how to remove fluoride from water

You want to know how to remove fluoride from water? Invest in a six litre water distiller. This is not the same as a water filter, as they do not have the capacity to eliminate fluoride. Yes, you will have to continue filling up the water, perhaps twice a day in order to use it for cooking, kettle water, etc, but we’ve been using ours since around March and my hubby’s knee pain from a childhood football injury, which has been chronic on some days, is better. Read about our story here, which also has links to many doctors advising on the benefits of drinking distilled water.

I’ve just watched Part 2 of Debi Evans, Nursing Correspondent at UK Column’s interview with fluoride expert, Joy Warren.

This is the video for part 1.

Visit The Fluoride Free Alliance, which has the link to the Public Consultation paper with the deadline 31 July 2024. Here is a list of references that you can add to your response Fluoride Public Consultation References. I shall be citing scriptures relating to population growth.

Excellent resources at UK Freedom from Fluoride Alliance

It’s disturbing to realise that the majority of people still believe that fluoride is a good thing, that is protects the teeth etc, when the evidence is one of gradual depopulation, always attacking the babies in the womb, just like the NHS’s dangerous advice for pregnant women to take experimental jabs, and to avoid foods high in Vitamin A like liver and cod liver oil.

Pregnant ladies, please check out the Weston A Price pregnancy diet. I did, and it has paid off. Sadly, I could not disclose the diet I was eating to any of the midwives, and was drinking raw milk too (another food the NHS recommends to avoid), and I even prevented possible toxemia, or preeclampsia with mega thiamine therapy during pregnancy. I also had the most basic of ultrasound screenings, as I discovered that anything over three minutes is harmful to baby as shown in this book, and avoided jabs like the whooping cough and C19 ones.

I did write to Dr Berg to request his book to copy, The Natural Way for a Trouble-Free Pregnacy: The Toxemia Thiamine Connection  and upload for pregnant ladies, but he never responded to me, as sadly that book by John B Irwin is out of print.

And SO many pregnancy related websites recommend that pregnant women avoid Vitamin A foods and actually source the NHS in their texts as factual information. Children are being attacked in the womb from inadequate Vitamin A intake, which is so detrimental for their growth, and obviously also from fluoridated water which is used in baby formula.

I wrote to Operation Smile last year, which is a website asking for money to operate on children born with cleft lip, and told them that Vitamin A in pregnancy could prevent this. Prevention is obviously not the solution for them.

Although fluoride may not already be in our drinking water, there is already all sorts of crap in tap water, and most people drink bottled water, but why would you support such an evil company as Nestle.

How to Remove Fluoride From Water

Although this TDS test was done on our previous four litre water distiller, it shows it as zero. We have moved to a six litre water distiller from Make Water Pure, as we had leakage problems with the one from Amazon. It was around £160, stainless steel and has a six litre glass jug, and purchased the carbon filters separately. The TDS testers are available from Amazon for under a tenner.



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