
Listen and watch these ‘experts’ contradict themselves. They are liars, deceivers, do not care about public health, and want to kill you. The evil shows through their love of money. Your daily protection is with your mouth and mind in saying the word NO. Sad now that the criminal NHSContinue Reading

Lawyer Tom Renz with the DOD Covid files showing that the CDC are lying. It’s the same here with the MHRA and our corrupt conflict of interest SAGE ‘scientists’. They don’t care about human health, but their God is money and it’s such a shame that so many people continueContinue Reading

defeating the enemy God's way

My latest video was removed from YouTube this morning, and I have a strike so cannot upload any more videos for a week. Three videos have been taken down thus far. I’ll upload to my Bitchute channel. The suppression of the truth for a lie makes me angry, but itContinue Reading


Excellent analysis from DayzofNoah on the conditioning that is happening to our children, and the permanent detrimental effects this will have on this generation. SPEAKERS Eva Pilgrim, DayzofNoah, Child Abused in Mask, ABC News, Bill Gates, Dr Anthony Fauci, Interviewing Fauci ABC News  00:00 From Pfizer, the company now sayingContinue Reading

TV advertising on main roads will lead to tragedy

You heard it here first. TV advertising on main roads will lead to tragedy. According to the road laws, is it not a criminal offence to use a mobile phone while driving? This includes physically texting, physically answering a call, or whatever else? Is it not a criminal offence toContinue Reading

COVID-19 vaccines and autopsy

COVID-19 vaccines and autopsy, informative video by the White Coat Summit of Ryan Cole, MD. The spike protein which the ‘experts’ state remains in only the arm actually travels to various parts of the body to cause damage, as seen in these autopsy pictures. Why would a supposed anti-viral vaccineContinue Reading

antigen test fraud

Real time evidence of the antigen test fraud. For those of you who are totally in line with the COVID-19 narrative, which is all based on fear, pseudoscience and massive conflicts of interest between the Governments, phamaceutical industries, and non governmental organisations. The TESTING is the scam. The PCR tests,Continue Reading

MHRA conflict of interest with bill gates

MHRA has conflicts of interest with Bill Gates and his foundation, as seen in this Freedom of Information request (FOI-21-509) dated 28 June 2021. The Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency is supposed to be protecting people, but instead it receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, andContinue Reading