Reiner Fuellmich Update – August 2021
Reiner Fuellmich Update – August 2021 (23) Reiner Fuellmich: Dear fellow citizens all over Germany. Today the new Federal Government met for its third session. My aim is to ensure stability and continuity in the crisis, at least in the narrative while many other things will and have to change.Continue Reading
Stand Strong – Employees Know Your Rights From ACAS
Article Copyright: The Light Paper Issue 7 Page 5, ACAS In these times of uncertainty regarding job security it is to be expected that employees who are forced to comply with mask wearing, covid testing and vaccination reluctantly and unwillingly do so in order to keep their jobs. Many areContinue Reading
Conflicts of Interest by Cignpost Promoting a New World
Look out for the by Cignpost advertisements that are being played frequently, promoting the fraudulent testing for travel. Go to their website and you will see that they call the RT-PCR test a ‘gold standard’. What did Kary Mullis, who died months before COVID-19 emerged, say: If they couldContinue Reading
We are in a Backward World
The nonsense over the past twelve months highlights the backward world that we are living in. Evil is called good and good is called evil, Isaiah 5:20. I cannot believe the level of brainwashing that has taken place, not only on people, but also companies, and now airlines. Just sawContinue Reading
Studies on Hesperidin and Baicalein
The content entitled studies on hesperidin and baicalein is protected, so rather than copy, paste, and add a link back, I shall provide you with the password 12690 where you can access the research links on Hesperidin. It is over the counter and prevents spike attachment without side effects. HereContinue Reading
This firm is fighting mandatory COVID-19 vaccines with legal filings and warnings
Article copyright: ABA Journal The New York law firm Siri & Glimstad is fighting mandatory COVID-19 vaccines with litigation and warning letters dispatched to schools and employers. The Washington Post has a story on Siri & Glimstad’s efforts and arguments—partly funded by the Informed Consent Action Network, a Texas-based nonprofitContinue Reading
Biblically Discerning Series What in the World is Going On
An excellent biblically discerning series entitled What in the World is Going On, on the COVID lies by Pastor J B Hixson of Not By Works Ministries. Each video is very thorough that gives quotes of eugenists and their plans for depopulation etc. This is as real as god isContinue Reading
Miguel Escobar Boldly Speaks Against COVID Protocols to the School Board
SPEAKERS Miguel Escobar Miguel Escobar 00:03 Hello, board members. My name is Miguel Escobar, and first I would like to thank everybody who partakes in the district in giving your time for our children. I am a physician assistant and I’ve worked in healthcare for over 15 years. I haveContinue Reading
Dr Peter McCullough on COVID Vaccines
SPEAKERS Dr Peter McCullough Dr Peter McCullough 00:00 I’m Dr. Peter McCullough and I’m an internist and cardiologist and academic physician, professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine on the Baylor Dallas campus. I think this whole pandemic, from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I thinkContinue Reading
Notice of Liability COVID Vaccination Letter
Download this notice of liability COVID vaccination letter, which is a public service. My friend was threatened with a section if she did not take the second Pfizer ‘vaccination’, so I wrote her this letter to give to the vaccine centre, and to her GP. This was in May 2021.Continue Reading