health insurance and COVID-19 vaccines

Just been enquiring with some private health insurance firms like Axa and others regarding injury within health insurance and COVID-19 vaccines. Be aware that if you take the vaccine and are injured by it, your insurance provider may not pay out a health insurance claim. There was an official letterContinue Reading

vaccine adverse reactions

Update on publication status The Commission on Human Medicine (CHM) has advised that given the end of the Autumn 2022 booster campaign and the stable safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines, the MHRA should transition to routine data publication and communication of safety concerns for COVID-19 vaccines. This report isContinue Reading


Article Copyright: The Richie Allen Show Scientists have discovered that some facemasks currently on sale and being used by the public, contain traces of toxic chemicals including formaldehyde. According to The Mail Online: Preliminary tests have revealed traces of a variety of compounds which are heavily restricted for both healthContinue Reading

vera sharav

Article copyright: who has transcribed interview 44 of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss with German / US lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Vera Sharav of Alliance for Human Research Protection. Noted phrases from the text are: An undercover dictatorship A chilling replay of T4 Masks are an insidious psychological weapon;Continue Reading

Q the great awakening

Article Copyright: Path to the Father The reality of Q the great awakening plan became so clear to me over the past few days – its omission of that word that the world hates – SIN. Take out that word and people do not take responsibility and instead blame othersContinue Reading

Ivermectin is a treatment protocol used by Zev Zelenko, together with hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Ivermectin is a nobel prize winning treatment for a parasite infestations, including the treatment and preventative transmission of Covid-19, according to Dr Tess Lawrie of the Evidence Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd. Ivermectin is not authorised asContinue Reading

plandemic indoctornation

Article copyright: Plandemic Movie The Digital Freedom Platform by London Real exclusively livestreamed what might be the most important documentary you will ever see: PLANDEMIC INDOCTORNATION. Created by the team behind the game-changing Plandemic movie from Mikki Willis featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits that went viral and was banned on everyContinue Reading