poison SARS-COV-2 COVID-19 vaccine

SPEAKERS Banned.Videos Banned.Videos  00:00 Well, I’ve seen a lot of strange things today but this is one of the strangest. This is on the WA.gov.au website. This is the Australian Government I believe West Australia. Public Health Act 2016 Instrument of Authorization – Authorization to Supply or Administer a Poison,Continue Reading

sally beck

Reiner Fuellmich interviews journalist Sally Beck. Interview June 25th. SPEAKERS Reiner Fuellmich, Sally Beck, Vivienne, Viviane Fischer Reiner Fuellmich  00:00 Sorry Sally to keep you waiting. Sally Beck  00:03 Don’t worry. Reiner Fuellmich  00:05 We’re close to our one year anniversary as the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. I think inContinue Reading

eric clapton

SPEAKERS Eric Clapton, Oracle Films Eric Clapton  00:03 I’m Eric Clapton, [a] musician. And I’m here to answer some questions. We could begin but with Brexit and which is what I felt about that is irrelevant, but what I noticed was that there was a lot of trickery going onContinue Reading


Update, thanks to Dr Vernon Coleman. See link and link  I am adding Dr Vernon Coleman’s articles in the comments below.   #ivermectin #hcq #HydroxyChloroquine #thegovernmentislying #AmericasFrontlineDoctors #drsimonegold #drsherritenpenny #drchristinanorthrup #drmikeyeadon #restorecommonlaw #awarriorcalls Dr Samuel White  00:01 Hi, everyone. My name is Dr. Sam, I just want to share aContinue Reading