Excellent video by #thebernician exposing the lying mainstream media and its critters within.

In this hard-hitting video, Phillip Schofield , Holly Willoughby , Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden, Dr Ranj Singh and ITV are exposed for the lies they told about Tobe Hayden Leigh, which resulted in him being declared Britain’s most wanted man, for nothing more than answering a friend’s desperate cry for help.

Moreover, when Tobe received a call from Paul Hodge, telling him that staff at a major Surrey hospital were trying to kill him and he needed help discharging himself, Tobe did what only a true friend would do by doing everything he could [within the boundaries of the law] to help Paul discharge himself.

However, Tobe was arrested because of the outright lies told by medial professionals, police officers and the mainstream media and Paul was subsequently held prisoner in the hospital against his will for a year.

In Paul’s own words after being discharged, were it not for the actions of his friend, Tobe Hayden Leigh, he would have been murdered with Midazolam and Morphine, by the men and women in white coats who held him prisoner.

Evidence Tobe had reasonable [and lawful] excuse and was therefore not in breach of section 119:


Guidance on provision to deal with nuisance or disturbance behaviour on NHS premises in England.

i. Reasonable excuse for causing a nuisance or disturbance

a. Under the provisions of the act, there is not one standard definition as to what constitutes reasonable excuse and the courts will normally consider the circumstances under which the potential offence was committed when deciding what is reasonable excuse.

b. It is however important that consideration is given to legitimate reasons a person may have for committing a nuisance or disturbance on NHS premises.

c. If a person has a reasonable excuse for committing a nuisance or disturbance, they cannot commit an offence under Section 119 and therefore cannot be considered for removal from the premises using Section 120 powers.

d. An example of a reasonable excuse could be that a person may have earlier received distressing news about a friend or relative whom they had accompanied to hospital and they might therefore find it difficult to control their behavior. An outburst under such circumstances would be understandable.

ii. What is a reasonable excuse for refusing to leave the premises

a. A reasonable excuse for refusing to leave the premises can be different from a reasonable excuse for committing a nuisance or disturbance.

b. A person carer for a patient in the hospital and leaving the premises would leave the patient alone or vulnerable. However, in this scenario an individual may be considered for removal if alternative care arrangements have been put in place.

iii. Patients and those seeking medical advice, treatment or care

a. A person who is on NHS premises for the purpose of seeking medical advice, treatment or care cannot commit the offence.

When these ITV exposed liars use the word conspiracy, they do not even know what it means.

Table of Contents


[ kuhn-spiruh-see ]
noun, plural con·spir·a·cies.
  • the act of conspiring.
  • an unlawful, harmful, or evil plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
  • a combination of persons for such an unlawful, harmful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
  • Lawan agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
  • any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.
theeuh-ree, theer-ee ]
noun, plural the·o·ries.

It is FACT that the WEF have said they want a great reset and the use of a virus is helping greatly. It is FACT that the PCR tests cannot diagnose infection so ‘cases’ do not indicate infection. It’s made up pseudoscience. It is FACT that mRNA is gene and cell therapy and not a traditional vaccine that provides immunity.

Look at Covid and its narrative. This is the definition of a conspiracy against humankind. The constant brainwashing through the mainstrean media has put most of the world into mass psychosis where any form of truth is ignored. They are in denial.

So these ITV exposed reporters and doctors take the word ‘conspiracy’ out of context to promote their goody two shoes vaccinated and maintaining the fear protocols to deceive the masses and force a segregation of society when it’s ALL based on unscientific garbage, which is all provable in a court of law. When they add theory to conspiracy, it means it is hidden. It is not conspiracy that the devil wants to be worshipped as God, and God will allow that during the tribulation period, yet there is so much hardheartedness toward the true light of the world, Jesus Christ. Those who deny these biblical facts as to prophecy are fools are deceived by the wicked one, who has them exactly where he wants them. Unsaved (still in his or her sins) and condemned to hell.

Phillip Schofield, Holly Willoughby, ITV, Dr Ranj Singh, Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden – are you going to deny biblical prophecy is coming true right before your eyes, or are you going to stay in #massformation. Or is it simply the love of money that keeps you lying to the UK public?








  1. The video is chilling, although I know it’s part of the dark narrative to keep us in fear. I’m a nurse worked in the wards, they had a third of patients in hospital after March 2020, we had nothing to do, extra staff brought in with less patients.
    Now more sick patients, 4 and 5 vax later less staff, patients on chairs and trolley, no where to put them it’s crazy. We can’t keep up demand. Goverment snd media are complicit

    1. Author

      Yes, I agree. So much damage has been done, is continued to be done, and there is no truth being spoken in the mainstream medias. It’s clearly a depopulation genocide agenda to ‘save the earth’ to please these climate change nut bags.

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