9 Months+ of Lockdown Insanity in Melbourne, Australia
Article copyright: Bill Koenig’s Eyeview Melbourne, Australia, has become the most locked-down city in the world. Melbourne, situated in the south-eastern part of Australia, used to be called the most liveable city in the world, with its layback and relaxed lifestyle. The nation of Australia has enjoyed stable government, whereContinue Reading
The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Society – Dayz of Noah Part 1
The digitalization of society is growing fast, and it’s called the fourth industrial revolution that the World Economic Forum speaks of. It’s already available on the UK Government website. This is all linked to Agenda 21. This is a great video by Dayz of Noah discussing smart cities, the internetContinue Reading
Virus Protection Spike Proteins & the Power of Fulvic / Humic Acid
Article Copyright: Organic Black Oxygen What are Spike Proteins? Spike proteins allow viruses to penetrate host cells and cause infection. Viruses must break into our cells to set up an infection. It gains entry using the now notorious spike protein but, typical of viruses, it must hijack our own biologyContinue Reading
COVID-19 Vaccines are Cell and Gene Therapy FACT
COVID-19 vaccines are cell and gene therapy. FACT. Straight out of the horses mouth, that horse is Bayer executive Stefan Oelrich. Stefan Oelrich 00:00 I think this is really important also for these latitudes here. And for us, therefore, we’re really taking that leap, us as a company Bayer, inContinue Reading
Masks are Destroying the Development of Babies
Right from the start of the massive covid fraud it was patently clear that masks were unnecessary and were, indeed, certain to do far more harm than good. Indeed, back in the spring of 2020, government advisors around the world all agreed that masks weren’t necessary and were, indeed, nothingContinue Reading
Young Athletes Post Vaccine Injury or Death
Article Copyright: Reddit Young athletes post vaccine injury or death collapsing in 2021 with heart issues. Please add any other cases that you know of in the comments section. These murderous occultists can weave whatever magic they want through the mainstream media that they own to CONTROL YOUR MIND toContinue Reading
HCQ For Covid-19
Original content: C19HCQ.com To access the database to HCQ for covid-19 studies, click here.Continue Reading
Catherine Austin Fitts – Mafia of the Powerful #cashfriday
Robert Cibis 0:10 Hello, welcome to new show Narrative. I’m very honoured and pleased to be here with Catherine Austin Fitts. We are in the Netherlands and we’ll discuss today insights into the mechanics of our society, especially through investment and stories. Catherine Austin Fitts 0:30 Yeah. Robert Cibis 0:31Continue Reading
Dr Byram Bridle on the Danger of the Spike Protein in COVID Vaccines
Dr Byram Bridle 0:00 There’s a couple of key pieces of scientific information that I’ve become privy to just within the past few days, that has made the final link. So we understand now, myself and some key international collaborators, we understand exactly why these problems are happening, and manyContinue Reading
PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program
Here is a reminder that the NHS has been using Drosten PCR test at an amplification cycle of 45. This complete new religion called covid has been accomplished through psychology, bribing, lying mainstream media, and corrupt politicians. The bible tells us that the love of money is the root ofContinue Reading