dr marc van ranst

A short clip from the UK Column featuring Dr Marc Van Ranst who makes it clear that promoting the deaths of people through the media, which naturally occur annually, can affect the people. SPEAKERS Patrick Henningsen, Dr Marc Van Ranst, Mike Robinson Dr Marc Van Ranst  00:00 I was askedContinue Reading


I have compiled an email list of MPs. Can only send one at a time otherwise the email bounces back. Beside the email address is how they should be addressed. Apologies if there are slight errors in this list / names. A-Z Members of Parliament (MPs) – CURRENTLY IN OFFICEContinue Reading

agenda 21

Rosa Koire sadly passed away on 30 May 2021. I believe this interview was done several months ago. SPEAKERS Spiro Skouras, Rosa Koire Spiro Skouras  01:37 Thank you for tuning in. Today I have a special guest who many viewers have been requesting. My guest is the executive director ofContinue Reading


Article Copyright: Project Veritas  SPEAKERS FB Insider Data Center Technician, Project Veritas, Mario Balaban, Facebook, FB Insider Data Center Facility Engineer, Mark Zuckerberg FB Insider Data Center Facility Engineer  00:00 I have to do something. When it comes to standing up for a world I want my children to liveContinue Reading

bail ins

I wrote this article on bank bail ins in March 2021. This is an interesting video which paints a clear picture of the current fiat currency ponzi scheme that is destined to collapse, with COVID being the “ideal” situation to bring forth their cashless society – a system of controlContinue Reading

mike yeadon

Planet Lockdown interviewed Dr Mike Yeadon in April 2021. Mike Yeadon  00:19 Hi, my name is Dr. Mike Yeadon. I’m a qualified life science researcher. I have a first degree in biochemistry in toxicology, and I have a research based PhD in respiratory pharmacology. And now I’ve worked for 32Continue Reading

james delingpole

This video of James Delingpole interviewing Dr Reiner Fuellmich on 25 May 2021 is a great summary from the start of the investigations and the lawsuits into current events…with more news on the way in two to three weeks, according to Reiner. The successive court cases thus far are spokenContinue Reading


Article copyright: Iain Davis at UK Column The UK Column recently reported a £320 million media buy-in contract awarded to OMD Group, the brief for which was redacted from the publicly available information on the UK government’s Contract Finder website. This represents just 20% of the £1.6 billion in mediaContinue Reading