Covid-19 Linked to Face Masks
Maine’s Rise in COVID-19 Cases Linked to Face Mask Use
The U.S. CDC revealed in May, 2020 that face masks do not stop the spread of respiratory viruses. A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal showed how cloth face masks actually increase the risk of catching a respiratory illness. In light of this data, the prolific use of cloth face masks in Maine, and the U.S., could explain the rising COVID-19 case numbers. Links to the documents cited in this video are:
My comments: No surprise really that Covid-19 linked to face masks, as we are not designed to be breathing in carbon dioxide and reducing oxygen levels. It is dangerous for the brain. Yet people continue to believe the Government and mainstream media narratives, believing that they are doing something ‘good’ and saving lives. It’s simply delusional, as there is zero science for face masks. See this article entitled Face Masks Might Actually Increase Infection Risk For Covid-19 by Interesting Engineering, written in March 2020.
People have been brainwashed, and divided into hating those who question the narrative, by a carefully educated group of deranged beings. The scientists that the globalists use are funded by the globalists who have a bias one way agenda helpd by the censoring big tech to vaccinate the world. All they care about is profit and depopulation, and it is linked to Common Purpose, Agenda 21 and 2030 Sustainable Development, which is basically the climate change agenda to ‘save the planet’. UK Governments are no longer serving the people, but the United Nations and other wealthy globalists with their one world order government and cashless society in mind.
At least brave souls like Dr Vernon Coleman actually state the truth of the depopulation agenda, rather than controlled opposition like Talk Radio who get MPs and politicians on there who think the vaccine is actually good news, and they never mention the genocide caused from the lockdowns. It’s okay for MPs and the Talk Radio hosts, they are earning a cushy wage as controlled opposition. They make no mention of the vaccine’s DNA altering technology. Here is the original banned video of Dr Carrie Madje speaking about the Covid-19 vaccine.
I myself have been jabbed as a kid with the MMR and other vaccinations, and if this Covid-19 vaccine was truly a godsend healing vaccine then why are Government not making the vaccine manufacturers liable for any side effects or deaths? Because it’s all about depopulation and control.
I predict the next wave of no win no fee cases (similar to PPI claims) by law firms will be tort law cases by small businesses who have been forced out of business due to the lockdowns from the PCR test fraud. Dr Reiner Fuellmich knows about tort law and tort is any wrong put upon people. We have all been wronged by the insane decisions that the UK Government have put into place. They have all acted on fraudulent science.

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[ tawrt ]


a wrongful act, not including a breach of contract or trust, that results in injury to another’s person, property, reputation, or the like, and for which the injured party is entitled to compensation.
I see it coming very very soon…unless God Almighty in His mercy steps in to remove these power hungry Governments following a non governmental organisational (NGO) agenda of global control, and holds them accountable for these crimes against humanity.

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