Look out for the expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost advertisements that are being played frequently, promoting the fraudulent testing for travel. Go to their website and you will see that they call the RT-PCR test a ‘gold standard’. What did Kary Mullis, who died months before COVID-19 emerged, say:

If they could find this virus in you at all, and with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody, it starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained and everything else, right? I mean, because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body. Okay, so that could be thought of as a misuse of it just to claim that it’s meaningful.

Short video link to Kary Mullis found in this post.

Hmm wonder what their cycle rate is? Is it the same as the NHS’s of 45 cycles, which would mean that all the tests would be producing false positives? This website has made me angry enough to write this post to warn people against them.


ExpressTest is a DHSC (Department of Health and Social Care) listed private provider of Covid-19 screening services.

Let’s look at the three ‘founders’ of this expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost. Three wealthy individuals who are making plenty of money in this continued testing ‘reduces the spread of COVID-19’ lark. How sad to use wealth in such a way to promote fear, but the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), the Bible says. These lies keep this ‘pandemic’ going and it’s just a testing pandemic. Even my neighbour who is 12 years old is back at school next week and says he has to undergo the testing, even though he’s never seen anyone of his friends or family ill from this so-called virus. He’s not been subject to the fear, so if you are reading this and full of anger at me, perhaps you need to ask yourself why you are so fearful of death? Have you sought the solution for death? It’s the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only solution. We all stand guilty because we are all born sinners, inherited from Adam, and no amount of works can make us right with a Holy God. That’s why Jesus the sinless Lamb of God had to die in our place because no one else but God could die for His creation, or we would all end up in hell, because the wages of sin have earned us death. That’s how much God loves us in sacrificing Jesus, who is God the Son. Each person of the Godhead or Trinity plays a part in salvation. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and need for a Saviour (John 16:8), but some people resist the Holy Spirit and harden their hearts and instead look to religion, which can save no one’s corrupt flesh nature. we can never better the flesh nature, it is naturally contrary to God’s Holiness. Believers battle with the flesh nature until the day they die. The new nature battles with the old nature. Read about the Apostle Paul’s earnest struggle in Romans 7.  The battle is son when a believer walks in the spirit and looks to Jesus for help, but if believers are honest with themselves (and God), it’s not automatic and we all still sin every day in word, thought and deed. Instead of judging others, let’s judge ourselves next to the sinlessness of Jesus Christ who loved us enough to die IN OUR PLACE, yet He defeated sin, hell, and the devil by RESURRECTING. Jesus, is the way, the truth, and the life, and the only way to God the Father (John 14:6), and we are born again when we place our faith in Jesus Christ alone who died for our sins and rose again, and made right with God forever. It is the finished work of Jesus Christ that saves us, nothing of ourselves. We cannot contribute any works to salvation. It is a gift of God, not of works so none of mankind can boast (like the Lord Lord people Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7:21-23).

So back onto this expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost website, which is clearly loving the profit it is making with its conflicts of interest with the UK Government and causing undue misery for millions of travellers whilst stealing from them. I have no respect for any Government members, politicians, or business who continue to promote these pandemic lies. There is zero evidence of a pandemic.

I hug, kiss, and hold hands and I’ve not been vaccinated. I am not an asymptomatic carrier, and if false propaganda websites like expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost actually call me an asyptomoatic spreader then prove that I am a carrier, because your bogus testing is not going up my nostrils or in my mouth. The test is all conflict of interest companies like this need to keep up the pretence of a pandemic, so I just wish people would wakey wakey and stop taking part in this bizarre cult.

It’s not the unvaccinated who are the danger, which is exactly what the evil BBC and other propaganda news channels say. Look at who is funding them. Follow the money. It is those who keep going along with these lies? Do you think it’s going to achieve a getting back to normal? This is the new normal. Daily testing lark. Constant repeating of ‘social distancing’ in the supermarkets, together with ‘continue to wear a mask (if you can), like that’s going to earn you an oscar or something.

You are only harming yourself over the long term, and don’t get me started on the stupid drivers who wear a mask while they are driving. The masks reduce oxygen consumption and therefore reduce concentration. Use your pudding! They should have their licence revoked, in my opinion, just like idiots who use their mobile phone at the wheel, or are actually texting while driving. I see these selfish idiots every day while driving. I get it. They love their phone. I am always on my phone too, but there’s a time and a place when it comes to the safety of others, never while driving. A car is a weapon, not something to disrespect with selfish actions that can put the driver, passengers, and other drivers at risk of injury and/or death.


Vaccinations and herd immunity

Reliance on vaccination and/or herd immunity is not an option. Attention has shifted to how organisations can operate in this new world. Link to this here.

The inaccuracy of the lateral flow tests is displayed in this post. I STILL did not receive a response from the manufacturer of these rapid tests. Ignoring questions does not make the fact go away that a massive fraud is being done upon the UK public, and someone is always getting rich off manufactured lies such as Covid, and also worldwide by Governments and those who want a ‘new world’ order or great reset. Without fear, there is no controlling of the population. Fear is all they have. Just say no. Refuse to play along. Be courageous.  Ask questions, do not just go along with what a company like expresstest.co.uk says. Follow the money. Look at the actual people.

Look at lies such as this in an expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost blog post dated 20 November 2020.

With rapid testing continuing to play a vital role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and following the successful launch of Cignpost Diagnostics Limited’s screening centres within the UK, ExpressTest are conducting a pilot for home testing kits. Upon satisfactory results, ExpressTest will make the kits available on its website.

Things that make you go hmmm! Does rapid testing continue to play a vital role in preventing the spread of  COVID-19? I highly doubt it, because this was already pushed by the Rockefeller Foundation in these two documents. The first: NATIONAL COVID-19 TESTING ACTION PLAN – The Rockefeller Foundation then later this document: NATIONAL COVID-19 TESTING AND TRACING ACTION PLAN – The Rockefeller Foundatioin. Conflicts of interest. Wealthy people stealing from people and pushing these lies of asyptomatic spread and that these tests actually prevent the spread of COVID-19.

FACT – The continuous testing actually churns our the repetiative fear that people must be afraid, and get the poison spike protein therapy. It keeps the pretence going that there is a pandemic. STOP GETTING TESTED. STOP PLAYING ALONG WITH THESE LIARS.  P L E A S E open your eyes and ears and stop pretending that the Government and NHS cares about you. THEY DO NOT. It’s a genocide agenda. However, I care, as do many others or we would not spend hours upon hours trying to show you that you have been lied about COVID. I don’t care about the name calling anymore. The fact that I am trying to help people and also lead them to the only Saviour is why God doesn’t take my life right now.

The more you play along with the restrictions and get the ‘vaccines’, the more your freedoms will be limited, and since the devil isn’t every clever to come up with new and exciting stories, the ‘variants’, the ‘spread of COVID’ and whatever else fear they propagante will be ‘blamed’ on the anti vaxxers and ‘conspiracy theorists’. It’s conditioning for the beast system that is coming in the future for those left behind after the catching away of the church. Download the rapture post free.

Expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost Case Studies

Case studies are by BBC, European Tour, and that’s about it. The BBC is an evil fear-based propaganda who conceals paedophilia by its ‘stars’ and destroy’s people’s lives. The BBC also receives funding from Bill Gates. Not really sure who European Tour, but it involves golfing. Their email is info@cignpostdiagnostics.com. Is that all you got Expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost to encourage us to trust your system? You are part of the fear drivel. Shame on you for getting wealthy while continuing this pandemic lie. Sports are promoting these lies, so it’s time to ditch all those sports who are continuing to promote this pandemic lie. All they have is their golfing testimony so this website just looks highly propaganda drivel-based fear.

Who Cignpost Diagnostics Work With

Cignpost Diagnostics is a UK Government approved COVID-19 testing provider that works with clients such as the PGA European Tour, Netflix, BBC, Amazon, and other global organisations.

Partners of Expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost

This dark website, which they call a humanitarian charity called RE:SILIENT, which actually just promotes the testing as a mode to ‘get businesses back to work’. Rather, it’s a way to lie and steal from businesses to keep up the lies of a virus pandemic. If you really wanted to support vulnerable people then stop wasting money on stupid tests that can not diagnose infection, contrary to the lies they continue to spout.

The next partner is this lovely group APPG, who say, Welcome to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Business in a Pandemic (Covid) World and thank you for coming to visit the APPG website. The APPG is the link between Parliament and interested parties in Industry, NGOs and the wider Business world. The website will tell you more about how to join, what we do and past / upcoming events. 

APPG are out to brainwash (and charge) the events industry into testing compliance, which they will probably succeed with. Bit of money here.  Bit of money there. Pass certification scheme was spoken of in their press release from March 2021. Some of the MPs who attend: The APPG has MPs from across the political spectrum, including Lord Taylor of Warwick, Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, Jo Gideon Conservative MP for StokeonTrent Central, Stephen Hammond, MP for Wimbledon, Paul Holmes, MP for Eastleigh, Jane Hunt MP for Loughborough, Stephen Morgan, MP for Portsmouth South and Selaine Saxby, MP for North Devon.

Here’s some fear drivel. The proposed Fit to pass scheme would allow venues to reopen to attendees but would require all attendees to take a COVIID19 test in advance of attendance 12 days prior to the event. Admittance to the event would only be possible with a valid negative certification. Venues or event organisers would also be required to test all employees and suppliers involved in the event to guarantee a safe environment. The cost of the test would need to be funded by the individuals attending the event or the organisers of the event.

Notice who pays for it? Someone is getting rich from this propaganda.

Notice how they captitalise the word, Lockdown in this next segment: In addition, the APPG backed the idea that the Government should also agree to act as the “final
underwriter” for events insurance to enable events to be insured in case of a new Lockdown that
necessitate events being cancelled or postponed. Without such an insurance scheme being in place,
few if any events will be organised because of the dangers that organisers and venues will be left to pick up the full cost of cancellations due to a new Lockdown or other restrictions in future.

Clearly, they know when the next lockdowns will take place because COVID is a really smart virus that only comes out when these decision makers want it to.

Notice what Ben says next, letting the cat out of the bag: Ben Everitt MP and Steve Whatley, joint cochairs of the APPG, believe these proposals could help “restart” the events industry: Ben Everitt MP says “We’ve come too far to blow it now, we need to get this right. Festivals and events season is so important, both for our mental wellbeing and the economy. The events industry employs over 1.5 million people and contributes £84bn to the nation’s finances, but it’s live music that makes our souls sing. Let’s make sure we reboot the sector with a Fit to …” pass scheme that manages risk and lets the music lift us up”.

Seriously, do the public truly believe these people? I say, let the events industry crash. Sports players get paid too much money anyhow. Why worship these people, most of whom are just playing their part in this pandemic. Saddos like Dolly Party,  Elton John, David Walliams, and the list goes on and on.

Isn’t it lovely that these MPs who receive taxpayers money are actually having meetings and using their wealth on how to control the population by keeping this virus lie going. What does this ‘pass certification scheme’ involve? Testing of course, since one of its founders, Steve Whatley, is part of APPG, which is a partner of expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost. Lovely jubbly conflicts of interest Ben and Steve? Great help you both are in creating this ‘new world that you speak of on your website.

Founders of Expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost

Denis Kinane

Founder and Chief Medical Officer

Immunologist, cell biologist, infection and immunity specialist, more than 250 papers, H statistic >82, editor of a Nature/Springer journal, and in-demand global scientific speaker.

Former ivy league Dean (Penn) and now Professor, Bern, Switzerland.

Director of two large US and Chinese Health Companies and Scientific Director, CMO and founder of several smaller international companies.

China. Virus. Chief Medical Officer? Hmm sounds just like another psuedoscientist who is heading SAGE.

Steve Whatley


Founder & CEO of Inchora Investments (invested £45m into the UK)

Co-Chair of the Steering Committee for the “APPG” All-Party Parliamentary Group ‘Business in a Pandemic (Covid) World’

Have you read ths press release, of which Steve co-chairs?

Nick Markham


Chairman of London & Continental Railways and previously Lead NED at the Dept Work & Pensions, former Lead NED at the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.

Co-Founder / CEO of Top Up TV, Former Strategy Director and Merger Integration Director of ITV

ITV, maker of Emmerdale and Coronation Street, two huge fear-based propaganda and anti-christ soap channels promoting homosexuality, adultery, and other filth.

Three lovely people with wealth to continue to push the pandemic lie. Stop playing a part. Highlight these companies and its founders for who they are? All they care about is controlling people and greed. The testing is a system of control, generates huge incomes for certain people, and keeps the control wheel of fear churning and it makes me angry that adverts like this are now part of the usual other adverts on funerals, life insurance, burglary, and now COVID-19 testing. Too much money is available in telling the truth, so the lies continues through wicked businesses such as expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost.

Share this post with everyone you know because expresstest.co.uk by Cignpost are making huge amounts of money and charging people for a test that cannot diagnose infection, because they are advertising on TV frequently. It angers me and it should anger you too that this lie continues. I think they had better change their motto from fast and effective covid screening, because one of these days they might just be asked to prove what they say is accurate.

Satan you sad vain deceiver – you are defeated just like these wealthy charlatans have but a short time before their money will not be able to protect then from the wrath of God coming upon an unbelieving world.


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