remove graphene oxide

Article Copyright: Knowing The Truth

Of course this is the stuff everyone is asking about and a big thank you to Ricardo Delgado at La Quinta Columna  (the site is in Spanish, but there is a translation tool into English) for sharing his experience with this.


Supplements that Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body

His remove graphene oxide protocol includes the following:

  • NAC (N Acetyl Cysteine) or Glutathione but NAC is preferred
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D3
  • Astaxanthin
  • Quercetin
  • Milk Thistle
  • Melatonin (taken right before bed)

As he explains in the video (subtitled) all of these things except the Melatonin are taken in the morning before any food in consumed as they are much more easily absorbed on a completely empty stomach.

I’ve also heard these can supplements also be part of a good detox/deactivation to the shots and will update this post when more information becomes available:

  • Niacin
  • Melatonin (also levels can apparently be increased from eating pistachios)

Here’s the original video with subtitles where he explains this protocol for removing magnetism from someone who has had the Pfizer shot which he has done successfully:

I personally would lean more towards the NAC vs the Glutathione as it tends to be much more economical and it’s possible that only liposomal Glutathione is well absorbed into the cells. The quercetin may help carry these other things into the cell.

Also, in my opinion Melatonin should be avoided unless it’s absolutely necessary as it may be much better for us to produce endogenous Melatonin and when we supplement with hormones like Melatonin it likely suppresses our natural production of Melatonin leading to dependence. That said the necessity of it may depend on the sleep cycle of the individual and it may be a good idea to consult a natural physician or Naturopath to discuss your specific needs.

If you choose to experiment with any of these detox methods to remove graphene oxide from your body, please share your experience in the comments below and go ahead and share this post with your friends and let’s get rid of censorship of crucial health information.

Another helpful article on how to remove graphene oxide from the body.


  1. Ivermectin help reduce the severity of vaccine adverse reactions. If someone is suffering from a post vaccine syndrome, FLCCC clinicians and a growing network of colleagues have reported significant clinical responses to ivermectin. Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!

  2. Thank you for this video. It was very informative and adds to my own routine. Just a note, Melatonin can also be boosted by eating Tart Cherries. You can buy tart cherry supplements or eat the dried cherries. I use both, and they are both very effective. Thanks again.

  3. One jab Flu/Covid depleted my whole immune system full of metal, elevated my liver to 42 Trylerides Was 91 Borderline For A Stroke, Triggered Autoimmune Disease Of Muscle Tissue Bone, Mono,Lyme, I had insomnia,Headaches, brain Fog, weight gain, hair loss, been Doctoring since April in July my liver was normal Trcyclerides was normal, Lyme was Present Not Active, I Did NAC, Yeast And Rice Q10 By Thorne,, Doxycycline, Hydrochloroquine, Probiotic S. Boulardi, Vitamin D3,Stevia Rebaudiana B-Complex, Lysine Monolaurin Silo Horsetail For My Hair, I Got On Line Got Ivermectin I Wasn’t Half Way There I Did This And Cheap Parasite Cleanse With Pills , Then Told My Dr. She Was On Board Now I Still Do Ivermectin This Week When I Have More Money Going To Get A Binder That Pulls Metal My Legs Still Hurt Everything Was Normal But This Disease With Many Others Sneaks In Messes With You 🙏❤️ what else can I do control the energy rid myself of the bad toxins and feel ✔️💯🙌🤗💪

    1. Author

      Hi Lisa, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through, and all of the natural remedies that you have tried. Here is one that you may not have heard of that I am positive will help you – urine therapy or uropathy. Here is a free book on it by John W Armstrong called the Water of Life. Besides the bad spellings throughout the book, it gives solid testimonies of how it has helped people.

      I am testimony to its power of internal healing, when I developed a cough just over a month ago. With me, when I get a cough, it often gets chronic, but I am pregnant currently and cannot take any cough suppressants, so I remembered that I could try urine therapy. I collected about 20-30ml of urine in the morning, mid stream, and then drank it. On the first day, the cough was far less. I mean my cough was so bad that I couldn’t sleep and every time I’ve had a cough in the past I’ve had to have that rotubussin dry cough medicine. I continued this for four or five days until I was completely cough free.

      Sounds gross, but it does work. You could also mix your mid stream morning urine into orange juice, to reduce the unpleasant flavour. Or you can make your own mixture. Get an empty dropper bottle (sold on Amazon, eBay etc, add distilled or filtered/mineral water, then collect some urine and add 6 drops into the distilled/filtered/mineral water, and then add several drops under your tongue and gargle for as long as you can and swallow, or you can spit out. Put in the fridge and make a new batch every two days.

      Hope this helps.

      1. The urine therapy thing sounds a bit iffy.

        I wouldn’t just jump at it. Research it very thoroughly.

        Truthfully, I just wouldn’t do it.

        Best wishes to you, Lisa Leake.

        1. Author

          Just written a post on it, with free book resources and testimonials from those who is has helped. Hope it helps.

      2. All you are drinking are the nutrients flushed out that shouldn’t have been. A body out of balance will behave in an OPPOSITE manner than healthy. Beware of any substance/ treatment that makes U healthy in a short period of time. ANY substance sold as a CURE (ie big pharma, some supplements) are intented to make U believe they work, went they are adding to the destruction of UR health balance-especially the crazy crap. BIG WARNING: Never believe any book or article with multiple spelling or Grammar errors. This indicates AI derived data with NO human verification. AI searches data and puts crap together from the cloud intended solely to confuse & hurt humans. This new control system has been implemented to further attack & kill more humans through confusion. Human AI is just faster computing nothing more. It is not intelligent is is meant to kill. Do not fall for it above all, do not spread it through communicating false ideas. If your intuition feels something is off, then follow that guidance. The longer U ignore your own inner being, the further U will be separated from the truth.

  4. I took two doses of Astra Zeneca. The first one one Febuary 2021 did not boder me but the second, on April 2021 did. First, I had vomit reflux, I felt my other arm heavy for 3-4 weeks and a had for three times tachycardia. After a year, I used to feel hydro gels around my head and at the clavicles (neck base). One day I felt them bouncing and I had spiritual battle. And on another day I experienced Satan but I uttered the name of Jesus several times and he left.
    I took some suppliments namely NAC thorne, ACG glutathione mouth spray, quercetin, milk Thistle drops and Vit D3.
    I took 2 days per week, for 3 weeks. I could not take dly because they constipate me and after the 6 th time I took them, I felt difficulty in breathing. But then it subsided. Those 6 days were effective. I do not feel the hydrogels. But certain times I feel little pain were I had hydro gels.
    Do I have to keep taking those pills for longer periods or regularly? I am afraid of the difficulty in breathing. Is there something I can do to remove those hydro gels forever? Is it the 666mark?

    1. Author

      Hi Isabelle. I’m sorry for what has happened to you, just try to stay away from any further of these dangerous jabs. Keep taking your detoxing supplements, and even consider urine therapy. There are a good few websites online. No, these jabs are not the 666 mark. Scripture is very important in that it says that people will willingly take the mark AND KNOW that who they are worshipping is the beast. You have had an awakening as to the evil that is going on, and you can warn others.

  5. Hi I’m in the UK and was wondering what supplements I can get to detoxify myself that won’t cause a reaction with current medications I’m on, and if anyone knows of anything to assist me with coming off the following medications to ease symptoms I would be especially greatful! I’m currently on 30ml methadone due to my silly past mistakes and 30mg mirtazipine. I’m scared to take the supplements recommended incase I have a bad reaction, would they interact as there’s not enough information available to me that I can find 😔 thanks in advance!

  6. Thank you I got all the he supplements he had.
    But one question.
    Shall I take with the three antioxidants (NAC,Astanxinthin, Zink) the milk thistle and Quercetin in the morning? All 5 supplements?
    And then Melatonin in the evening?

    1. Author

      Yes, I assume the melatonin is best taken in the evening to encourage sleep. Not sure about taking all five supplements together. I normally take all of my supplements together.

      1. What Kind of supplements do you use together?

        1. Author

          Well I’m pregnant currently, so I take 1 x iron, 1 x methylfolate and 2 x psyllium husks together in the morning.

      2. So you use only these first three supplements? And can you tell me how long do I have to take these supplements? How do I know that graphen oxide is finally out of my body?

        1. Author

          Well I’ve had no Covid Vaccine so I don’t need to detox from anything. I don’t know when graphene oxide is out of the body. The article was copied from another website, so it might be better to visit that website, as I give an ‘article copyright’ link at the top of any copied article. But I think supplements can be taken together without issue.

  7. For how long do we have to do this detox for? I got one j&j shot only. Never got any side effects other than a cold on dday. Is there a test or something that we can do after finishing the detox protocol to confirm that we don’t carry anymore graphene? Thanks for all your help.

  8. The melatonin is not for sleep – it disolves Graphene

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