dr peter mccullough

SPEAKERS Dr Peter McCullough Dr Peter McCullough  00:00 I’m Dr. Peter McCullough and I’m an internist and cardiologist and academic physician, professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine on the Baylor Dallas campus. I think this whole pandemic, from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I thinkContinue Reading

poison SARS-COV-2 COVID-19 vaccine

SPEAKERS Banned.Videos Banned.Videos  00:00 Well, I’ve seen a lot of strange things today but this is one of the strangest. This is on the WA.gov.au website. This is the Australian Government I believe West Australia. Public Health Act 2016 Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison,Continue Reading

These are the people advising the UK Government. Many have conflicts of interest with Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical industry. These are dangerous brainwashed people who are harming people with their lies. I would even go so far to say that it’s demonic activity that is driving their constant bartering towardContinue Reading

sally beck

Reiner Fuellmich interviews journalist Sally Beck. Interview June 25th. SPEAKERS Reiner Fuellmich, Sally Beck, Vivienne, Viviane Fischer Reiner Fuellmich  00:00 Sorry Sally to keep you waiting. Sally Beck  00:03 Don’t worry. Reiner Fuellmich  00:05 We’re close to our one year anniversary as the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. I think inContinue Reading