Nina, James Delingpole
James Delingpole 00:14
Welcome to the Delingpod with me James Delingpole, and I know I always say I’m very excited about this week’s special guest. But I think this one is going to be an absolute stunner. I think she’s got a really important message that needs to get out. It’s urgent. Her name is Nina. She works in a doctor’s surgery. And she’s seen it firsthand the truth about people’s reaction to these so called vaccines. So Nina, I’m going to mainly leave all the speaking to you because your story, I’ve heard little snippets of it, is extraordinary. So tell me first of all about the place you work and your background.
Nina 01:00
It’s a large GP practice in the north of England, and yeah we have lots and lots of patients about 20,000. So it’s pretty intense, and there’s easily over 1000 calls a day we’re receiving.
James Delingpole 01:21
That’s a lot. So you get 1000 calls a day.
Nina 01:24
So many. I mean sometimes it’s beyond that. It’s like fifteen 1600 it’s pretty crazy.
James Delingpole 01:32
Your ears must be burning by the end of the day with that many calls.
Nina 01:37
Absolutely. it is the most intense job I’ve ever had.
James Delingpole 01:42
And what are they all? That’s obviously not the normal level of calls? What’s the normal level pre COVID?
Nina 01:50
I mean well Mondays and Fridays are obviously busier. But like mid week 500 would be a busy day.
James Delingpole 01:59
Right? So this is at least double what you’d normally get?
Nina 02:03
Oh beyond, yeah, I mean, all the staff are complete, not just the receptionist but all the clinicians are completely exhausted by the volume of calls and adverse reactions specifically.
James Delingpole 02:17
This is the thing, isn’t it, you’re about to tell me that these calls are not routine calls, these are calls about adverse reactions to the COVID jab that we are told is perfectly safe.
Nina 02:28
Absolutely. I mean, obviously because sometimes it doesn’t necessarily happen immediately. Although with very old people, it does happen very quickly. Mostly because it’s not immediate that they aren’t connecting it. But these are people and I’ve been purposely focusing on patients that were previously well. They may have had an underlying health condition, say asthma or diabetes or something like that, but it was stable, it was controlled, and their health was relatively stable, to suddenly sometimes quite serious decline.
James Delingpole 03:13
And do you know all these people? Not personally, no. I mean I know some of them obviously because you do have people that, you know, phone a lot. So sometimes it is the same people, but I mean, when they first started rolling the vaccine out in care homes, I mean, I noticed that straight away the pretty much like immediate deaths of quite a lot of old people. Really? Yeah. So that’s when I first thought, ah yeah, there’s something not right about all this. I mean, to be honest, I thought it was bullshit before the whole COVID thing. So I was already suspicious of that whole narrative. So then when that started happening, and I was witnessing it, it just kind of changed everything for me. Out of interest, what made you suspicious about the COVID narrative?
Nina 04:10
Well, actually, it was initially just the videos coming out of Wuhan of people collapsing on the streets and things like that. It just looked like total theatre to me. So when everyone was freaking out about that I just took a step back, and as it kind of came over here, I could see that we weren’t getting the volume of calls that we were expecting.
James Delingpole 04:36
Ah, that’s interesting.
Nina 04:38
So I thought we would be completely inundated but no. And I’ve also got quite close connections to people that work in the local hospital, which is like it serves a big northern town and the hospitals were completely empty.
James Delingpole 04:57
Right. So given that that’s the case, why is it that all the people who spoke for the NHS all the doctors and nurses and we saw an interview by the BBC, why do they all come up with a story about how they were being overwhelmed and stuff?
Nina 05:16
I’ve got no idea, I think they scared people to the point where people they were purposely keeping away. So they were cancelling appointments. And they weren’t going to A&E as readily as they were before. So, and I know that firsthand, you know, I often drive around the perimeter of a local hospital, especially now, and there’s nothing going on.
James Delingpole 05:45
Right. So every week, we were supposed to clap for our NHS. And meanwhile, these hospitals that are supposed to be filled with angels working their butts off. This was not strictly true was it, or at least not in your local hospital?
Nina 06:07
No, certainly not. I mean, well they had time for Tick Tock dancers, so that’s how busy they were.
James Delingpole 06:14
Yeah, there were a lot of top quality Tick Tock videos, and of course those things required rehearsals as well.
Nina 06:21
Absolutely, some of them are quite complicated as well.
James Delingpole 06:26
Yeah, I mean, we shouldn’t laugh because acually this is so –
Nina 06:30
– I mean, you’ve got to so James. It’s got to such a ridiculous point now that how can you not?
James Delingpole 06:38
Oh I agree. Dark laughter is the only rational response. I’m fascinated, obviously, I think a lot of lot of listeners will be about what you’ve personally witnessed. Okay, so you said that they started rolling out the so called vaccine, which isn’t a vaccine. And they started in the old people’s homes. So you would have had clients of the surgery in these old people’s homes? Is that right?
Nina 07:12
Absolutely yes.
James Delingpole 07:14
And so what are we talking? Are people dying within days of getting the jab or what?
Nina 07:20
Well, I mean, there was quite a few, you know, like 80 plus that received vaccinations in like, mid January and then within two weeks they were dead.
James Delingpole 07:35
Right. And do you know anything about the health condition of these people? I mean, if you’re in an old people’s home, they’re going to be fairly frail aren’t they, but were these on their way out or not?
Nina 07:48
Obviously not all some were, but they’ve also what I found outrageous was the DNR the Do Not Resuscitate orders that they were slapping on so many people all the care home residents and vulnerable disabled adults.
James Delingpole 08:08
Where were these DNR notices coming from?
Nina 08:12
Well, I mean, they were put on the patient notes –
James Delingpole 08:17
By who?
Nina 08:18
– by the doctor.
James Delingpole 08:20
So the individual doctor who was charged with those patients he or she slapped a DNR on them?
Nina 08:28
Yep and then when they started so when they began to deteriorate in the care homes as a result of the vaccination. They then put them on the end of life care pathway which is Midazolam. I mean that just sees you off so quickly, The amount of times I’ve been, you know, in tears when I’ve come home it’s just really sad and distressing to be a part. And I’m ashamed of being a part of it as well.
James Delingpole 09:03
And tell me tell me why you feel ashamed, what do you think is being done wrong here?
Nina 09:10
Will everything, I mean it’s just the surgery’s just become basically a COVID Health service that’s it, they’re not really bothered about anything else.
James Delingpole 09:23
Is that right? So if I wanted, if I were in your area and I had a, I don’t know, I was about to say a nasty cough but that doesn’t work. But if I had, I don’t know, a gammy leg, they wouldn’t be interested.
Nina 09:40
Well, everyone is assessed over the telephone or video call now. But we do have patients that don’t even have a landline. So what do they do? Because we have shut the doors they can’t get in. So when they do turn up which they do, some of them try to get in, we have an intercom system wnd we were told to tell them to go away.
James Delingpole 10:05
So you’ve had people sick people lurking outside, you’re desperate for treatment, and they’ve been turned away –
Nina 10:12
– Yes yes yes –
James Delingpole 10:12
– by our NHS?
Nina 10:14
By me.
James Delingpole 10:15
By you?
Nina 10:16
James Delingpole 10:16
I can see why that’s personally upsetting for you.
Nina 10:18
James Delingpole 10:19
That’s horrible.
Nina 10:20
So it doesn’t make me feel great, obviously.
James Delingpole 10:23
No. Well, I can imagine.
Nina 10:25
And this is one of the main reasons why I’m doing this now.
James Delingpole 10:30
Well, it’s very brave of you. I mean, I’m going to ask you in a minute why you think more people aren’t speaking out? We’ll come to that in a moment. But I mean, my understanding of when you go to see the doctor, a key part of that process is face to face encounter with examination, which gives the doctor the chance to well examine you.
Nina 10:58
I mean, absolutely, the chance of a misdiagnosis happening is so high. It’s terrifying. And things are getting missed. And obviously, the enormous backlog that the NHS now has. I mean. Its disasterous.
James Delingpole 11:14
Are you well, actually, I’ll ask you about untreated undiagnosed conditions in a moment, but I just wanted to ask you more about the care homes first. So there is very much a propaganda machine, I guess you’d call it, which is defending the NHS denying that the vaccines are anything other than a miracle, nurses are angels, and so on, and so on and so forth. I imagine that people will say, well, it’s just a coincidence that these old people died within what, how many days of the vaccine generally?
Nina 11:53
A couple of weeks, in some cases, obviously, some ongoing deteriorations, which eventually kills them.
James Delingpole 12:04
Right. But generally, what are you finding? How quick is the reaction to the –
Nina 12:10
– well, we’ve had a few, but it was pretty much within 12 hours. But that’s not a common occurrence. So it would be more common for it to be like a week or two weeks. Two weeks seems to be the magic number for some reason.
James Delingpole 12:31
Right? And what sort of when you have deterioration? what’s are the most common reactions to the (inaudible) – – heart problems. For some reason, like infected legs, and like really awful things like that. Headaches, obviously, but like severe, debilitating headaches. Yeah just lots of heart things and also as well recently much more recently because they’ve been vaccinating much younger people. Menstrual problems. What kind of, so obviously this is for the younger people yeah –
Nina 13:11
– no I’m talking about, you know, ladies that have maybe gone through menopause so mid to late 50s, but perhaps haven’t had a period for, I don’t know, five years that suddenly begin to menstruate again. So I mean, that really scared me. I was obviously, cuz I’m a woman, but like, what is it? what is it actually doing?
James Delingpole 13:35
Cos I don’t think it’s that they’re becoming fertile again, is it?
Nina 13:39
No, absolutely not. It’s damage of some kind.
James Delingpole 13:42
Right? How many so at a guess how many of these cases have you had?
Nina 13:46
Oh many many? Don’t forget we have 20,000 patients?
James Delingpole 13:52
20,000? So are we talking hundreds?
Nina 13:54
Yes hundreds.
James Delingpole 13:57
Really, and so you get to hear about this what because they call up the surgery?
Nina 14:02
We have to ask them, you know, well give a brief description as to why they want the call. So we have to take booking notes for that. So that’s how you find out the basic information, and then –
James Delingpole 14:11
So you get all these confidential details with -.
Nina 14:22
– but then I often go back and check after they’ve had the phone consultation, what the outcome was.
James Delingpole 14:30
Why what do you mean, after the, yeah okay. What do they say?
Nina 14:35
Well the doctors obviously, it’s not all patients, but some patients will suggest it was as a result of the vaccine. And that is always noted. If it’s mentioned, but then the doctor will always manage to convince them it isn’t.
James Delingpole 14:55
Nina 14:56
Yeah. So there’s there’s only been, I think, one Yellow Card report from my knowledge anyway, just one.
James Delingpole 15:06
So, just confirm this. You’re saying that hundreds of, presumably you haven’t started vaccinating people below their 40s. So you are talking mostly sort of middle aged postmenopausal women –
Nina 15:23
– yes. And you’re saying that hundreds of them have had sort of periods coming back after they’ve had the menopause. And they’ve gone to the doctor. I can’t imagine that this thing happens normally. And they’ve gone to the doctor, and the doctor has said, this has nothing to do with the vaccine. Yeah.
James Delingpole 15:44
But the doctor, given the doctors have dealt with hundreds of these cases, they must know that what they’re saying is not true.
Nina 15:51
Well, they get paid a lot of money.
James Delingpole 15:56
Yes, what is the deal with that? Am I right in thinking that doctors get a sort of vaccine bonus?
Nina 16:02
Yeah they get money every time they vaccinate somebody.
James Delingpole 16:07
Right. What do they get, do you know?
Nina 16:10
I don’t know individual prices, but I think for the COVID one, it’s probably about I think I read it was about 15 pounds per patient. And it’s I think it’s more actually for care homes, I think that’s about 25.
James Delingpole 16:27
But do you think it’s a fair enough inference to say that the doctors are lying?
Nina 16:35
I would say that that’s what I think they’re doing.
James Delingpole 16:38
Because they, I mean, okay, if you had one or two patients with this problem, you’d think well, it’s a coincidence. But hundreds? No.
Nina 16:48
I think they are just doing what they’re told.
James Delingpole 16:53
And who’s telling them?
Nina 16:55
Well everything that, I think I don’t know because I’m not management, so I don’t get access to that kind of information. But I’m assuming it’s NHS England. And the government directives? I mean, I can’t think where else it would come from? And are you, presumably you’re giving both the Pfizer and the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccines? Are those the two? Yes.
James Delingpole 17:20
And do you find any difference in the responses to these? Or is it much of a muchness?
Nina 17:28
I would say there is more so with the AstraZeneca.
James Delingpole 17:31
More problems?
Nina 17:32
Yeah, much more problems yeah. But generally, they’re all causing problems.
James Delingpole 17:39
Right. So okay, so going back to the other symptoms apart from the disrupted menstrual cycles –
Nina 17:45
– yeah, I’ve noticed as well quite a lot of falls, increased confusion, obviously breathing problems, postvaccination shaking came up quite a few times, chest pains. But also, I think it does something to so we were talking about what it is to ladies cycles and things like that. We also I think it also does things to men as well, lots of prostate things are appearing all of a sudden.
James Delingpole 18:20
Oh really, swollen –
Nina 18:23
– prostate, tumours, cos don’t forget, you know, these people have been vaccinated a lot of them for a few months now.
James Delingpole 18:32
Yes ah.
Nina 18:34
Some since December, in the care homes, that was when we started doing some of those. So, you know, it’s becoming more apparent.
James Delingpole 18:44
So some of these problems are arising months after the vaccine?
Nina 18:48
Yeah. That’s interesting, and in different forms. So you might get headaches at the beginning and then sort of prostate later. Yeah. And also eye problems as well.
James Delingpole 19:01
Nina 19:02
That’s another thing.
James Delingpole 19:03
What kind of eye problems?
Nina 19:05
Just deterioration of sight. Sometimes blindness.
James Delingpole 19:09
You’ve had people go blind?
Nina 19:10
In one eye yeah.
James Delingpole 19:13
That’s quite a big deal. What permanently blind?
Nina 19:16
In one eye, well so far yes.
James Delingpole 19:19
Whoa. Okay, so you’ve had patients –
Nina 19:26
– and this is this is awful, James, I don’t want to say this, but lots of like blood and stools, people that just start soiling themselves for no reason that weren’t doing that before. So the damage is doing it’s not just doing to the heart, the brain. It’s all over. It’s all over.
James Delingpole 19:49
Ah, I really am shocked actually. Are we talking, what sort of age group are we talking or is it across the board?
Nina 19:56
It’s well obviously, initially it was very old, but obviously, that age is now coming right down. I mean, there was a 30 year old lady I spoke with the other day, who very recently, I mean, she’s got some health problems, but not unrelated to what she told me on the phone. So she had the Pfizer one actually, and then the next day she had a massive lump that just appeared on her neck, which is still there. So these are things that are just appearing on people’s bodies, like big lesions, lumps, infected legs. I mean, it’s crazy. And they’re rolling their sleeves up and demanding more, which is the craziest part of it all?
James Delingpole 20:47
Because they don’t imagine that it was the jab that did it, or is it because of the sort of out of a sense of public duty?
Nina 20:55
I just think that I think there’s a little bit of public duty going on, and, you know, that also links in with, you know, the virtue signalling that goes along with being a hero type of shit.
James Delingpole 21:06
Nina 21:06
You know, there’s loads of that going on. But I’ve noticed that in my colleagues, they think they’re heroes, and it makes me sick.
James Delingpole 21:14
Does it? what they think they’re heroes merely for working for the NHS?
Nina 21:19
James Delingpole 21:20
Right, because they bought into the government’s narrative.
Nina 21:23
They’re frightened. There’s very few people that I associate with that think it’s, you know, bullshit.
James Delingpole 21:34
Really, they are all genuinely scared that if you don’t get this vaccine, they’ll die.
Nina 21:40
Yeah. And I thought these were intelligent people. But no, they watch the BBC News. And they don’t do their own research, they’re just blind.
James Delingpole 21:55
Right. Right, so you mentioned the 30 year old woman. Have you had any sort of younger people dying of these vaccines?
Nina 22:09
Not yet, but we’ve not really gone below the 40s yet. So I’m pretty sure we’ll see that soon. But yeah, we’ve had like 43 year olds pass away.
James Delingpole 22:25
I’ll call that young.
Nina 22:27
That is young. Well it’s younger than me.
James Delingpole 22:30
Well, yeah. So you’ve had a 43 year old die?
Nina 22:33
Yeah, 54, 62, 24.
James Delingpole 22:37
Nina 22:38
James Delingpole 22:39
You’ve had a 24 year old die?
Nina 22:41
James Delingpole 22:42
Nina 22:43
I think that person was disabled.
James Delingpole 22:46
Nina 22:47
Like physically disabled in a wheelchair. And their parents thought it would be a good idea to give that poor person this vaccination.
James Delingpole 22:58
And right, and was that disabled person somebody who had a DNR order put on them?
Nina 23:08
Yes, I think I think they did yes.
James Delingpole 23:11
Because this is this is one of the weird. I mean, I’m quite surprised by this. There genuinely does seem to be Do Not Resuscitate labels seem to be attached to disabled people.
Nina 23:22
James Delingpole 23:23
Which is, I’m sorry it’s like something out of Dr. Mengele.
Nina 23:28
James Delingpole 23:32
But do these patients know that they’ve got Do Not Resuscitate things being stuck on to their files?
Nina 23:40
Some do? Some consent to it, especially the older people in care homes. But quite often, there’s been a few cases where the family found out about it, and obviously, they’ve not been happy and they’ve made that clear and they’ve had it removed. And you know, I applaud those families.
James Delingpole 24:06
So the Do Not Resuscitate thing means that what you get put on this kind of pathway towards this and get given the drugs?
Nina 24:14
They basically speed it up, they don’t try to slow it down they just speed it up.
James Delingpole 24:19
Right. Okay. So, you’ve heard, so tell me about some of these, these people under 50 dying. Did they have underlying conditions or what?
Nina 24:33
Well they, obviously that person did that was 24. But there was a 36 year old and a 43 year old that died recently, which I believe was as a result of the AstraZeneca. They both have the same vaccine. And they both got like swollen feet. Then the next thing was they couldn’t walk, then severe headaches, A&E trips with said problems, and then they died in hospital.
James Delingpole 25:10
Did they?
Nina 25:11
James Delingpole 25:12
And what, do we know what they died off?
Nina 25:15
Well, we’ll probably put COVID won’t they?
James Delingpole 25:20
They probably will, yes, they probably will. Well, what I mean is what was the kind? Yeah. And we suspected –
Nina 25:27
– I don’t know, we don’t get access to death certificates. So we don’t really see them.
James Delingpole 25:34
But that’s really frightening, those are young people. And did they? Were they otherwise healthy as far as you know?
Nina 25:41
As far as I’m aware. yeah. They weren’t known to me. So you have like people that phone up regularly that you actually get to know. And these people that have passed away were unknown to me. So –
James Delingpole 25:55
The fact that they both had swollen feet developing after the vaccine seemed to indicate to me that this is not some random thing that appeared from the blue.
Nina 26:03
James Delingpole 26:06
And, okay, so how much of this stuff is being reported to Yellow Card system by the doctors?
Nina 26:16
Well I like said as far as I’m aware 1.
James Delingpole 26:20
Nina 26:21
- And that was because the family insisted on it? They basically said to the doctor, if you don’t do it, then we will.
James Delingpole 26:30
Right. So all the others, give me an idea of the number of deaths there have been?
Nina 26:40
James Delingpole 26:44
Well I suppose in a practice, I mean, that’s –
Nina 26:46
– adverse reactions 1000s.
James Delingpole 26:47
Nina 26:48
1000s and 1000s.
James Delingpole 26:52
And none of these are being reported?
Nina 26:53
James Delingpole 26:56
But whose job is it out of interest to report these adverse reactions and deaths?
Nina 27:00
Well, I mean, anybody can. A member of the public can, can do it, but if you know you’re dealing with a patient who’s, because lots of them have, you know, stated they think it’s as a result of the vaccine. So the patients have told the doctor, that’s what they think it is.
James Delingpole 27:18
Nina 27:19
And the doctor basically reassures them, placates them, convinces them it’s nothing, it’s not connected, nothing to do with it.
James Delingpole 27:28
And do you think that that might have the effect of persuading these people not to report it?
Nina 27:33
Yes. Because people trust doctors. I don’t anymore, obviously.
James Delingpole 27:39
Yes, that must have been an eye opener. I mean, I have to say, I have been through the same process. I’m actually scared of going to see my doctors now because I don’t trust them.
Nina 27:49
No, me neither. And I think we’re right not to.
James Delingpole 27:54
Right. But it’s not as though the medical profession is a kind of magnet for immoral or evil people, is it? Something’s clearly happened to people who presumably became medics out of a sense of vocation?
Nina 28:10
Yeah, I think well not the clinicians aren’t, like the nurses, and you know, at that level, they’re not paid particularly well, but the doctors certainly are. And they like to spend money on, you know, flash cars, and so we’ve got we’ve got, you know, GPs in our practice that are in flashy, you know, big Range Rovers and things like that so they love money.
James Delingpole 28:41
Right. And do you, so there’s you, who else is sceptical in your practice?
Nina 28:52
Only really a couple of others. But none of the clinicians, just my colleagues then that I work directly with really,
James Delingpole 29:03
So none of the doctors and one of the nurses?
Nina 29:05
No. There is one doctor that looks like she’s going to have a nervous breakdown.
James Delingpole 29:09
Nina 29:09
She looks like she might crack.
James Delingpole 29:12
Nina 29:13
But other than that, they all seem to be quite enjoying not, they don’t want it to go back to the way it was before.
James Delingpole 29:21
Cos they don’t have to see see any of the patients.
Nina 29:24
You sometimes go into the room to get like a prescription signed or something like that, and they’ve just got their feet up on the desk, you know.
James Delingpole 29:32
Nina 29:33
Laughing all the way to the bank. Totally.
James Delingpole 29:36
That must be like a horrible thing to see?
Nina 29:44
They all disgust me.
James Delingpole 29:46
Do they? Yes, well, I can see why you’re speaking out. I mean that is really shocking.
Nina 29:54
Yes, and I’ve just had enough James, I’ve got to the point where I just I feel like I’m gonna go mad if I don’t say something.
James Delingpole 30:02
And what do you think? Did they try and persuade you to have a jab yourself?
Nina 30:10
Yes. But I haven’t. You’ll be proud of me, James. I’ve not –
James Delingpole 30:16
– were put under pressure to take the job?
Nina 30:19
Yes. My job was threatened very briefly.
James Delingpole 30:23
And how did the threat disappear?
Nina 30:27
Because I just said that’s illegal, you can’t do that.
James Delingpole 30:29
Ah well done. Yes, that’s a good one.
Nina 30:32
I said that was coercion and if it means that I lose my job, fine.
James Delingpole 30:38
Well done. So has everyone else had the jab?
Nina 30:43
Most of them, there’s only a couple of us that haven’t.
James Delingpole 30:48
And the the other ones that haven’t do they work with you in reception?
Nina 30:52
James Delingpole 30:54
So you’ve obviously talked about this?
Nina 30:55
James Delingpole 30:57
Because there must, well I mean after what you’ve told me, I’m amazed that anybody who works in a doctor’s surgery would get the vaccine themselves. I mean, I do hear that there is some resistance isn’t there among doctors and nurses to take in this thing?
Nina 31:16
Well, not from my perspective, but I know quite a few people that work in care homes.
James Delingpole 31:26
Nina 31:26
And they’re not going for it.
James Delingpole 31:29
And presumably that means they’re going to lose their jobs cos it’s going to be made compulsory, isn’t it?
Nina 31:34
Oh, I didn’t know that. Is it?
James Delingpole 31:36
I think so. I think the government has issued a new edict that it’s made it illegal (inaudible).
Nina 31:43
Right that’s terrible.
James Delingpole 31:43
Yes. And you told me something else about in a previous conversation we had about the effect that these jabs have on people that they become kind of –
Nina 31:47
– different people –
James Delingpole 31:58
– different people. Is that true?
Nina 32:04
Certainly, from what I’ve seen. It’s like neurological damage, that’s the only way I could describe it really. It’s like they’re not as on the ball in their jobs. And they seem very distracted and just not, just different, like talking to a different person.
James Delingpole 32:28
These are what your fellow receptionists or what?
Nina 32:30
No, no, no, the clinicians.
James Delingpole 32:33
The clinicians?
Nina 32:33
Yeah. Well, just to go back to when the vaccination rollout happened for health care workers.
James Delingpole 32:42
Nina 32:43
So they all went and had the job, and they were all off. There was so much sickness.
James Delingpole 32:50
Was there?
Nina 32:51
James Delingpole 32:52
Do we know what, headaches again?
Nina 32:54
Yeah, just like very severe flu like symptoms, but also, one of my colleagues had like a big lump under her armpit. And another one had like a big lump at the site of the injection like a tennis ball.
James Delingpole 33:11
Nina 33:12
And I’m just looking at everyone thinking that they’re all mad.
James Delingpole 33:17
It’s funny actually, I had an example of this. I do this online exercise class. And you see, you know, the person who’s in charge of the class asks how everybody is. And there was somebody who had a really badly swollen arm and itd had been swollen for two or three days. And there was a time when you would show great sympathy for this person with this, you know, that’s not normal. But the very much the attitude I noticed was, Oh, yeah, well, you know, you’ll live with it, soldier on, and I was thinking is there some weird thing they’re putting in the water that’s making us all accept the unacceptable.
Nina 34:09
Yeah, I think everyone’s drunk the Kool Aid apart from us, James.
James Delingpole 34:13
It’s so weird, isn’t it?
Nina 34:15
It is so weird. I feel like an alien because I don’t wear masks, and I don’t socially distance from the people that I love.
James Delingpole 34:25
Nina 34:26
I cuddle them.
James Delingpole 34:28
I hugged my mother when it was illegal to do so. When Michael Gove hadn’t given me permission. That’s the kind of devil may care I am. So, okay, so yep so you’ve seen clinicians, when you say clinicians is that same as a doctor?
Nina 34:50
Doctors, nurses.
James Delingpole 34:51
Doctors, nurses.
Nina 34:52
James Delingpole 34:53
So they obviously did have the job, they didn’t just have a kind of placebo or anything.
Nina 34:57
No, that’s the celebrity vaccine James.
James Delingpole 35:02
Does it exist?
Nina 35:03
I believe so, have you not seen that letter that was circulating on Twitter about two or three weeks ago? Somebody had had the vaccination, and then a few days later received a letter from the surgery saying there’s been some kind of error and you were given a saline solution. So you need to come back and have your proper vaccination. you.
James Delingpole 35:29
I definitely want, I want the celebrity one. I totally will. I’ll even have one of those intramuscular ones you get in your bottom. If that’s the price I have to pay for.
Nina 35:43
Well they were on about anal swabs at one point, so what’s the difference?
James Delingpole 35:47
They were on about, I think that was I think the whole anal swab thing was the Chinese just playing us as they have been throughout this this particular.
Nina 35:56
Yeah mocking us, yeah.
James Delingpole 35:58
Mocking us yeah, how much will the stupid gweilo take before, you know, before they call us out on our bullshit, and apparently, a lot more will take before we call them out? So? Um, well I mean, you must be very unhappy in your job.
Nina 36:15
Yes, extremely.
James Delingpole 36:17
I mean, you must feel a bit like the angel of death having all these people coming in.
Nina 36:22
I just feel like a complete hypocrite because of my beliefs.
James Delingpole 36:26
Well, and what is going to happen? I imagine this surgery is eager now for younger blood. It’s going to be targeting –
Nina 36:37
– absolutely –
James Delingpole 36:37
– pregnant women and children.
Nina 36:39
Yeah, they can’t wait. They can’t wait.
James Delingpole 36:43
Cos I suppose actually 20,000 times say 15 pounds is –
Nina 36:49
– very profitable, yeah very profitable.
James Delingpole 36:51
Yeah. I mean that’s what is that 300,000 pounds?
Nina 36:56
James Delingpole 36:56
Yeah I think it is.
Nina 36:57
It’s a lot anyway.
James Delingpole 36:59
That’s pretty good. And are the patients given any indication that there may be side effects when they come in and take these vaccines? I mean –
Nina 37:11
– no, they are not given full informed consent.
James Delingpole 37:17
Nina 37:19
They tell them that they might have soreness at the site, you know, a bit of a dead arm cold flu symptoms, but that’s it.
James Delingpole 37:29
Nina 37:30
They don’t say, you know, your legs might swell up and your brain might explode. Because if they did, people wouldn’t take it, they’d walk out. Oh and we’ve had a few that have just collapsed as soon as they’ve had it and ended up being taken to hospital.
James Delingpole 37:45
Nina 37:46
James Delingpole 37:48
And is there not any? Surely word of mouth?
Nina 37:54
I know.
James Delingpole 37:56
Is word of mouth not happening?
Nina 37:58
Well, I mean, it is from me. I’m trying to wake everybody up, but they don’t want to listen, I think there’s a lot of cognitive dissonance going on.
James Delingpole 38:10
Yes, what you said at the –
Nina 38:13
– to the point where they’re not even thinking y’know in terms of reality anymore. I don’t think they’re connected to reality.
James Delingpole 38:23
What I was gonna say from what you were saying earlier about, people are genuinely fearful of death if they don’t get the jab.
Nina 38:32
James Delingpole 38:32
I can imagine them coming, like, I don’t ‘t know like sort of hurling themselves gratefully off the cliff like those Japanese on that Pacific island in the war.
Nina 38:43
Oh yeah they love it, then, you know, they’ve had the first one and then they were constantly phoning when am I gonna have the second one.
James Delingpole 38:54
Really, they’re that enthusiastic about it?
Nina 38:56
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
James Delingpole 38:58
Nina 38:59
I mean I was shocked at how many people went for it.
James Delingpole 39:06
Right. And here you are speaking from the north. I’d always thought that the North was a place of –
Nina 39:16
– no nonsense –
James Delingpole 39:17
– robust common sense.
Nina 39:19
Yes. You’d think wouldn’t you?
James Delingpole 39:21
You really would actually.
Nina 39:24
But no, I’m definitely in the minority here.
James Delingpole 39:29
Nina 39:31
But my partner’s on the same page as me which helps obviously.
James Delingpole 39:36
You are so lucky.
Nina 39:37
James Delingpole 39:37
You have no no idea how much division this has caused within families.
Nina 39:42
Yeah I know it’s so sad.
James Delingpole 39:44
It is.
Nina 39:45
It’s so needless as well, that’s that’s what really sticks in my craw because there’s no reason for this to be even happening.
James Delingpole 39:53
Yeah, because what you think the vaccine is unnecessary.
Nina 39:59
Completely unnecessary?
James Delingpole 40:02
Because what you’ve seen is that this is presumably no worse than any other kind of –
Nina 40:09
– I mean, it’s so toxic, I don’t know what the hell is in it. Well, you can kind of find out what’s in it, but is that what’s in it? You know, I even question that.
James Delingpole 40:21
And what happens? Say I was a member of your, what do they call them? Customers no what are they called?
Nina 40:28
James Delingpole 40:28
Patients. Suppose I was a patient at your surgery and you contacted me for the vax, and I said no. What would happen?
Nina 40:38
We just code it as declined.
James Delingpole 40:41
Nina 40:42
And that’s it you wouldn’t hear from us again? But I personally have received many many, I’ve received two letters, four text messages within a few weeks.
James Delingpole 40:56
Are you a patient at your practice?
Nina 41:01
No, no not where I work no thankfully.
James Delingpole 41:04
No. So the the practice where you’re a patient has been much more proactive in trying to get you to take the vaccine?
Nina 41:13
It would seem so we don’t seem to employ such, you know, bully boy tactic, but yeah.
James Delingpole 41:21
And if you’ve turned down the I keep mistakenly call it a vaccine, which it isn’t. If you turn down the jab, do you get a sort of black mark against you or anything or?
Nina 41:35
Well, not as far as I’m aware? I don’t know, you know, what goes on at management level? They could well be I don’t know. But I also know that patients have been turned away from the local hospital for treatment because they’ve not had the vaccination.
James Delingpole 41:54
Is that right?
Nina 41:56
I’ve heard that directly from a person that was declined.
James Delingpole 42:02
And what was their condition?
Nina 42:04
They were having just like the camera down the throat? I don’t know the – – endoscopy that’s the one that, and they basically got there and then they were asked whether as to their vaccination status, and they said, “Oh, I haven’t had it,” so they said “I’m afraid you can’t have the procedure?”
James Delingpole 42:10
– endoscopy – Well, well, well.
Nina 42:30
But I’ve heard a few reports of that from patients on the phone, as well.
James Delingpole 42:38
And what I haven’t asked you about is, has there been a kind of increase in cancer deaths from people who’ve haven’t had their cancer spotted in time, bBecause of, you know, for obvious reasons.
Nina 42:55
Well we don’t get to read the death certificate, you know, the reason for death?
James Delingpole 43:01
Nina 43:02
So I wouldn’t like to say but symptom wise, yes.
James Delingpole 43:08
What do you mean symptom wise?
Nina 43:10
Well, you know the signs of cancer, certain types of cancer, obviously, you know, chest problems, lung cancers, and things like that. Also, lots of prostate problems. And then somebody died quite recently who was in his mid 60s, but he’d had a prostate issue many many years ago.
James Delingpole 43:34
Nina 43:35
Then had the vaccination and it killed him within three weeks.
James Delingpole 43:39
Oh right.
Nina 43:40
So it was like a really aggressive tumour that just returned from 20 years ago.
James Delingpole 43:45
Nina 43:46
James Delingpole 43:46
So that’s another one to chalk up to the vaccine.
Nina 43:49
James Delingpole 43:50
And do you get, suicides seems to be something, there seems to be a few records of this.
Nina 44:00
The mental health problem is off the scale.
James Delingpole 44:04
Is it?
Nina 44:05
The amount of calls we receive from suicidal patients. Also, you know, family members concerned about the relative and their state of mind. And yeah, we’ve had quite a lot of suicides as well.
James Delingpole 44:21
Have you? What more than you’d have in a normal –
Nina 44:23
– oh a lot more. A lot more.
James Delingpole 44:25
Again, what numbers are we talking here?
Nina 44:29
Hundreds again,
James Delingpole 44:31
Hundreds of suicides?
Nina 44:32
James Delingpole 44:35
Nina 44:35
James Delingpole 44:36
How do they kill themselves?
Nina 44:38
It’s normally an overdose and there’s lots of people that are actively trying to kill themselves as well. We have so many people overdosing because we’ll receive A&E reports.
James Delingpole 44:51
Nina 44:51
So obviously, we’re frontdesk we get the mail, we open the mail, we see the mail, so we can see the A&E reports coming in, things of that nature. So yeah, it’s terrifying.
James Delingpole 45:07
What is it that they taking? What are they overdosing on?
Nina 45:12
It’s normally antidepressants so they’re already, you know, maybe suffering from depression, so they’re on medication? Yeah, um, they’ll just either store it or maybe not take it for a little bit and then take too many and overdose purposely,
James Delingpole 45:29
Right? So these are generally patients who have already shown sort of depressive tendencies.
Nina 45:38
But that is huge, the amount of patients that have taken antidepressants is huge.
James Delingpole 45:45
What you mean has it it has it increased in the last –
Nina 45:48
– yes, definitely. Definitely. And people with like anxiety is so bad they’ve not left the house since last March.
James Delingpole 45:58
Nina 46:01
Because say if you had OCD anyway.
James Delingpole 46:03
Nina 46:04
You know, and then this happened, you know, it would push them over the edge in terms of hygiene and not wanting to get bugs or viruses or anything like that. So yeah, it’s exploded.
James Delingpole 46:20
Nina 46:21
And it’s in very young people that as well, that mental health kind of crisis.
James Delingpole 46:27
What age are we talking?
Nina 46:28
Oh from like, we’re even getting, you know, depressed 10 year olds.
James Delingpole 46:35
And are they being given antidepressants?
Nina 46:37
Some. Obviously very mild ones.
James Delingpole 46:43
So the doctors are just churning out these anti depressant prescriptions?
Nina 46:49
Oh yeah. well they’d rather do that than, you know, signpost them to therapy or, you know, something that would actually be meaningful and possibly help you deal with whatever trauma you’ve had in your life which would be a better option, obviously.
James Delingpole 47:06
So there are one or two conclusions one can draw from this, either you are a crank who is determined to slur the good name of our NHS, but actually what you’re describing is completely unrepresentative of what’s going on in the country or this is happening because I can’t imagine that you’re a typical a, or this is happening across the country.
Nina 47:34
It’s got to be it has got to be.
James Delingpole 47:37
So why are people like you so rare? Cos I mean there have been a few whistleblowers, but very few, you know, relatively few given the scale of this. Why is that?
Nina 47:51
I think people have bought the narrative. I also think that most people don’t do their own research. So I think those things coupled together. You know, most people are just fast asleep. But did they just watch the telly? I don’t watch the telly. So, you know, I don’t watch the news. And well, I sometimes have a little listen to it on the radio just to see what nonsense they’re coming out with today. But I generally don’t, you know, don’t pay attention to mainstream media at all.
James Delingpole 48:28
I think it’s certainly the case that almost all the people of our persuasion don’t touch the news. I mean, I don’t watch TV news. I don’t read the newspapers.
Nina 48:40
No, me neither. So yeah, I think there’s just, the people are scared, people are ignorant. There’s also a lot of very stupid people out there that don’t question anything.
James Delingpole 48:59
Yes, but as you said earlier there are also quite a few intelligent people who are falling for this.
Nina 49:06
Yeah, that’s probably more scary, because, you know, you can understand the idiots not knowing, but –
James Delingpole 49:11
– idiots will do what idiots will do. Yes. I mean, very intelligent people who think that they’re gonna die.
Nina 49:16
But they’ve enjoyed, like basking in the glory of, you know, being an NHS hero. I’ve seen it in my colleagues.
James Delingpole 49:33
They’ve actually bought into this?
Nina 49:36
Yeah, I was embarrassed by it.
James Delingpole 49:40
Yeah, have you encountered anyone else in the medical profession you’ve been able to talk to about all this?
Nina 49:52
No. You can’t engage with them. I mean, I’ve tested the water with a few. You know asked a few questions, and they’ve just shut me down pretty much.
James Delingpole 50:09
The last London march I went on, I saw some people some women in nurses uniforms.
Nina 50:16
Yeah I saw those ladies.
James Delingpole 50:18
And I was very impressed with their courage. I presume they were nurses? Yeah, I wish I had time to talk to them, but I imagine that. Are you going to any of the the marches?
Nina 50:33
I plan to? I haven’t as yet, but I do plan to.
James Delingpole 50:40
The 15th I think is a, there are lots of marches all at rallies all over the country. And I must say, I found my experiences at the London rally you come away on a cloud, because you’re know you’re not alone.
Nina 50:56
They look amazing.
James Delingpole 50:59
They are and they’re all such good people. They are they’re just it’s like, if you had to be exiled to an island, these are the people you’d want with you the best.
Nina 51:10
Oh I couldn’t agree more. That’s a brilliant way of looking at.
James Delingpole 51:17
Yeah, well I hope we can bring people round to the cause of truth. So finally, tell me if somebody was considering having one of these vaccines, what would you say to them?
Nina 51:32
Well, obviously I would say, don’t have it, just don’t. Or at least do some research into it first, and then at least you’ll be going in with full informed consent. If you do want to still have it, then at least you’ll know all of the possible risks.
James Delingpole 51:53
Nina 51:54
And I’d also like to plead with anyone that’s doing what I’m doing, or even just adopting or whatever in that industry, to just please come forward and share your story because this cannot it can’t be hidden anymore. What’s happening in GP surgeries and hospitals, they’ve basically just shut the door on everybody else. And people are dying as a result of that, as well as the vaccines. So it’s catastrophic what’s happening.
James Delingpole 52:38
Yeah, it’s not I imagine what you thought you would be doing when you join the NHS?
Nina 52:45
No, no, obviously I did it because I’m a caring, you know, I do care about people and I want to help people, so that’s initially why I chose to do that job. But now I just, I just feel like a complete hypocrite. And it just makes me uncomfortable, and unhappy. Yeah.
James Delingpole 53:09
I’m so sorry to hear that, but thank you, thank you so much for speaking out.
Nina 53:13
No problem James, thank you for asking me.
James Delingpole 53:15
I hope it will be widely shared, I hope. Anyway, good luck. I’m going to turn the tape recorder off now that I’ll speak to you again.
Thank you so much to Nina for coming forward and for your work James to share.
I am, sadly, one of the suckers who had the first AZ jab – under threat of loosing job – and definitely not getting the second one as I had nosebleeds for 3 months after and initial mother of all flu and pain reaction for a week. I work for NHS as a contractor in one of the really huge hospitals so have a lot of insight too. Would be very happy to share my story which will back up Nina in terms of the side effects – periods, lumps and bumps etc. I have autoimmune disease plus CKD so lead very healthy diet life and take preventative vit D etc which I believe has helped me recover.
Sorry to hear that Zdenka. How terrible that you were threatened with the loss of your job. Now that you know, you should raise a claim under your employers insurance firm telling them that you were given full informed consent because if that vaccine damages you in the near future, they are fully liable for you and the protection of their staff as your employer. Consider serrapeptase for your immune disease, which is a wonderful natural anti-inflammatory agent that works fast.