vaccine financial incentives

These vaccine financial incentive emails were forwarded to the UK Column. Don’t forget, for many people in the healthcare sector, money is their god and why should it be different with this vaccine rollout. Shame them! It is disgraceful for people to have such a focus on money instead ofContinue Reading

health insurance and COVID-19 vaccines

Just been enquiring with some private health insurance firms like Axa and others regarding injury within health insurance and COVID-19 vaccines. Be aware that if you take the vaccine and are injured by it, your insurance provider may not pay out a health insurance claim. There was an official letterContinue Reading


Microbz is a small family business I discovered about five years ago. I was searching for a liquid probiotic drink and found Microbz BioLive, which contains cider vinegar, over 11 various bacteria culture, and various herbs. If you sign up for a quarterly subscription you can save several pounds perContinue Reading