reiner fuellmich

The greatest Nuremberg of all time is on its way (NB: translated from German) 17/02/2021 By Jean-Michel Grau Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich,Continue Reading

This article is copyright of, The Liberty Beacon Below we provide the latest update from key COVID-19 lawsuits from around the world being pursued by international lawyers, including the highly-successful German attorney, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Table of Contents: Status of the PCR lawsuit at the Regional Court of Berlin LawsuitContinue Reading

english translation FAQ

English translated FAQ Can private individuals join the lawsuit? Yes, as long as they are entrepreneurs (solo self-employed) with their own business operations. The lawsuit is primarily aimed at the companies affected by the corona scandal, which have therefore suffered and / or are still suffering from a lossContinue Reading

class action lawsuit international lawyers

Class action lawsuit international lawyers details. Following on from the last post entitled: US Citizens: How to Join the Class Action Lawsuit, here are contact details for the international laywers. If you have lost your business due to these lockdowns, which are down to the PCR test fraud, then registerContinue Reading

class action

UPDATE 4 January 2021:  After translating the contact form, it makes it clear on Dr Fuellmich’s website that the legal representation is only currently open to German citizens. Therefore, I have updated this post to contain the correct data. _______________________ If you are a German citizen who has faced lossContinue Reading

reiner fuellmich

The case is in. Dr Reiner Fuellmich is engaged in a defamation case defending Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and is attacking the PCR test fraud, which is the sole reason for all of the lockdowns worldwide. This next video was likely done earlier than the video above. Finally, this is DrContinue Reading