Aussie Farmers Protest Against Renewable Energy Plans
Aussie Farmers Protest yesterday in Ballarat. The MSM reports they are protesting renewable energy plans that will impact their farmland.Continue Reading
Parents, Protect Your Children from Covid-19 Vaccines
The evil grows day by day. If you do not yet have your eyes open to the demonic influence in the world, will it take a dead child to wake you up from your slumber, parents! Parents, protect your children from covid-19 vaccines. THEY ARE NOT SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. TheyContinue Reading
Medium COVID-19 Content Policy – Another Masks, Virus, Vaccine Lobbying Harmful Publication
I know, because I had my publications removed by this fascist online publication. Here is the Medium COVID-19 content policy in full. Get a bag ready to heave into. The level of masks, virus, and vaccine lobbying and making out that the CDC, WHO and other ‘experts’ are the onlyContinue Reading
WHO World Health Assembly – James Roguski & CHD
James Roguski Substack. Leave the WHO Get your opinion across to the WHO on 16th / 17th June. Here is a brief summary of what happened: On January 18, 2022, the Biden administration proposed amendments to the World Health Organization. On May 31, 2022 I published THIS ARTICLE toContinue Reading
The Truth About Partygate That Everyone Seemingly Ignores
Article Copyright: If you believe the mainstream media—which, unfortunately, it seems most people do—you could be forgiven for imagining that the most pressing issue surrounding so-called Partygate is that the Government “broke the rules”. Irksome though this rule-breaking is, however, it is neither unexpected nor unusual. Throughout history, politiciansContinue Reading
The WHO Pandemic Treaty: The Beginning of Global Governance
Article Copyright: RAIR Foundation The World Health Organization is about to commit a global health governance power grab, and unless we want a post-democratic world government, we need to stop them and warn the world about what will come. The globalists that brought us the wildly exaggerated COVID plandemic toContinue Reading
Grand Jury Day 5 – Economical & Financial Destruction for Sustainable Development
The last thirty minutes seem to be heavily focused on spiritual awakening, which is the same lie that Satan told Eve – ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil. I was delivered from new-age religion many years ago. It is a false light. The only true light isContinue Reading
#DontYouDare WHO
Article Copyright: James Roguski #DontYouDare. The United States has proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations which will be voted on by the World Health Assembly scheduled for May 22-28, 2022. Backup video: This is the fourth article in this series. Pandemic Treaty The People’s Treaty Speaking Truth ToContinue Reading
David Vs Goliath for Disability Discrimination Cases
Should disability discrimination for face mask exemptions be allowed to continue as the David vs Goliath disability discrimination cases that they are forced into when there is an abundance of lawyers/solicitors in the UK, but who are too cowardly to support Litigant in Persons during the claim process? Kester DisabilityContinue Reading
We Have Eight Months – Dr Vernon Coleman
Article Copyright: It’s April 2022, this is video number 308 and the shocking news is that the Great Reset is no longer just a nightmare for us, and an aspiration in the toxic minds of a bunch of the most evil conspirators ever known. The Great Reset is nowContinue Reading