Covid Vaccine Dangers

Article and video copyright: SGT Report. This is a public service announcement for humanity. Do you understand what an mRNA vaccine is, or what it is designed to do? Do you know that courageous Doctors around the world are risking their careers to try to tell you the truth aboutContinue Reading

covid-19 vaccine

Vital Information about the Covid 19-Vaccine Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA Imagine this. A man and a woman get into a car. The woman sits in the driving seat. The man in the passenger seat. The woman is taking her driving test and the man beside her isContinue Reading

Covid-19 Linked to Face Masks

Maine’s Rise in COVID-19 Cases Linked to Face Mask Use The U.S. CDC revealed in May, 2020 that face masks do not stop the spread of respiratory viruses. A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal showed how cloth face masks actually increase the risk of catching a respiratory illness.Continue Reading

The United Nations has been the key institution in setting the stage for a global “Great Reset” devoted to global management of human society and of markets. Original article: National Implementation of Agenda 21 PDF TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – United Nations PDF  Continue Reading