Is It Safe For Non-Vaccinated People To Marry And Have Children With Vaccinated People?
Brother James of Ex Catholics for Christ asks Is It Safe For Non-Vaccinated People To Marry And Have Children With Vaccinated People? Excellent video covering the book of Jude verses 20-25. We are not yet in the tribulation period, and those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour will beContinue Reading
Harassment for the COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Headquarters 225 Old Street Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire OL6 7SR Dear Sir or Madam COMPLAINT OF HARASSMENT FOR THE COVID-19 ‘VACCINES’ I am writing to raise a complaint for repeated harassment for the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’. I first received my invite for the AstraZeneca on 3Continue Reading
‘VACCINES’ Medical Misinformation Advertisement
To: Advertising Standards Authority, MHRA, NHS, Rochdale Council, Chris Clarkson MP, Rochdale Health Alliance Dear Sir or Madam ‘VACCINES’ MEDICAL MISINFORMATION ADVERTISEMENT IN ROCHDALE TOWN CENTRE I am writing with complaint at the ‘vaccine’ advertisements clearly promoting medical misinformation promoted by Dr Mo Jiva, Rochdale Council, and the NHS Heywood,Continue Reading
How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?
Article Copyright: Dr Vernon Coleman Please share this very important article with everyone you know. Also, please help save lives and send this article to hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, care homes, schools, newspapers, journalists, etc. No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they willContinue Reading
The COVID Psyop and Timeframe
We know that the lock downs planned throughout inevitably came through the COVID psyop and its various documents, collective medias, and worldwide propaganda into the vaccine rollout that we see today. Who knows what the vaccines are going to do to people long term, but the UK Gov’s MHRA don’tContinue Reading
The Ten Steps of Mind Manipulation
Article Copyright: The Light Issue 9, page 3 and Dark Moon The Ten Steps of Mind Manipulation According to recent research into the ‘illusory truth effect’, it is relatively easy to brainwash people into believing a lie even after they know the truth. This is done simply by repeating theContinue Reading
The Reality of COVID Vaccine Transmission
A short post on the reality of COVID vaccine transmission. I thought this talk of COVID vaccine transmission was just fear being spread amongst those of us who speak against the fake pandemic, which is only ongoing because of the mass testing. Read Dr Wolfgang Wodarg’s interview on Planet Lockdown.Continue Reading
Wicked Evil Celebrities Promoting Poison COVID-19 Vaccines
Am deeply saddened by the wicked evil celebrities promoting the poison COVID-19 vaccines, hate the censorship. I’m angry at propaganda like this and promoted by cold hearted politicians like Matt Hancock. All they care about is money. All they care about is profit. They are of the devil, the fatherContinue Reading
The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier – Dr David E Martin
Article copyright: Foreign Affairs Intelligence Council BACKGROUND The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier document is prepared for humanity by Dr David E Martin. Over the past two decades, my company – M·CAM – has been monitoring possible violations of the 1925 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating,Continue Reading
Fuellmich: Stiftung Corona Ausschuss Special Session International Legal Offensive Part 1 Interviews – Transcribed
23 April 2021. Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews many international lawyers and asks if there are special situations that need special attention in any one of the countries who they are going to talk to. There is a close cooperation between the lawyers in Germany, the Italians, the French, the AustriansContinue Reading