mask bullies

Dear mask bullies of the UK and worldwide, be careful who you are judging when you give abuse toward the people exempt from wearing face masks, or face coverings, as they are now described. Have you experienced mental illness? Have you ever undergone a panic or anxiety attack? What makesContinue Reading

connecting the dots of Covid-19 to money

Connecting the dots of Covid-19 to money – Bill Gates, Deborah R Birx, Anthony S Fauci – all related. Love of money and selfish desires, not a love to help and protect the lives of humans. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while someContinue Reading

Is Not Coronavirus The Strangest Virus Ever

Is not Coronavirus the strangest virus ever? Had to let people know: This coronavirus is the strangest virus I’ve ever heard of. It’s very dangerous in the way it spreads. It is so mysterious the way it lurks in schools, but then dies at Home Depot. It can wreak havocContinue Reading

the corbett report on bill gates

It is by no random chance that Bill Gates and the Covid-19 corruption can make him and the pharmaceutical companies very rich. Covid-19 has been a constant ear and eye-ache for four straight months, and every day, according to the mainstream media and Governments, it just seems to get worse.Continue Reading

Covid-19 Deaths in Hospital

We are hearing all kinds of false statistics by the mainstream media about Covid-19 deaths in hospital, so here are the stats by NHS England. I am going to provide the total number of deaths data sheet, together with a link to the spreadsheet, if anyone wants to look atContinue Reading

use cash

We should use cash as much as possible during Covid-19. It’s so refreshing when I enter a shop that says they accept cash only. I just want to hug them and say, ‘good on you’, thanks for not caving into the demands of these wealthy bankers and forcing people toContinue Reading