Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  00:08

It’s Pastor Steve Cioccolanti here speaking to you from Melbourne, Australia, and I never thought that I would have to give this kind of message before but the day has come. I started full time ministry in 1999. It’s been 22 years, I’ve travelled to 40 nations preaching the gospel and teaching the truth. Life changing messages to people like yourself. Today, I have to preach a message that will be life changing for me. So please, if you will be patient, and stay with me till the end. We’re going to begin with the word of God with a chapter on end time that our Lord Jesus predicted. Luke chapter 21, gives us a principle. The context is the End Times. In verse 20, Jesus says, but when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. Obviously, this is a principle that was given to the Jews in a future time when they will see a desolation you know, it’s called the abomination of desolation and they were to flee. There are times to stay, I absolutely believe that and there are also times to flee. Proverbs 22 verse 3 says, A prudent man forseeth evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished. In the English Standard, it says the prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  01:56

Now, one of my favourite people in the entire Bible is David, I think you would agree that David was a mighty warrior. He was a great king, a great example. In every way, a man after God’s own heart. I love studying and also teaching on the life of David. I said many times, for those who listen to me, that my mother’s favourite teaching out of all the more than 500 sermons that I’ve done, my mother sits in church and she said, My favourite teaching is the life of David, the one that you do on the life of David. So, let me give you a slice of his life in First Samuel chapter 19, the Bible says in verse 10, and Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin, but he slipped away out of Saul’s presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall. And David fled and escaped that night. So also sent messengers on to David’s house to watch him and to slay him in the morning. Then Michal, David’s wife told him saying, if thou save not thy life, tonight, tomorrow thou shalt be slain. So Michal let David down through a window, and he went and fled and escaped. I think we read that very quickly, but you have to imagine yourself there. You got this amazing destiny and you can’t even leave your house to the front door. You know, your wife lets you down a wall through a window. Verse 18. So David fled and escaped and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him, and he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  03:39

So he found the prophet. Oftentimes, in these circumstances, people don’t think about prophet, actually, you’re to flee to the prophet, and that’s where safety is. When Israel actually got into big trouble and has been in trouble ever since is when they did not want a prophet to rule over them, and they said, we don’t want you Samuel, we want to be like all the other nations and have a secular King rule over us. And so God said, you’re not rejecting the prophet, you’re rejecting me. So people have this tendency, and even till today, you know, the church at large. They don’t mean it, but they actually speak just like Israel, they’ll say, we don’t want the prophet. We don’t believe in these prophecies. We don’t want to emphasise it. It’s radical. And we’d rather have our secular government. And that’s kind of where we’re at right now.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  04:31

I’ll give you a fourth scripture, it’s just so that everything that I say is grounded in the scripture, and then I’ll proceed from there and I will tell you some things that you may not know that’s happening. Acts chapter nine. This is now the New Testament. So we looked at a man of faith, King David, who, in some circumstances he fought, in some circumstancse he fled. In chapter nine, we have another great man of God, a man of faith, Saul, whose name is changed to Paul the greatest, you know, Apostle, if you measure it by how many epistles that he wrote in the New Testament. In verse 22 of Acts 9, but Saul increased the more in strength and confounded the Jews, which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ. So he’s doing really well, right? He’s doing his job, he’s preaching Jesus Christ, and people cannot argue against it. So what do they do? Do they convert? Verse 23. And after that many days were fulfilled that choose to counsel to kill him. So you’re doing your job, and instead they’re plotting to kill. But they’re laying in wait was known to Saul and they watched the gates day and night to kill him. Verse 25, then the disciples took him by night and let him down by the wall in a basket.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  05:52

So I never thought that I wouldn’t need to say this, but according to the Bible, we’ve reached the point where we need three people into whose hands we can entrust this ministry in our lives, three people who will carry us out of a window, or down the wall in a basket. Three persons who will bear the burden of helping us to prepare a safe place, a safe second base for Discover Ministries. I know that Paul wanted desperately to be in Jerusalem, but he ended up in Antioch. So the three persons that we’re looking for to help us get to Antioch. Number one, if anyone listening is a lawyer, and you can help Discover Ministries establish a nonprofit, outside of our jurisdiction, especially in America, please contact us. Number two, if you are a realtor, and you live in a, you know, a pro Christian freedom loving state, and you can help us acquire a property for Discover Ministries to have a second base, please contact us. And number three, if you’re a benefactor or a donor, and you can give a property you know, just, I think a large enough house for ministry in an Antiochian, in a pro Christian freedom loving state. Please, if you have it on your heart, contact us. The email we made especially for this is usa@discover.org.au.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  07:39

Now let me be clear, I love Australia, and I’m not leaving Australia. But we need to establish a second ministry base. We need to have another headquarter offshore. and I’ll explain why. Because I love Australia. I have to tell the world what is happening here. It is not an exaggeration to say that we’re heading down the path of dictatorship. People who disagree with the government are like sheep hunted by wolves. Protesters are shot at, the police come knocking on your door, employers tell you to resign with severance or get fired without one. Now what’s happening. Let me list you with some of the things. If you’re not vaccinated, you lose your voting rights as a member of parliament. This is something unprecedented. I believe we’re the first state in the history of the world in the history of democracy. It’s the first time where elected representatives cannot represent the people because they’re part of the dissenting voice of the people. If you’re not vaccinated here in Victoria, you can’t work. It’s the no jab no job policy directive. What happens if you don’t comply? $21,000 fine for an individual $110,000 fine for a church or business. These are absurd rules and arbitrary fines. They’re cruel and unusual penalties for non compliance. I think they’re just designed to strike fear in the heart of people. Number three, if you’re not vaccinated, you can’t shop, eat out, or get a haircut, and the rules are becoming stricter and stricter. As I say they bore you slowly. They’ve already written down that eventually if you’re not vaccinated, you can’t access all basic services until 2023. So this is the no shot, no shop. No shot, no shop. The fine again is $110,000 for the shop and $21,000 for the individual that doesn’t comply. So, by the very definition, the people now are slaves. You know, a slave is someone who needs permission to eat, to work, to worship, to travel, to shop, to get a haircut, to eat outside, to go to the gym, to travel, you need permission from a very overbearing state.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  10:29

Well, you say, then just don’t worry about it get vaccinated. Okay. If you’re vaccinated, you must check in using a QR code which allows the government to track you. Now all businesses are being roped in to become part of the state’s total digital surveillance apparatus. They want electronic record keeping by all businesses. Customers are to, quote, check in everywhere you visit, using the service Victoria app, no matter how long you spend at that location, close quote. Number five, if you are vaccinated, you will soon have to use the E QR code every time you make a purchase. This way, nobody can, I guess, skip on being tracked as soon as you spend or make a purchase, this E QR will automatically track both your spending and your location digitally. And it all gets reported. Number six, all of this is leading towards implementing the Australian digital ID system, which in my view is a totalitarian control over the states.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  11:51

Now some people they don’t believe all this, even living here. It’s kind of like the people in Germany. They didn’t believe fascism. They didn’t believe Nazism was going to murder, you know, in World War 2 seventy-five million people. Not just six million Jews 75 million. They couldn’t see it, they couldn’t fathom it. And people went to the Olympics when Hitler, you know, put on a show. And the description when you watch like, documentaries about World War Two is how often people say they were surprised by what Adolf Hitler did. So the people here doubt that this is going to lead any further but in case you doubt that the goal is political control, and not merely our medical welfare, on Tuesday, the 26th of October 2021, the premier of this state Dan Andrews tabled a law to give him permanent emergency powers. Okay, this is not like Star Wars and you know the Emperor getting emergency powers right? I mean, it sounds like a movie. It sounds like the plot of a dystopian movie. This is real. He will be able, when this law passes, to declare lockdowns, impose fines and impose jail time at his pleasure on political dissidents, anyone who disagrees with him.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  13:22

Normally, a bill would sit in parliament for at least a month for debate, but two days later, it was tabled on the 26th. Two days later on the 28th this bill has already passed lower house. How is it that they get away with this because again, remember premise number one that I showed you? If you are not vaccinated, you can not enter parliament or even vote digitally. I mean, we have the internet, right? If you’re going to exclude them because of health reasons, elected officials, you can exclude them from entering basically like the equivalent of Congress. You could say, okay, we’re concerned about our safety, but you have a right to represent the people so just press a button and send your vote in digitally. Nope. They made sure anyone who doesn’t Vax or disagrees with their policy, cannot even vote. So they can push through, they can ram through things like permanent emergency power. And I’ll give you a citation. I’ll give you a secular news article that talks about it because a lot of people don’t believe. It’s like living in Germany, and people don’t believe what’s happening, and then the rise of Nazism.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  14:34

The ridiculousness of the fines knows no bounds. It reaches even to the children. If you don’t wear a mask, the fine for children under 15 is now $181.74. I’m not sure what the 74 cents does, but you know, they make it very precise, I guess. The fine for children between the ages of 15 and 18 is now $726.96. Can you imagine that? Which 15 year old is going to pay over $700 for not wearing a mask? And what has this got to do with health? Number eight, the government is turning every business and church into a branch of their digital surveillance. They are encouraging gyms, shops and businesses to have snitches what they call COVID marshals to report a breach of emergency restrictions. And they say community members can raise concerns about compliance with directions through a police assistance line, a PAL, you can be a PAL, and they give the number. And I just find that amazing because every police person I’ve ever met is already overworked.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  15:47

Many times as a pastor, I’ve had to deal with people who’ve had break ins or thefts, and the police either respond an hour later, or don’t even come. I mean, this is not once or twice we’ve had a break in as a church. We had over $20,000 of equipment stolen, the police never came. When we finally got to them. They took down a report, left, we never heard back. This, you know, somebody’s out there with church equipment and you know, God will deal with them, but the police are overworked. So now you’re going to make a special hotline for people to snitch on each other. What does that sound like to you? If you know anything about history, you know that that sounds like fascism. Now, number nine, the worst part of all this is actually not all the above. It’s not the politicians because all politicians want power and most of them want it indefinitely. That’s no surprise to us. What is surprising to me, as I live here and watch this is how willingly the average Australian complies with draconian measures and suffer the loss of their freedoms and rights. I hate to say it, but Australians tend to be a naive population, and many don’t believe that any overreach is happening. Many are like sheep ready for the slaughter. And few understand the history of tyranny.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  17:22

You know the government, if you’re a Christian, you need to know the government crucified our Lord Jesus Christ, the government sanctioned slavery, the government started the Iraq war on a lie. The government started the Afghanistan war on a lie. I am not anti government because the Bible tells me that God puts certain people in power for our good. But when they don’t act for our good, we need to be sceptical about giving them more power to abuse us. I believe that they should not have powers that are beyond the limits of the Constitution and the English Bill of Rights and the US Bill of Rights. I am for holding accountable politicians who are corrupt and who lie to us. But what kind of lie? Well, there’s a litany a whole list of lies. They said no vaccine passport will ever be mandated. Well, that’s the lie that’s coming. They said no mandatory vaccine. That’s a lie. It’s already here in every state. They said there’ll be just a seven day snap lockdown, that’s a lie it became 77 days. And even when they say lockdown is easing, it’s not true because it becomes a lock out. They said lockdowns would give us freedom. That’s a lie. They said 80% double vaccination will give us freedom to everybody and that’s a lie. Soon they will announce triple vaccination, so you can buy your own freedom. And they won’t end there. Because this is the history of tyranny. Soon, if you don’t have monthly shots, basically a licence to live, you won’t be able to access your bank accounts and your property. And it always seem far fetched. Fascism and dictatorship seems far fetched until you’re in the middle of it.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  19:25

Australians believe everything that government and TV tells them. We are a sheepish nation that overly trusts the goodness of politicians. Everything I’m saying today is to help Australians defend our freedom. And yet you will see it will be Australians who will attack me the most. It’s really like trying to save a drowning person too early. They will call you, they will scratch your skin off because they don’t understand. You almost have to wait for them to almost drown and then they will surrender. If you don’t believe that this is what’s happening, I understand it seems so surreal. I’m gonna read to you a secular news source, the Daily Mail from the UK. Quote, Dan Andrews could be given extraordinary unprecedented powers to restrict movement, ban public gatherings, and shut businesses during a pandemic even if there are zero cases. I mean that would be the definition of no pandemic. New State Emergency laws would strip out independent health advice. All power would be given to politicians instead, without Doctors signing off. The total control would last for blocks of three months at a time before renewal. The Premier wants the new laws in place before the current law, so the current state of emergency expires around Christmas. Quote, even if there were no cases in Victoria, the premier would be able to shut down businesses, restrict movement, ban public gatherings, that would include churches, and enact quarantine. The current state of emergency legislation has been enforced since COVID pandemic first hit Australia in March 2020.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti 21:11

Victoria’s existing laws enforced Melbournes six lockdowns, making the city endure the most cumulative days in COVID shutdown in the world, until it so said ended last Friday, after 262 days in total. I don’t think it’s ended at all, but they’re using this language like to give people, you know, make people grateful for what they’re doing. Those laws allow the introduction of hotel quarantine, the restriction on mass gatherings and business operations and implemented mandatory mask wearing. Well actually all of those things are still in place. I don’t know why they say it’s ended. Liberal shadow Attorney General Tim Smith said the current strict powers already made Victoria suffer more COVID cases, debts, and job losses than any other Australian state. And I live here so I can tell you, when there was no vaccine mandate, no mask mandate, we were going at five to ten cases a week, when we were required to be double vaccinated up to 80% of the population, the cases are now [the] highest ever. So it’s more than 2000 a day. So that would be the definition of failure if you were following the data. But no, it’s not purely medical. It’s also a political game.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  22:28

So if we were to build a base somewhere else we want to go to somewhere that’s free. And I have a lot of experience a lot of friends in America. And you might ask well, what would we do as a ministry in America? And again, I say, we have a lot of partners. It doesn’t have to be me necessarily. I will be involved, but it could be some of our faithful ministers. But what would we do over there? Well, I would spread the message of Trump’s unfinished business. You know, that’s a prophetic message that name says it all Trump’s unfinished business. The message will prepare the church and prepare Trump. I believe that if Trump humbles himself, this message will help to get him back into office. He needs to be aware that there are 10 prophecies God gave me 10 prophecies 10 plans 10 policies that will save America just as quickly as the devil tried to destroy America.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  23:28

God is able to save America, but not by might not by power, but by His Holy Spirit. Trump himself has to take that seriously and also his advisors. There’s a real clear agenda, not politics, not personal advantage. It has to be purely God’s purpose. Right. Unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain who build it, we have to have pure motives in why we want any sort of political power. And it has to be God’s plan. If we are in America, and I believe we will, we will pray for all godly righteous leaders, we will help disciple leaders and their advisors. And we will bring an international perspective to awaken the church in America, we’re going to be part of the third great awakening. So again, if you hear what I’m saying, we’re not abandoning or giving up on Australians a beautiful country a great place has been spoiled by these dictatorial mandates. And unfortunately, many of the people are not educated about the history of tyranny and the church is just barely waking up. Very few are leading the charge in defending freedom. I’m so glad I have some friends that are defending freedom but they don’t even live in Victoria. They live in other states.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  24:48

So if I can reiterate, we don’t really need much actually, we only need three people, three persons that God chose to help us get to Antioch. Number one, a lawyer who can help us establish a nonprofit. Number two, a realtor who can help get us a property. And number three, a benefactor or a donor who would be generous enough to consider giving us a house, just a house large enough for ministry. We don’t need big buildings. We’re not aspiring to that anymore. We believe that these lockdowns are going to keep coming in ebbs and flows, but we’re going to continue our ministry, we’re going to continue broadcasting, we’re going to continue reaching online. And we’ll go in person from church to church, wherever people want us to bring this message. And again, it’s a, you know, international perspective on what’s going on, because God really wants to save America. And if America’s saved guess what, Australia will be saved as well. We almost follow, you know, to the tee, whatever happens in America. As soon as Biden says he’s going to inject little children five to eleven years old, well, you don’t have to be a prophet to predict, Australia’s just going to follow like sheep. And that’s the way it is. So America is very powerful. And we need to make sure that crisis purposes for America is not forwarded and does not die in this generation. So we’re going to be part of the solution. And we’re looking forward to any three people who would like to email us at usa@discover.org.au usa@discover.org.au.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  26:29

Thank you so much for caring about us all the way here. I know that Australia seems so far away. But we are like the litmus test. We’re like the canary in the coal mine. We are the laboratory of the New World Order and the globalists. It’s easy to control a population of 20 odd million people. It’s hard to control 350 million people in America. So whatever happens here, you know, thank you for for caring, and thank you for understanding that what they’re trying to do here, they’re eventually going to try to implement in much larger countries like America. So we stand together. So would you please stand with Australia, pray for us, and do contact us if you have it on your heart to help us. God bless you. Love from Australia.

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