covid vaccines for children

The UK Government have approved covid vaccines for children aged 5 to 11. JCVI statement. Seriously, who believes these liars? This is EVIL. Children of ANY age should NEVER receive these poisons. AWAKEN FROM YOUR SLUMBER! If your child dies or is injured, you cannot sue these protected vaccine makers because Bill Gates has made sure of that. See Grand Jury Day 2 (Part 2). This ‘philanthropist’ invests his billions into evil inventions that make him very rich, but injure and kill. The mainstream media paint him as a saviour figure, but without Christ that sick man will face  greater damnation, as Jesus warned the pharisees. The books will be opened and reveal the evil wicked works of Bill Gates. He may think he’s good, but according to God’s righteousness, his philanthropic works are filthy rags, and Mary worship won’t save him. His catholic religion will not save him. Neither will Fauci’s. Sorry for my rant! These human hearts are vile before God, as they are before discerning Christians.

Wake up UK Churches. All those of you supporting the masks, vaccines, social distancing, testing are complicit in lying (sin), and murder (sin). Do you think God is happy with your silence? Do you think God is happy that you closed churches based on a pandemic lie? The devil took advantage of your weakness. He came as an angel of light in the disguise of ‘public health’, and most UK churches fell for it, and still believe and push the lies. To be a pastor means to look after the sheep (believers), which requires researching the information that you are telling someone to ensure that it lines up with scripture?

UK Churches like the Church of England, who is your God? Is it the God of the bible or a eucumenical universal saving God who compromises evil in love? The God of the Bible is Holy, merciful, just, hates sin, yet saves whosoever will believe on His only begotten Son, Jesus, who died for sinners, of which we all stand guilty. One sin condemns us, Rev 21:27, so let’s not look at sins as big sins and little sins. Sin is sin. It misses the mark of God’s perfect Holiness, which is required to enter His Holy Heaven.

Parents – are happy to push covid vaccines for children that may possibly sterilise your child?

Parents – are you happy to believe a mainstream media and Government that has been murdering people with its unhealthy immune destroying policies from the outset of this hoax and now will you believe a mainstream media and government that has approved covid vaccines for children? Weekly vaccine adverse reactions from March 2021.

Parents – what was your purpose for having children in the first place? Was it, one day, to inject them with poisons called covid vaccines for children? For what purpose do you agree? Evidence is growing more and more that these so-called ‘vaccines’ are nothing of the sort, nor do they stop infection or transmission, so what is their purpose?

If your tap water with laced with arsenic and the Government told you it was safe to drink, would you not research berforehand what you were actually drinking? It’s exactly the same with your body.

I cannot fathom why anybody would take an experimental poison to go on holiday? Or even take a test that doesn’t even diagnose infection? Why not destroy your child with this evil decision to approved covid vaccines for children.

Anyone who supports covid vaccines for children are complicit in the attempted murder of children. It is murder. It is sin. There is forgiveness available through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, but please people, this evil has to stop. This lady in the video is right. Take off your bloody masks people and wake up and smell the coffee!! Yes, you were lied to. They used applied psychology on your mind because the Government hate you.

Am I your enemy for telling the truth?

The conspiracy is against you HUMAN BEING reading this. The agenda is one of depopulation with the chief being called Satan controlling the minds of those in power. It is important to pray against the spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies, but also to call out evil for what it is. The Government are not the problem. The fight is not against flesh and blood. It is spiritual warfare for souls. It comes down to souls. Jesus died for souls, while Satan will lie, deceive, and kill because he still thinks he can defeat God. He has all of the wealth and power because he governs the world system.

Look past the vaccines. The economy is ready to crash. Prepare for what is coming so that you do not have to panic when that day comes. The Ukraine did not destroy the economy. The Ukraine did not hack the internet of data. The mainstream media have a myriad of lies to tell you, from their father, the devil. It’s never to warn you, it’s never to protect you. It’s always to keep you in fear. Fearful people are compliant people.

Most of all, put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. All of us are separated from God the Father, but God the Son, Jesus, is the mediator between man and God. Our sins have earned the wages of sin, and yet Jesus loved us so much that He died in our place so that we would not experience one second apart from the God the Father. Salvation comes through faith alone in Christ. It is not of ourselves, meaning it is not of works. This is why religion is a deception. It gives people a false sense of security, while the finished work of Jesus Christ is our concrete evidence and assurety that those who trust in the death, burial and resurrection as full payment for their are born again into the family of God, never to be lost, and eternally secure, 1 John 5:13. Meditate on that scripture truth from God who cannot lie, and not on the lying garbage of the world, which is governed by Satan.

God has made salvation as easy as possible. It is mankind that turns the simplicity of Christ into one of  bondage. It is our job as Christians to ensure that people hear the good news about what Jesus Christ has done for them, because the bad news is that all have sinned, and God demands perfection. We need God’s righteousness through Christ. There is no other way. John 14:6. Simple faith in Him COUNTS for the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. What a wonderful gift.


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