pfizer safety data

Pfizer safety data they wanted hidden for 55 years. The mainstream media have been lying to you for two years regarding the vaccine adverse reactions, but according to the spell of mass formation, 30 percent of the population are hook, line, and sinker attached to this Government narrative and willContinue Reading

Dan Andrews Free Letter Download: THE LIABILITY AND TORT OF ATTEMPTED HARM AND MURDER VIA MANDATED COVID-19 VACCINATION – feel free to make changes SPEAKERS Pastor Steve Cioccolanti Pastor Steve Cioccolanti  00:08 It’s Pastor Steve Cioccolanti here speaking to you from Melbourne, Australia, and I never thought that I wouldContinue Reading


Article copyright: Bill Koenig’s Eyeview Melbourne, Australia, has become the most locked-down city in the world. Melbourne, situated in the south-eastern part of Australia, used to be called the most liveable city in the world, with its layback and relaxed lifestyle. The nation of Australia has enjoyed stable government, whereContinue Reading

catherine austin fitts

Robert Cibis 0:10 Hello, welcome to new show Narrative. I’m very honoured and pleased to be here with Catherine Austin Fitts. We are in the Netherlands and we’ll discuss today insights into the mechanics of our society, especially through investment and stories. Catherine Austin Fitts 0:30 Yeah. Robert Cibis 0:31Continue Reading

depopulation program

Here is a reminder that the NHS has been using Drosten PCR test at an amplification cycle of 45. This complete new religion called covid has been accomplished through psychology, bribing, lying mainstream media, and corrupt politicians. The bible tells us that the love of money is the root ofContinue Reading


Listen and watch these ‘experts’ contradict themselves. They are liars, deceivers, do not care about public health, and want to kill you. The evil shows through their love of money. Your daily protection is with your mouth and mind in saying the word NO. Sad now that the criminal NHSContinue Reading

Lawyer Tom Renz with the DOD Covid files showing that the CDC are lying. It’s the same here with the MHRA and our corrupt conflict of interest SAGE ‘scientists’. They don’t care about human health, but their God is money and it’s such a shame that so many people continueContinue Reading