Sustainable Development Agenda 21 Explained
Awesome video on Agenda 21 explained by Jerm Warfare, interviewing Justus Killian. One of the greatest threats to our freedom might be a United Nations program which plans to depopulate 95% of the world. The name of this plan is Agenda 21, and it was developed by the United NationsContinue Reading
Face Mask Wearing While Driving – Letter to DVLA
I think face mask wearing while driving is absolutely insane, as the reduced levels of oxygen can lead to lowered concentration levels, which in my opinion equals dangerous driving. Here is my letter to DVLA. I expect no response. I wonder whether vehicle insurance companies would void an insurance claimContinue Reading
Coronavirus and the Protect the NHS Lie
Copyright: This Problem During this video, I play short extracts from Boris Johnson’s speeches that he made on the 23rd March and October 31st in relation to Covid-19 and its protect the NHS mantra. As you will see, the data I have provided, courtesy of the official data from ONSContinue Reading
Covid-19: The Data Exposing the Deception
This article is copyright of The UK Column. by Iain Davis Sunday, 11th October 2020 The Covid-19 data and statistics, that we are all now so familiar with, have been reported by the mainstream media (MSM) practically without scrutiny. There have been some notable exceptions; a few journalists who stillContinue Reading
Fact Checking the Fact Checkers – BANNED BY YOUTUBE
This fact checking the fact checkers is a compilation video, which was banned by Youtube. I decided to make this video after its first video of the firefighter testing oxygen levels whilst wearing a variety of masks was marked by Facebook as false. I decided to fact check the factContinue Reading
COVID-1984 FOI Request | UK Government Admits Virus Doesn’t Exist
Copyright While preparing the court papers for the Private Criminal Prosecution of MPs for pandemic fraud, we have discovered that the office of the secretary of state for mandatory vaccinations has now admitted in a Freedom of Information Request [FOI] that they have no records which show that theContinue Reading
ITV Psychologist Emma Kenny Says Children Traumatized with Covid PTSD
Covid PTSD? Ever heard of it? ITV psychologist, Emma Kenny says that the children’s charities are treating children who have Covid PTSD, caused by the draconian and inhumane restrictions that have been put onto UK Citizens by the UK Governments since March 2020. Children should not be forced to wearContinue Reading
Dr Mike Yeadon Believes The Covid-19 Pandemic Ended in Summer 2020
Former Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer Global, Dr Mike Yeadon, believes the Covid-19 pandemic ended in summer 2020. Watch this very informative interview. He has also written an educational article on the PCR Tests entitled Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics –Continue Reading
Proof that the Pandemic was Planned & With Purpose
Copyright: Principia Scientific: Proof that the pandemic was planned with purpose Written by Dr James Fetzer A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time weContinue Reading
An Urgent Message to UK Pubs Forced to Close Because of Coronavirus ‘Cases’ JOIN FORCES
This message is urgent and for all UK pubs, as all will be attacked over the coming days, weeks, months due to coronavirus ‘cases’. I would encourage you to investigate the demands that your UK Government is placing on you to close your pubs because of coronavirus cases. The mainstreamContinue Reading