astrazeneca Covid-19 vaccine

Article Copyright: Grandmageri The person who made the video embedded below explains that we must read the packaging of this vaccine, and although many words are beyond our vocabulary (Scientific) that we must research each word we read which we do not understand. I encourage the readers to watch this very short video andContinue Reading

the great reset

The Great Reset by the World Economic Forum is no longer hidden. It’s prevalent on advertisements, and likely to be highlighted through the mainstream media in the coming days, weeks and months. The globalists plant these messages subliminally so that it appears ‘normal’ when it finally manifests. If you wereContinue Reading

protect the NHS

Copyright: This Problem During this video, I play short extracts from Boris Johnson’s speeches that he made on the 23rd March and October 31st in relation to Covid-19 and its protect the NHS mantra. As you will see, the data I have provided, courtesy of the official data from ONSContinue Reading


This article is copyright of The UK Column. by Iain Davis Sunday, 11th October 2020 The Covid-19 data and statistics, that we are all now so familiar with, have been reported by the mainstream media (MSM) practically without scrutiny. There have been some notable exceptions; a few journalists who stillContinue Reading


Copyright: Principia Scientific: Proof that the pandemic was planned with purpose Written by Dr James Fetzer A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time weContinue Reading