brown  1:41:42

– I would say –

Uriel Cohen  1:41:44

– they’re few and sometimes they get into a situation that they don’t have, they are not treated economically well enough in the country, which is weird. But I don’t know.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:42:00

That’s strange.

Rotem Brown  1:42:02

I would say that the brainwashing is so powerful, that we are experiencing such a cognitive dissonance among the people that really the fight or the war is it’s about consciousness. And I saw the email that you sent about the PCR test, and truly, I think that the most biggest problem is mainstream media and the brainwashing, and we use the, so I don’t think that if we even tell people that the PCR tests are, excuse me, bullshit, that they would actually believe it, because they’re so brainwashed. So the only tools we have are going to the High Court of Justice, I personally make very big lawsuits that are you would say are constitutional [although] we don’t actually have a constitution in Israel, but to protect a few thousand people thousands of people I represent a group of teachers that were threatened to be fired or being forced to inject the Pfizer liquid or get tested. And they’re at least left alone for now. So,  also we represent under the People’s Committee, another group of people who are parents of children that now they are starting to mandate a PCR test in school, of course, the real purpose is to inject them, even though it is highly dangerous and experimental, and they are hiding the fact that the whole thing is experimental, which is another application that we made about the deceit, the whole deceit about how the propaganda for Pfizer, a liquid was presented on television and behind them there was this logo FDA approved and they said it went through the strictest of tests which is [a] complete lie. There was no test, the FDA emergency authorization that is temporary was given upon the sold word of Pfizer, and without any tests. Also, the thing was not tested in Israel, it was just shipped here and immediately 5 million people were injected, which is insane. There are only 9 million people in the country.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:45:11

But you’re saying saying that, if I don’t, if I have written this down correctly, 5 million people were vaccinated. 2.5 million children are supposed to get vaccinated but haven’t been vaccinated yet.

Uriel Cohen  1:45:26

Yes, but they’re only authorising right now the vaccination between ages of 12 and 16, which is of course is not two and a half million.

Rotem Brown  1:45:37

High school children 16 and above are vaccinated. And now the discrimination is so severe that if you have a 16 year old child, they cannot go to the annual trip with their other children. They can go and do everything that is not fun, but anything that is fun, they cannot do which suggests the whole green passport is punitive. And it has no  epidemiological logic behind it, or any. We are trying to, and I do want to go back to what Pastor John said, which is, I thought it was I don’t know, so powerful his words. The scientifical thing is essential in our people committee, we have scientists, doctors, people from like, media experts, doctors, professors, lawyers, we are trying to combine forces, but not come out as conspiration theories is what they’re trying to say about us. I have friends who actually asked me if I believe in [a] flatworld, that’s how brainwashed people are people who know me, or know my career. I am a lawyer. I’m an economist, I have also another degree in business. For people who know me to ask me such a thing that tells you how brainwashed they are.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:47:23

Yeah, but this is the same story. It’s happening all over the world. The other side is afraid of our opinions, [and] is afraid of our scientific arguments. That’s why they must do everything to keep us from from getting our opinions, and our scientific opinions heard. That’s why they’re all in every single country. This is the same approach everywhere. That’s why they’re all calling us, right wing, Martians, flat earthers, whatever. They can only attack us personally, they cannot attack our opinions, because there’s no way if they had us on a talk show, for example, on public television, their whole house of cards would immediately collapse. Because as you may have noticed, those stooges or puppets, whose strings are being pulled by the people who are behind them, most of them are not very smart. They’re not the brightest candles on the chandelier. They’re rather very, I’m not gonna say stupid people, but they’re not very bright. They put them there because they’re easy to handle. And that’s why they don’t want them to talk to us, not in public.

Rotem Brown  1:48:38

But I would say to that, I was interviewed at the beginning of my struggle when I first started to represent the teachers of Israel. The media actually chased me and I knew that they are manipulating the thing. First of all, and this is some kind of advice that I can give you all, is that you should never, ever, ever give an interview that is not live, only live interview, because they edit it and they make you sound ridiculous. They will do anything, anything to represent anybody who is not aligned with the narrative as fake news. The media are the most, at least in on my part, the most dangerous dangerous tool of all. I am not sure that they are even have any kind of thing to offer us. They are bought and paid for. And there’s nothing we can do with them except maybe sue them.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:49:55

Yeah, but you have to choose your battles. You can’t fight every battle, you have to choose your battles. But listen. In my view, there are a lot of people out there who share our views. Most of them keep quiet at this point. For example, the other day, I had to go to the German equivalent of the DMV, the Department of Motor Vehicles. And there was this woman talking to me behind this shield. And she, I got the impression that she was not very happy with what she was doing. She was wearing a mask, but she kept pulling it down. Eventually, I told her, because she was making a joke, which sounded as though she didn’t really mean it to be funny. And I said, Well, you know, where do you get this information? And she said, Well, not from the mainstream media. I said, Well, check our Corona Committee, check it out. It’s Corona-Committee DE in German, of course, Corona Ausschuss DE. And she said, well, we do get information from the mainstream media. And then she stopped, she paused, and then she said, but all of us know it’s bullshit. So many more people out there understand what’s going on than we think. Many more people are beginning to realise that there’s something wrong. And that’s why we have to be careful, we have to try and reach out to them and not antagonise them because it’s not really their fault. It’s the fault of the mainstream media. What we cannot do is, we will not be able to save everyone, if only half of what the scientists who we spoke to including Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer, including Professor Bhakti, including Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Many, many others, if only half of what they’re telling us is true. Dr Tenpenny from the United States, if only half of that is true, then many people will be in deep trouble. Many vaccinated people will be in deep trouble, once they are confronted with a live virus in the fall, probably.

Rotem Brown  1:52:09

Probably our salvation will come from your direction, because in Israel the catastrophe is the amount of people that were vaccinated. And once people inject this thing into their body, they are committed to the narrative, because they have already been fooled. And I think it was Mark Twain who said that it is easier to fool a person than to make a person understand that he was fooled. Yeah. And once they were fooled, it is almost impossible to get them out of the trap.

Uriel Cohen  1:52:50

Their own minds need to assert their reality that they chose. Yeah. So they chose the vaccinatio that must be the reality, it cannot be otherwise.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:53:02

But the additional problem that they’re facing is that once you’ve gotten vaccinated, it’s going to be almost impossible to listen to the other side, because what is the other side going to tell you? You may die –

Uriel Cohen  1:53:15

– the vaccine is dangerous. Yes right.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:53:18

No one wants to hear this. However, they’re not all going to die. That’s what Pastor John told us. There is hope even for those people, but they’re in grave danger.

Uriel Cohen  1:53:29

But, but I’ve heard some some parents saying that they’re just starting to realise that maybe their option, their decision was not as good, and they’re choosing not to vaccinate their children. I heard some cases or cases where they don’t want to take the next dose the third dose that they’re talking about.

Rotem Brown  1:53:51

Reiner, I tried to say to the people, and this is what we try to establish in our lawsuits of the High Court, that the discrimination is a more severe illness than Corona that losing your human rights is more dangerous than any disease. And that we try to remind them that countries that have only one opinion are the most dangerous countries in the world. And pluralism, once we lose that it’s not coming back.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:54:28

That is true. That is true. That’s why we have to fight. Again we’re behind schedule. Do you mind because there’s another colleague of yours from Israel. His name is Tamir Turgal. Do you mind if we switch over to him?

Uriel Cohen  1:54:44

Sure, we are very familiar with him.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:54:47

Okay good.

Rotem Brown  1:54:48

We are friends.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:54:50

Very good. Hi Tamir, how are you doing?

Tamir Turgal  1:54:52

Oh, hello, everybody. It’s great to be here again. Hi. Nice to see you Uriel, nice to see you Rotem. I must tell you Reiner now that Rotem and Uriel are great lawyers, very brave one, we came to collaborate lately, and we consult with each other. And I am more phasing out of local activity. And then I think, because I’m not their presence in the field, and Rotem and Uriel are and there are others good ones, but I think they are the leading ones, so I’m really, really happy that they could join us today and take part of it. And, yeah, hopefully they continue with what they’re doing. They are challenging the courts, even though the courts are very conformist. But challenging is our, in my point of view, as lawyers and judges, it’s our role to shape the society, definitely when it’s going south, definitely in such times. So it’s great to see you all again. How are you, Reiner?

Reiner Fuellmich  1:56:06

I’m still in good shape. It’s sometimes it’s very difficult. But you know, I think it’s the same for all of us. It’s like a roller coaster ride, you go up and you go down. But remember, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. We know it because Pastor John told us so only a few minutes ago.

Tamir Turgal  1:56:24

Yeah, yeah. Well, I will speak a little bit about Israel, but I will also take it to other places. But I want to add some additional aspects to the story of Israel that my colleagues here weren’t focusing on. First of all, they did mention about the vaccination of children, I am saying to my people [and] I’m saying to the people of the world, if you want to know what’s going to happen, just check the history, because history is now repeating itself. And we see in Israel, now they’re targeting the children between 12 to 16. It’s in my point of view, it’s only a matter of time until they will go even to lower ages. And you can see the Prime Minister of Israel is going out and talking about vaccination in [an] obsessive way. Even the CEO of Pfizer said that he is obsessive about it. Well, what is motive? The motives are really it doesn’t matter, but we are seeing a politician, a leader of a country trying to teach the whole country a new concept and a new doctrine. You don’t have to work out anymore. You don’t have to eat well, you don’t have to take care of yourself. The chemical. I think Tom is with it and I think it would be better if –

Reiner Fuellmich  1:57:58

– Tom Renz is waiting in line. Go ahead, Tamir.

Tamir Turgal  1:58:02

So what is important for the Prime Minister of Israel that everybody’s going to get injected? He’s talking about the third injection right now, for the adults. But I do want to  emphasise that. When you look on the mainstream media. Maybe Tom can just mute.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:58:25

Tom, can you hear us?

Tamir Turgal  1:58:27

Yeah, now it’s better.

Tom Renz  1:58:30

I can hear I was muted.

Reiner Fuellmich  1:58:31

Yeah, sorry about that.

Tamir Turgal  1:58:34

Yeah, just keep it mute. And everybody if there is noise from another place, then it will be helpful. So I want to emphasise that we are yet in Israel, 9 million people, however, and yes, according to this mainstream media, about 5 million out of 6 million that was targeted to be injected. It’s very interesting. They targeted 6 million [a] very interesting number. So they say that 5 million had been injected, let’s say that it is true, which is not necessarily so. We know that close to 400,000 people were supposed to get the second injection because you don’t get the green passport, the green tag, which is as Rotem said is the most fascist thing you can ever think about. You don’t get it if you don’t have two vaccines, but for some reason, almost 400,000 people out of this allegedly 5 million, didn’t come back for the second shot. So that means that the first shot left them with some impression that they don’t need to come back. Or some of them are not with us anymore. So we have 1 million people out of the 6 million that were targeted, because we have about 6 million adults. 1 million that didn’t get the shot. 400,000 didn’t come back to get the second shot, and we have another, we assume there are about another million that took the shot, not because they believe in it, just because they wanted what they call their life back. And what I tell people all the time, you are never getting your life back if you are injected. You’re getting your life back as [an] injected person. So you were on your knees. Now they are stepping on your head, and now you’re getting some rights back. So it’s never to be considered as I’m getting my life back, but people want to go on with their lives, they want to have rights again. And we assume around 1 million more people that got injected, I wouldn’t say vaccinated, I don’t call it a vaccine, just to get some rights back. One more thing about Israel, is that in workplaces, which we don’t have any law, any temporary law, any regulation, anything from the government, for some reason, the majority of workplaces in the country, I’m talking about nationwide, through banks, insurance companies, telecommunication companies, electronic companies, all across the board to small offices, even law offices are asking as a mandatory requirement to show the green tag which is a vaccination chart, or to show a test every 72 hours, 48 hours, 24 hours, it depends on the place. The Orthodox the ultra orthodox, it says no test at all, you have to show green tag or you’re out of work. And I am supporting some cases very, very few because I don’t have time to deal with private cases anymore. But I’m supporting cases where they want to fire people, so they give them a hearing the last hearing before firing, and I was just attending one this week, and it was shameful because the time that we were talking with the people in the workplace, there was one it was a high tech company, it’s a team working as a team I represented a woman, there was a guy of this six people team that got brain damage after the second injection. While we were talking he was in the hospital. The day after the hearing, I’ve heard from my client that he died. So now they have to decide if she is going to be fired or not. But they are busy now probably compensating the family of one of her fellow mates in her team. So that’s how insane it is in Israel without any law. So we call it kind of a nationwide phenomenon, because it’s based on what Rotem says, in my point of view, the propaganda, the mass media propaganda, this is the worst problem that we have because people tend to believe it. And from what I think and analyse the biggest problem that we have right now is not at the top, its not the prime minister or people from the World Health Organisation or the economic forum or all the bad bad guys. The problem is with the lower levels what we call, and I’m sorry that I have to use that term, useful idiots. What we see people smart people, doctors, professors, lawyers, researchers, whatever, just obedient to the system. it became in Israel more than any other country I think it became, it’s a religion it’s a new religion but everybody wants to be proud of the part of the solution. And there is no sensitivity to what Rotem was referring that we’re losing democracy we’re losing the the glue of democratic society and they don’t understand this is going to fire back because of people like you Reiner  and my colleagues here and others, everybody here in this session and every time that you go on like an international live like this, it’s for me, it’s like a democratic celebration. I had the privilege to meet with you in person in your committee. And what Rotem by the way, and Uriel, is doing now as they are mimicking a local committee in Israel, very much like yours with some great doctors involved. And they’re trying to challenge the PCR, everything that is going on. And it’s amazing that we are still going on and doing what we’re doing. It’s very important. I will now speak about more about my future activities and worldwide activities. But if you want to ask me anything, or just leave the conversation, go ahead.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:05:30

That’s yeah. Tell us briefly because Tom is waiting. And I think he has a very limited timeframe, within which he can talk to us. But please let us know what your future plans are.

Tamir Turgal  2:05:46

Yeah, let me focus on just a few things that I think are important, and I will let Tom take the stage. I am working right now with some activists in the Netherlands, we are actually are forming now a claim to the ICC. Some people that were working in this institute and know exactly how the claims work, and they will do it very professionally. But in a bigger scale, what I’m trying now to form with my colleagues. I’m working with Villum he’s a very important activist in the Netherlands. We’re trying to set the basis for a new nonprofit organisation that will try to collaborate and coordinate between lawyers worldwide, because I remember Reiner your personal initiative that you want to teach lawyers globally, to take a template and to copy it in different countries, how to claim for penalties and for compensation. But we believe that if we don’t have an organisation with few people working around the clock, it will never happen. If we don’t have something that is working as established organisation, it will be very hard because we have some meetings, and I already participate in a few meetings already with some lawyers through your forum and other forums, and everybody has a great intention, but there is no party or like a nonprofit company that is really dealing with that, you know that people are building a plan. So this is what I’m building right now. Hopefully, we will be able to come forward with this plan and ask for some help with funding it. I personally [am] not sure that I will take a part of it because I really want to focus my personal activity in writing and in consulting with philosophers and academic law people, [and] also [a] former judge in Israel and other places to build new law for the next for the day after, what I call the day after, this will end at some point, and what happens right now, in my point of view, and I think many people here [will] agree with me that this is an execution of a well planned plan, to change the norms to change the doctrine. And I believe we do need to change them. But we do need to change them to totally the other way. We need to protect people from this happening ever again. I know (inaudible) because we talked about and we spent some few hours in your office, and I’m really, as I said, I’m privileged to have done that. But I want to take it forward, I really want to have the opportunity in the coming months to do it. One thing you talked about [with] the guy from Africa, I’m looking for a country, if anybody can come up and give me some contacts to officials in any country, maybe in Africa, that is willing to go against this fake pandemic, those fake measures. We need a country. I know Bella Rue is like this, but I’m not sure that we can really cooperate with them. But I would want to have a country that we can rely on and say hey, they are adopting this new concept that we’re trying to establish. My people have a vow. It’s never again, and we’re the grandsons and we will fulfil this commitment. It will never happen again and what they’re trying to do right now, we will not let it happen.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:09:50

Excellent Tamir. Thank you very much. There’s another country it could be Tanzania. We don’t know yet because we don’t know what’s happening there after the President died. But right now Tanzania is in good shape, Bella Rue is probably another good place. But there are other countries as well. I’m going to send you a list by email.

Tamir Turgal  2:10:12

Thank you. I’m focusing on Tanzania. And by the way, Reiner, just for you to know I’m working now, I think well my people approached you guys, but I’m not sure we’re working now, on the 19th of May, we’re going to have I don’t know if it’s going to be a hackathon, but it’s going to be like an online conference with many professionals. And we really want you to participate. it’s not necessarily going to be online, but we’re trying to have a conversation between me, you, Kennedy, Bob Kennedy, and Del Bigtree. And we want to have all of us on the same table virtually to discuss for about 40 minutes about what’s going on. We want to prevent from the Government of Israel to start injecting kids under the age of 16. This experiment must end. And we are we know that Israel is only the early bird for the next of the world. They’re already talking about green tag here in Europe. It’s insane. I heard that in Germany, you cannot even go to [the] shop now without showing vaccination or something like that.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:11:21

That’s true.

Viviane Fischer  2:11:21

Well no a test result. No vaccination yet.

Tamir Turgal  2:11:25

Okay. Test results for now. But yeah, once they have all the people already needed to be vaccinated because they’re going by ages right? Then they will start pushing that as well. It’s insane how it is going, all countries are the same. It’s just a matter of differences in time.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:11:44

Yeah, we know, we know. That’s why we’re looking in our and what’s going on in Israel, because we know that this is what’s going to happen next in all the other countries, but right now we have, in my view, we have a very positive outlook in Africa of all continents, nobody, would have believed that they’re so far ahead of us. It’s incredible, and that they have their own means of transporting information through the churches, the churches that still seem to be working in Africa, but not here. Okay, now, let’s, uh, thank you so much, guys. Thank you so much, Rotem and Uriel, and Tamir, we’ll be in touch. We will get these bastards.

Tamir Turgal  2:12:36

Yes, we will.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:12:37

Okay. Tom, can you hear us?

Tom Renz  2:12:42

Yes, sir. I can.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:12:44

Great. We can’t see you. But as long as you can hear and see oh, that’s it. Very good. Where are you?

Tom Renz  2:12:50

I am in an airport in a restaurant. I apologise for the noise. And I also apologise for being the cause of people being rushed through their presentation. It’s an honour and a privilege to be here amongst my betters. And I do appreciate the opportunity.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:13:12

How have you been? What are you doing legally? We’ve spoken with, or I have spoken with Ana Garner? And I’m really impressed with what you’re doing there in New Mexico, I know you’re a part of this.

Tom Renz  2:13:25

Yeah, no, we’re doing a lot of things. And what I’ve done is I’ve very slowly and very carefully developed a team of people that I trust, who are helping me with litigation. So we have litigation going in a number of states and against the federal government. We’re getting ready to launch another wave of litigation, and it will be absolutely massive. We’re working right now, and I can’t discuss the details on, but we’re working right now with some funders who may allow us to do some things that we wouldn’t have imagined possible. Some very highly placed people with deep pockets that will allow us to do this. So if this works out, you’ll see another wave of litigation launching, I just had a discussion talking strategically about the overview. And you have to understand that what I’m looking at is no longer single cases, I’m looking at combinations of cases, and how they can be used to play off of each other to develop a much larger offensive. It’s really evolved substantially since our first case. That said, I’m gonna offer you guys just because my time is short, I’m gonna really try and move quickly with some things. I want to first offer a very controversial topic. But I think it’s critical that we all hear this. So we’ve seen in the United States and I have evidence that I will never ever be able to share that there are lawyers and groups and people among us, who are working to undermine our work. There. They’re wolves in sheep’s clothing. Okay, I want for all of you that are true, truly fans of democracy and who are truly fighting this from your hearts, I want to urge you to be very careful. One of the things, one of the, and there’s no single way to tell I mean, these people are brilliant. Some of these attorneys that have been involved that we’ve gotten word on are absolutely brilliant people, and far better attorneys than I’ll ever be. But I want you to be cautious. One of the things that we’ve seen here is there’s been a substantial push. And some of them, there’s also been some brilliant attorneys that have been convinced that we should not in any way, shape or form, litigate or discuss the facts surrounding COVID-19 and that we should really focus only on the rule of law. Well, the problem is that we’re censored very, very badly in this country. And if we can’t discuss the facts in the courtroom, we can’t discuss them anywhere. So one of the things that you need to ask is, why would you avoid bringing up the facts when they’re so scientifically sound? And I would urge you all to ask anyone advising you against that, why? I haven’t found a satisfactory answer. Now, I understand there are certain, and the law varies country by country, so I can’t tell you in your own countries. But in this country, there are certain types of cases where it could be a little bit distracting to bring up the facts. But a simple statement, rejecting the premise that this is a dangerous and horrible pandemic that’s destroying us all, is not too much to ask. And it opens the door when we see responsive pleadings for us to say, you know, these are nonsense, these are not true. If you aren’t doing that if you aren’t willing to include that as a part of your case. My question for you is why? And I think that’s a really important question for any of you that are partnering with attorneys from across the pond. Or if you’re on this side of the pond. Please ask yourself that make your own decisions. I won’t denigrate people who have I mean, there’s smarter people than me with different legal opinions. But I want to make sure and I know that this is a controversial statement. And I’m sure that there’s going to be people upset with me for this. But as I said, I have personally seen photographic evidence that will never see the light of day, I just can’t do it. I’m under agreement, and those are important that there are there are wolves among us. So take it for what it’s worth. And just be careful. Because if you are truly a defender democracy, God bless you. And I’m honoured to be working with you. And I just want you to know to look over your shoulder. I get nothing out of making the statement, by the way, and feel free to disregard it if you choose. Moving on to another thought I’ve had, I’d like to propose, and I know that you have, Reimer has done a lot of this, we’ve partnered with a number of different organisations. And we’re seeing we’re bringing in a lot more people, I would like to suggest that perhaps we form a real international coalition of doctors, frontline doctors, I don’t know if you’ve heard of them here in America with Simone Gold. I’m working with them very closely now. I’m still working with Pam Popper and with a number of other people. I think that one of the things that we really need to do is we need to consolidate this absolutely brilliant group of people into a single research form, because that allows us to create evidence that’s indisputable that we really need. So for example, here in the States, it’s very difficult to find direct evidence of the causal relationship between this vaccination and a death. They’ve covered it up very well. And there’s issues with that. One of the things that I would love to see happening is a randomised controlled study, you know, evaluating certain aspects of vaccine. We can’t afford to do that and we don’t have the capacity in many places here, but if we all came together to fund some of this, it would be incredible. And I think we could get it funded, but we would need to partner globally to get it done properly. But I think a couple randomised controlled studies demonstrating the danger of this vaccine would go a long ways. We’ve also heard that in the United States, I think this is very relevant for you all, that they’re going to probably be pushing for full authorization of this drug in the summer, probably early summer. I’ve seen some things that point to it. I don’t have direct evidence, but I’ve seen some things that point to that being correct or I wouldn’t sayit. If that’s the case, that will be a disaster in the United States and probably everywhere. You know, It’s something that we really got to get to, we’ve really got to head off at the pass, I’ll tell you that I’m looking at litigation on this. And we’ve got a plan, it’ll just be a matter of executing. And one of the issues is finding lawyers that I can trust that will follow through on these cases, because I can only be in so many spots, I’m also being attacked quite more aggressively by the other side, they are trying to neutralise me from a number of directions, which, you know, frankly, I don’t care about. And as long as I’m able to work with with good people like you, Reiner and the people on this call, I don’t care. Calling me names in the press is hardly an issue. But there are other more serious attacks that I can’t go into right now. In the United States, that is an issue for lawyers that are speaking out, and anyone speaking out. We see doctors in the United States, who when they speak out there, they’re now attacking them and trying to remove their their licence to practice medicine in a number of states. I will say that the people of this country I think are in large part waking up to the nonsense. You wouldn’t know it. We’ve had about 30, some million vaccines, people vaccinated in this country. But the numbers have dropped dramatically. So now they’re really moving aggressively to get the private employers and private institutions to mandate it as a condition of work. And this is a difficult thing to fight in the courts. Just the way our law works, it makes it difficult. And you know, I mean, that’s not a surprise. But I mean, the other side on this is definitely brilliant, and definitely well planned on this. So I do think that I thought that the idea just that we talked about before about getting a country that would be willing to support this is an interesting thing, because I do think, you know, we don’t individually have any standing with the world court or anything like that. But if a nation would have standing and if we could get a nation to bring an international suit in the world court, and then bring us we the attorneys that actually stand, you know, stand for this in, I think it’d be very difficult to suppress the information if we made that a central point. And we have to recognise that making the true information a central point of our case is so critical, because not only does it allow us under American rules to get discovery when it’s challenged. But it also, it also gives us opportunity to educate people, it’s much harder to censor a lawsuit than it is a social media post. So as far as cases, like I said, we were hoping, and we’ve gotten quite good feedback. But we’re hoping to launch an offensive, which will be a series of cases. I don’t want to publicly talk about what those cases are going to be yet because of the fact that every time we do that we see we see shifts in the government and the lobbying and the legislature, everything. So we want it to be a bit of a surprise. I would also urge you all to consider this. We’re all here to fight for medical freedom. But this issue doesn’t exist without censorship and control of the media. In your individual nations, I would recommend that if you have the capacity that you look at what you can do to challenge the censorship and the situation that we’re having in regards to getting the message out. That is a critical critical and I know the United States has great, great rules related to free speech. But we’re also quite stifled in terms of fighting with frankly the Silicon Valley monopolies that control everything. So that said, you may have grounds to challenge them and other countries that are stronger than what we have in the United States. And if you can challenge them, their partners, one of the things that you’ll see is the people that run the Silicon Valley companies are partnered or sometimes they’re co owners, but they’re very involved in this. If you can, if you can hit them you’re pulling out a leg of the stool, so I’d recommend if you guys have the capacity to consider, what do we do to hit the people stifling free speech on this? Because when people hear our truth, it’s indisputable.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:24:56

I know.

Tom Renz  2:24:56

But they’re not hearing it. So that is.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:25:00

But it just so happens this, this is a complaint, a brand new complaint that my attorneys are going to file on my behalf against Google here in this country. And I think our laws, as far as that is concerned, are a little bit more advanced than those in the United States.

Tom Renz  2:25:20

Yeah, wonderful. Well, we need to do that. And please keep me updated on it because we need to really deal with the fact that the censorship is occurring. You know, I mean, I was censored in my testimony in front of a legislative body in the United States, it was, it was quite amazing.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:25:38

I saw that.

Tom Renz  2:25:38

Yeah, well there’s now a follow up on that. It’s quite, it’s just unbelievable what’s happening here. So to the extent possible, I’m happy to answer any questions about what we’re doing. Ana is a wonderful, wonderful partner in this. We have a great attorney up in Maine, his name is Ron Jenkins, he’s absolutely brilliant. We just filed another suit in Kentucky, and with a guy named Michael Hamilton. And then we also have Jonathan Deemer, and Robert Gargas. And then with the frontline doctors, we’ve got Joey Gilbert, we’ve got just a whole tonne of people that we’re getting here. And between Make Americans Free Again, which is Pam Poppers group, frontline doctors, and some of these other groups are really expanding our presence and our region, our capacity, quickly. But the nice thing about these groups, and I think another thing you can look for when you’re talking to your partners, is we’re all interested in fighting. You know, there’s a tendency to talk and talk and talk, but not get anything done. I don’t have some, I have to file my cases in good faith, and I always do, but if I lose a case, but move the ball forward, that’s okay. You know, of course, I don’t want to lose a case, but I’m not so prideful as to believe that my reputation is more important than this cause. So, you know, I urge you all to file, to fight, you know, do what you got to do on this, because we’re it, this is it, our team, our group, our people were the last line of defence on this, the New World Order, this COVID monarchy, whatever you want to call it, it’s here. And if we’re not fighting with every ounce of our being, it’s over. It’s over. It’s life and death. But for our work on a global level, and I mean, our work, not my work. Think how much farther this would be, if not for the fact that we have gotten our message out and educated people and said it made people recognise, hey, there is another side to this. And I’ve heard numerous times that they didn’t expect the resistance they’re getting.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:27:57

Exactly, exactly.

Tom Renz  2:28:00

But for that think how many more people would be dying or vaccinated on this or, you know, at risk. So, thank you all so much for everything that you’re doing. And it’s such an honour and a privilege to talk with you and be a part of it. If I can answer any questions, I got a couple more minutes. But I’ll wrap up there.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:28:22

Vice versa, Tom. This is the only way to do it. We have to all be connected with each other, in particular the lawyers, but everyone else as well. And we have to then exchange the decisions that we have, and of course, the expert opinions, but it’s most important to be connected to be able to talk to one another. So I do think, just like you just said, the other side is surprised at how many of us are not playing along with this, how many of us are saying we do not consent. And the funny thing is, it’s not really funny, the funny thing is that we’re the ones who have what one of the professors of psychology told us, Professor Lind we’re the ones with moral competence. We’re the ones who have the ability to ask questions rather than blindly following orders. Element number one for moral competence. And element number two is we’re the ones who are capable of discussing different opinions, rather than mashing someone else, a fist in the face just because they hold another opinion. So we’re the ones who are the gatekeepers of democracy.

Tom Renz  2:29:43

We are, we are the last bastion, but for us fighting I tremble to think where we’d be.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:29:51

Yeah. Well, Tom, thank you for taking the time. We’re almost through but there’s a couple more guests from Namibia, Africa. And so if you want to listen in, feel free to do so, I assume you’re gonna have to hop on a plane, right?

Tom Renz  2:30:11

I do have to hop on a plane and the day is super, super busy. But Reiner, I’d love to, I need to catch up with you to give you some additional information updates soon.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:30:21


Tom Renz  2:30:21

And for any of you on this call, if I can help you in any way, you know, I’m not special. I’m not the brightest lawyer, but I will back you in any way that I can. I’m in the fight for what it’s worth. And I welcome any assistance I can offer.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:30:37

Thank you, Tom, and have a safe trip. We’ll be in touch.

Tom Renz  2:30:40

You have a wonderful day.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:30:42

You too. Bye bye. Now, I think there is, we should be able to listen to Richard Metcalf from Namibia or at least to Werner Gertz . Werner, you can hear us right?

Werner Gertz  2:31:00

Yes, I can hear you. Can you see me?

Reiner Fuellmich  2:31:03

I just, I was able to see you now I can see your name.

Werner Gertz  2:31:08

Okay, no, sorry.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:31:11

As we have, now we can see you. As we have heard from the South Africans, I think Africa may be key for all of this, they may be the solution, the African continent.

Werner Gertz  2:31:27

So maybe, compared to South Africa, we are a small country. But we [are] dealing with the whole story, as well. Perhaps before I start, let me shortly introduce myself. I’m not a lawyer. I’m an engineer an industrial engineer. I had two semesters of German Civil Code and Commercial Code and a lot to do with contract law, even American contract law. So there is a small legal basis. But I’m more as a researcher. And I wrote for a German Namibian magazine, when we came to Namibia in 2010. My wife is [a] German farmer’s daughter from which I met in (inaudible) we married, and then in 2010, we decided to move to Namibia. And as I said, I wrote for a Geman Namibian magazine. And in June, for the second issue of the magazine, I interviewed the WHO among others here in Namibia. I sent them 32 questions. And they answered in writing, ten pages in A4. So we have one document where the strategy of the WHO is written down, and this is very practical, because otherwise you have to track hundreds of posts on their websites, and here we have it in one paper. At least that strategy they had at that time, they’ve changed the strategy. And when I met the director here of the local WHO I asked, there is a big development cooperation between Germany and Namibia. Does Germany help in this situation as well? And he said, Yes, they were already here. And they were the Robert Koch Institute that is the German Public Health Institute. And then I got in contact with them. And they informed me that they already on the 10th of February, had sent Drosten tests to Namibia. And at that time, the tests weren’t even finally approved in Germany. To put it in perspective, on the 20th of January 2020. The WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. And three weeks later Drosten tests arrived in Namibia and the global pandemic was declared on March 11. So when I heard that the Drosten test arrived in Namibia, I called you and said, “oh, they not only have been exported to the United States and can form the basis for a class action, but they have been exported to Namibia as well”. And you said, same damaging event. And so we decided with my colleague, Roger Metcalfe, he is unavailable, I don’t know why. But I tried to take his spot over again, as well. So we set up a website, similar to your German website Corona (inaudible). And we got it to Corona Class Action Namibia, where Namibians that means self employed, and businesses can register for the future class action in United States or in Canada. So it is a lawsuit for product liability of trust, Drosten. Perhaps one thing is important as well. Right at the beginning of the pandemic, a local doctor, a friend of ours, that recommended to the Ministry of Health, to administer vitamins, especially C and D to strengthen the immune system in positive cases. And he had developed a special prescription for this, and he talked with the Minister of Health, and he fell on deaf ears. They insisted on the vaccination agenda, and prevention was not the order of the day. I’m also a member of a circle that has access to alternative remedies. Vaccination is the remedy, we have access to real remedies that are approved in other countries. But I don’t want to get in more detail now. So our main legal activity here in Namibia is as this website. We did one thing, we included the damages of the employees that have suffered through retrenchments and wage cuts, these damages administered by the employers, because here we have no short time working allowance, we have no unemployment insurance, the people standing are on the streets. And when the money is flowing, the employers are sort of Trustees for the money of their former or actual workers. Then we have another activity. A group of parents in the cause collected masks and made some test for bacteria. And the result is as gruesome as similar investigation made in Switzerland by the Swiss consumer magazine, Ktipp, and we involved an occupational health physician in the campaign and he has written a report. And I wrote an additional paper about further mask related damages in addition to the bacteria and the funghi. When I got the results, I wanted to file a complaint as soon as possible. But the approach here in Africa is different. You don’t attack the government straightforward, but you first pass the problem in an informal face to face meeting behind closed doors. So it has to be seen whether this will lead to any kind of reaction from the Ministry of Health and especially the Ministry of Education. The pupils have to wear masks here in schools, but they don’t have to be tested so far. That’s the good news, the others the bad news. It’s a crime against humanity. So we will see how it goes and then perhaps we will file a lawsuit later. The participation of the class action. Yeah, in Namibia aims at the compensation of the economic damage. And this was really grave because the country’s economy was already pretty much in the doldrums because the state as the largest investor considerably scaled down its projects, especially in the construction sector, due to lack of financial resources. So the economy was down already. And then there was a terrible drought for two years that hit the farming economy very massively, and then on top came Corona. And the effects on the economy and especially in the tourism industry can only [be] described as disastrous.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:40:58

It is a large industry and employs about 100,000 people. And that’s not only consistent in recommendations, but a lot of service providers, pilots tour guides, tour operators, rental car companies of India trade, hunting activities, but not the least, the common Hill conservancie that the Commonwealth game reserves, they are also affected, and many of them live from tourism, and all of them lost their income from one day to the next. That means some of the (inaudible) where the state of emergency was declared, and the mass of them have not the necessaries of financial reserves and live from hand to mouth. And there is no compensation whatsoever by the government. They tried to compensate it by (inaudible), but that only gives 10 to 15 percent of the capacity, and that at lower prices. And therefore, we have had countless business failures and massive unemployment in the sector. So the question is what could be the way forward? I think our country has to try to get back on its feet by its own efforts. Thank God, we had a good rain this year, this will help. But it would be very helpful for the international tourism to revive. In this way, not only the damage could be mitigated, but it could be the basis for the country, the recovery of the country. And this is an area where everyone can help not only the participants in this round, but also all viewers of this video. Please visit our country. You get in with a PCR test, which is already required by the airlines and a written travel plan, so it’s easy. But Germany has declared Namibia a risk country. And Germany has 400 percent death rate compared to Namibia. So if Namibia is a risk country, then Germany is a mega richer risk country with 400 percent . And people who have been in Namibia and contracted situations, and they know and we here, they know that is utter nonsense. For example, we spoke to some German tourists last week. And I wanted to know why do you come to Namibia, to this risk land and one of the ladies said I’ve been here several times, so I know this is bullshit. And then she had motivated the other one to come. So Germany is a real risk country. And it’s not because of the virus it’s because of the government and its decisions. So, and I think there’s one motive as well. They don’t want foreign people to see that Corona can be dealt with in [a] completely different way than, for example, in Germany. And this is despite the fact that Namibia is full on the WHO track, pandemic, masks, and vaccination. As for restrictions right now, in public places you have to wear masks. But nobody really, some people care, some people even sit in there alone in the car with masks on, perhaps they have fear to infect the car. But, and some people wear masks, but others are really lazy and outside of the (inaudible) you don’t see masks, you must know that Namibia has a population density of 3.3 people per square kilometre. So in the average social and social distancing it’s normal. So you can travel through the country unhindered, or shops or restaurants, all accommodations, and facilities are open. And you can really enjoy to be here. And the country has so much to offer, not only natural beauty, but an intact environment, healthy air, lots of sun, which is good. It creates with the main D and it’s good It boosts your immune system. And you have peace, we have friendly people, ,and we have a good health care. We have German beer, we have beer according to the German purity law, we have an excellent South African (inaudible), and we have meat from antelopes and beef, free range and (inaudible) free. And this Namibia is a health destination and the tourism could help our country to recover. Therefore, you deserve this freedom, this beauty and this healing atmosphere for your heart and for your soul. And I don’t think there is a better choice if you want to wait, the monkey circus in Germany and other countries to come here. And in order to show you what you have to expect, I will show you a short video.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:47:56

So maybe maybe your country or South Africa could become one of those countries in which the change will take place first. Because that’s obviously what some of the lawyers are looking for a country in which the laws are still being abided and in which it is possible to have courts find out the truth about this Plandemic, we must say. Where is the government? Is the government under control of the WHO?

Werner Gertz  2:48:38

Yes, they are fully under control of the WHO. Sorry for my, but –

Reiner Fuellmich  2:48:55

That’s all right, Werner we got the idea. We can also hook it up.

Werner Gertz  2:48:59

I can answer that at the end.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:49:05

The other thing that is important is in our Constitutional Court. The advantage is it’s independent, because South Africa has three arms of state, the judiciary, the legislature, and then the executive. Majority of the justices in the Constitutional Court are Christians. The Chief Justice is a Christian. If we take failing facts before them, we will get the verdict. They are not interested in WHO they have made judgement against [the] president of the country in the past. You know, the judgement that they had against President Zuma. so they’re independent, and it will help. Like you are saying the case? Yeah. You know, I understand what Werner is saying about Namibia being under WHO, is the same with a (inaudible) is the same, but they are controlled by the government, mainly, of the Republic of South Africa, because these are the countries that economically depend on South Africa. So we win in South Africa, we are winning in all of them, you will win in all of them it’s guaranteed.

Werner Gertz  2:50:38

Sorry no.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:50:38

South Africa should be used as a precedence.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:50:42

I agree with you. I agree with you. And I’m really glad that we in the background, we should acknowledge this. There’s still a king, his greatness, King Langwell, who is also listening in. And I know we’ve spoken to each other. And I absolutely believe that you are that country in South Africa is far ahead of us. And that’s why we’re going to concentrate all our legal efforts, much many of our legal efforts on your country. We will put you in touch with all the experts, we’ll get everything over to your country, so that you can go to the Supreme Court in your country, because it’s one of the very few independent courts.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:51:23

And also based on what Tom was saying earlier, you see, in every country, there’s an MPO rising up to challenge what is ongoing, like us, we are watchers and gatekeepers King Lemuel, and advocate, Dexter, they are part of this. If we can link all this organisation internationally, and have some sort of a group where there are lawyers, where there are doctors, and then we just draw from the pool for a case, draw from the pool for a case in this country, for a case on that county, using local advocate local lawyers, but the influence and the support coming from the core the international core, you see driving for the international core. So what is happening in another country is known to the core. And it can be used anywhere else in the world.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:52:27

That is the idea, that is the idea?

Viviane Fischer  2:52:30

But Reiner I think we are already there yet, you know, we are already there because we have all the information, we’ve gathered the information like throughout, you know, months of investigation. And we actually have really everything at hand. You know, we have the international network of doctors, we have the international network of lawyers. And I think it’s really just it’s at the tip of our hands, and I offer fingers, you know, to really just go ahead and put this together, I think we don’t have to look at like into founding like a new organisation or anything, it’s already there, we really just have to get together in maybe like a private zoom, and connect everyone and boom, you have all the information, you know that’s already there.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:53:11

John, this is what we’re going to do. She’s right, we have everything in place. The most important thing right now, because as I can see, you’re very far ahead of the rest of the pack, is to get you all the information that we have. We’re hard at work trying to build up a huge archive with the Corona Committee, but we won’t wait for it to be finished for this task to be finished. We will send everything over to you that we have and plus the experts.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:53:44

Through the past months, all these have been coming together like let’s draw on the knowledge that we have acquired through the past year into this one of South Africa, and show the world that this thing can be shaken.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:54:06

Yes. I agree. Absolutely.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:54:13

We don’t need any other organisation. The core is there. Let’s go into action now in South Africa.

Viviane Fischer  2:54:20

I think it’s also we don’t need to have like a formal organisation to do that. I think we are a movement, you know, a freedom movement and a democracy defending movement. And that’s already you know, all the activists are already there. The lawyers are there, the experts are there and really it’s just about exchanging a few emails and you know, having everyone you know, in place for like additional questions, and just bringing it together and filing and boom I think that’s it, you know, we don’t have to wait for like a new organisation with like whatever formal, like obligations and all that. I think we are already there. It’s really just, take it and go.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:55:02

We will spring into action, John. We will spring into action, John, it’s a good thing that we have connected. I think that was the most important part. That was the missing link connecting with you. That was the missing link. Okay, I think we’re through for today. It’s been a long day. But I’m glad that you’re with us, John. And I’m glad that King Lemuel His Greatness King Lemuel is with us. I’m glad that all of us are here. Hi Your Greatness.

King Lemuel  2:55:43

Thank you so much.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:55:53

So that is the future right there.

King Lemuel  2:55:56

He is.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:56:00

Okay. Well, as I said, we’re at the end of our session for today. And I think this was a very, very successful meeting today, because this is giving us a lot of hope. And a great push forward. So the next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put you in touch with everyone, including, of course, all of the experts.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:56:25

Yeah. Let’s take them on.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:56:29

Okay. Thank you, John. Thank you Your Highness. Thank you and everyone else.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:56:37

Thank you so much. Thank you Werner. We are going to win. God is with us.

Pastor Dr John Mosepele  2:56:38

Thank you Your Highness. God bless you.  God bless Israel

Reiner Fuellmich  2:56:46

We will.

Reiner Fuellmich  2:56:50

Right Viviane now you can tell everyone that they’re gonna have a great weekend.

Viviane Fischer  2:56:58

Yeah. Okay, so this yeah, I did say it’s it’s been like an amazing session again and you know, I think I’m full of new ideas and very inspirational, I find. I think we’re really gonna take it from there and really just take action. Because I think that’s what we’re really at the brink of moving something. Bringing forward something really important. I think that’s a very good development and it leaves me optimistic for the near future. And so yeah, I think then I wish everyone like a pleasant evening, and a nice weekend and see you next week.

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