7-year tribulation

There is no movie that I know of that shows the realistic portrayal of the coming 7-year tribulation found in Revelation that will take place here upon earth. However, through careful editing from various movies, someone has put this excellent realistic portrayal of this terrible time. The only doubt IContinue Reading

If you are searching for Anthony Fauci Email, here it is: anthony.fauci@nih.gov Dr Anthony Fauci slandered hydroxychloroquine and its early protocols to treat Covid-19 and is therefore a liar and killer. In the UK, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are not available to buy in the pharmacies. A cheap treatment that hasContinue Reading

Covid-19 AG card

So, I searched for Abbott Covid-19 AG Card, as shown in this video, on DuckDuckGo, and it took me to this PDF BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card – Instructions for Use (fda.gov). The images are not clear in the video, so I can only assume the man in this video receivedContinue Reading

remove graphene oxide

Article Copyright: Knowing The Truth Of course this is the stuff everyone is asking about and a big thank you to Ricardo Delgado at La Quinta Columna  (the site is in Spanish, but there is a translation tool into English) for sharing his experience with this. FINAL_VERSIÓN_CAMPRA_REPORT_DETECTION_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES (1) Supplements thatContinue Reading

world governments

Were you aware, world governments, that you are ordained by God, God’s ministers? Therefore, you will all have to give account to God for the decisions that you made, whether good or bad. You are in positions of power to serve the people, not yourselves, and most certainly not toContinue Reading