distilled water

Distilled water will clean up your body, and you don’t need to buy it in a large jerry can either. Make it yourself at home.  Listen to the many testimonials of doctors who cite the health benefits of drinking distilled water daily. A gallon may sound like a lot ofContinue Reading

dangers of prenatal ultrasound

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to make it clear about the dangers of prenatal ultrasound, because this technology is accepted by the antenatal teams all over the world as safe and effective, and the truth is that no long term studies have ever been done to determine the long termContinue Reading

montgomery toms

I recently listened to this interview, and while this young adult, Montgomery Toms, had much awareness and wisdom from the very start of the Covid fear mongering when he was fourteen, this was a very sad reality to have to face alone, with so much peer pressure to conform. It’sContinue Reading

watch protocol 7

Watch Protocol 7, directed by Andy Wakefield, highlighting the numbers fraud within the Merck  manufacturers of the MMR vaccine. It’s a cam copy, and buffers every two or three minutes, but it’s free to watch. Interestingly, the case is still ongoing after a decade. Heaven knows what more evidence thisContinue Reading

child sacrifice

Video Copyright: Choice42.com TRANSCRIBED That’s me. I’m Ellie. Don’t feel bad. It’s okay. It was a long time ago. 1962. I just thought maybe you don’t know about me. My parents didn’t want me anyway. The doctor worked with scientists and they took my organs out as soon as IContinue Reading


Depopulation. Only 480 people are searching for ‘depopulation’ and then there are 170 searches for ‘depopulation bill gates’. Is this not a sad reality. There are probably more people searching for Lady Gaga makeup than depopulation, because it seems such a dark subject matter, but depopulation is happening right beforeContinue Reading

The Reform Party – you either love them or hate them, but have you even read their manifesto. It beats Labour and the Conservatives hands down. Here are some great reasons to vote Reform, taken directly from their Manifesto: Reform_UK_Contract_With_The_People. Scrap Unnecessary Government Quangos and Commissions. There are over 600Continue Reading