Covid-19 Deaths in Hospital

We are hearing all kinds of false statistics by the mainstream media about Covid-19 deaths in hospital, so here are the stats by NHS England. I am going to provide the total number of deaths data sheet, together with a link to the spreadsheet, if anyone wants to look atContinue Reading

use cash

We should use cash as much as possible during Covid-19. It’s so refreshing when I enter a shop that says they accept cash only. I just want to hug them and say, ‘good on you’, thanks for not caving into the demands of these wealthy bankers and forcing people toContinue Reading

rockefeller foundation

I will say outright that this post is not conspiracy. The evidence is here in the two White Papers by the Rockefeller Foundation and one by the United Nations. Both the Rockefeller Foundation and United Nations exist today, but because news like this is not reported by the mainstream media,Continue Reading