total yearly deaths

January 16th and the 301st Day of the covid SCAMDEMIC – Please share this These figures are TOTAL registered death figures for ENGLAND only. In other words, deaths from EVERY category INCLUDING those deaths with the “covid-19” category Note that the December figures are, allegedly, due out on January 28thContinue Reading

event 201

It is no coincidence that Covid-19 came to pass, literally, after Event 201. Listen to the participants that took part in this event by The Center for Health Security, which is linked to  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the John Hopkins University (funded by Gates) and the World EconomicContinue Reading


Article copyright Vaccination Decisions How the World Health Organisation (WHO) Created a ‘Pandemic’ of a Disease March 9, 2020 By Judy Wilyman PhD In 2009 the WHO declared a ‘pandemic’ of a new strain of influenza – Swine Flu 2009. However, in order to create a ‘pandemic’ the WHO/GAVI allianceContinue Reading

applied psychological fear messaging

Please take a look at this Government paper entitled, Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures, dated 22nd March 2020. 25-options-for-increasing-adherence-to-social-distancing-measures-22032020 Here is a snipppet of its applied psychological fear messaging: Persuasion 2. Perceived threat: A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; it couldContinue Reading

adverse drug reactions (ADR)

I have put together a draft letter that you can send to your employer if you have Covid-19 vaccine pressure at work? Feel free to add a liability clause of a certain £__________, as no one should be forced to take a vaccine because of public or staff pressure. WhyContinue Reading

english translation FAQ

English translated FAQ Can private individuals join the lawsuit? Yes, as long as they are entrepreneurs (solo self-employed) with their own business operations. The lawsuit is primarily aimed at the companies affected by the corona scandal, which have therefore suffered and / or are still suffering from a lossContinue Reading

Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery Face mask side effects include lowered oxygen levels This study proved that surgeons that wore a mask in surgery for an hour + had significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation. This is relevant because most of us are being madeContinue Reading

There was a post I published  in August 2020, entitled: Scientific Studies Prove That N95 and Surgical Face Masks Offer NO Protection Against Virus Transmission and Cloth Face Masks Can Increase The Risk of Infection, so some of the study articles that are posted on this blog post may alsoContinue Reading

class action lawsuit international lawyers

Class action lawsuit international lawyers details. Following on from the last post entitled: US Citizens: How to Join the Class Action Lawsuit, here are contact details for the international laywers. If you have lost your business due to these lockdowns, which are down to the PCR test fraud, then registerContinue Reading