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That’s me. I’m Ellie. Don’t feel bad. It’s okay. It was a long time ago. 1962. I just thought maybe you don’t know about me. My parents didn’t want me anyway. The doctor worked with scientists and they took my organs out as soon as I was aborted. It had to be done rightaway because the organs need to be fresh. It’s okay. It wasn’t just me. There were 32 of us. They sent our organs to the United States for the experiments. It was my lung they ended up using. Fetal cell line WI-38. 38 because that’s how much experiments they did on us. Fetal cell lines are used for all kinds of things, like vaccines. Mine was used to make MMR You probably gave that one to your baby. I was one of the first fetal cell lines, but there’s lots more from lots more babies. It’s okay. I just thought maybe you haven’t heard of us.
Hello, I’m David. I was killed a few years after Ellie. It’s okay. The doctor said my mom had psychiatric reasons to not want me. My lung made MRC-5.Five because it took five babies. Perhaps you had my shots. Rabies, polio, chickenpox.
HEK-293 came from me. I’m Johanna. Did you hear about me. They used my cell line just now for the Covid vaccines. HEK Human Embryonic Kidney, but I wasn’t an embryo, I was three months gestation. It’s okay. No one knows how many babies it took for HEK-293, but there was 293 experiments to a lot of babies, and no pain medication. That would ruin the cells. It’s okay.
I’m Jordan. They used my cell line to help with the Covid vaccines aswell. PER.C6. They took my eyes. It’s okay.
I’m Bo. In 2015 China tried something new for me and eight other babies. it’s called water bag abortion. They keep us alive as long as possible so that the organ will be fresh. My lung made the WALVAX-2 cell line. I’m not going to be the last one though. There’s going to be more after me, and me, and me, and me, and me. It’s okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. We just thought you ought to know.
Experiments were being performed on near term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anaesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired they were executed and discarded as garbage. It’s okay.
Ellie – WI-38 David – MRC-5 Johanna – HEK-293 Jordan – PER.C6 Bo – WALVAX-2
Looking for truth on vaccines and fetal cells and DNA
Do the injections contain any of the matter from fetal cells or dna ?
Thanking you